Clarity on a 4 card reading, if you please

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Clarity on a 4 card reading, if you please

Post by blisseanonyonatu » Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:32 pm

Hi!  I am new to this forum.  I was searching online for a board to help me interpret a reading I had given myself.  When I do a reading or myself in the mornings, I just allow an image to pop in my head of how many cards and shuffles and do so accordingly.  I feel I've never had a reading that was confusing, always helpful.  While this reading was not confusing, it was more so a like something I was not expecting?  Or maybe i should say came as a surprise because i pulled the Tower Card- a card that has come up in my life repeatedly in one specific time of my life about 2 years ago.  But literally, not since then.  It is an intense card!  
I usually have a loose feeling on what the card placements will mean so for a 4 card reading it's like : 1.presenty 2. action to be placed or what action is currently being placed 3. out come or general feeling/demeanor 4. Extra card for further insight.
I'll tell you the cards, and if you'd like to know the question i had in mind, i will say so if you wish:
1. Empress
2. Two of Wands Rx
3. The Tower
4. Hermit Rx

 I appreciate any insight on this, humbly.  Thank you for your time!

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Post by Payewacker » Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:18 am


We can't really give an interpretation for you. However, I can give you my notes on the cards, and perhaps you can derive an explanation


When we look at the Empress, and her representation, our thoughts immediately go to an “earthly person” A woman closely associated with growth, fertility and the understanding of how existence works in harmony. In essence, we also need to understand, that nothing is strictly compounded. This we see in the move, from the High Priestess to the Empress. The vestment of the Empress is the Link to the High Priestess. Considering this, we see that the Empress is the door into this World, the faculty of life and how it is interacting in the spiritual and physical world we have. The High-Priestess is the Spiritual “Oracle”, where the Empress brings the esoteric knowledge to the physical world, in applying her knowledge and understanding more practically.

The Empress is the female aspect of the Emperor; she has the understanding of how things fit together in her Sphere of existence. She brings life, understanding and fertility to the Emperor. She is also the one who ensures harmony and protection in the Home.

Because she understands the intricacies of this World and we, who inhabit it, she serves as a mediator to ensure a harmonious environment.

Understanding, Fertility, Abundance. Harmony. Practical potential.

Two of Wands (Reversed)

Meaning: “The opportunity to succeed, patience”

Here we see the opportunity to succeed. This is a card of careful planning. The spark, undirected, starts taking form. However, don’t expect success now. You need to wait; success is on the horizon, boldly plan new projects. One thing you need to remember, the success you will receive might be tainted with unhappiness. In essence you are taking that which you have, planning and considering your future with new possibilities of success. What returns, might be a real surprise.

You are going to be or have been presented with a wonderful idea, promise of riches, fame and glory. Something to good to be true, unfortunately it spells disaster for you. Your mindset and approach was or will be creative but no matter what you do, you won’t make it. Your investment will be lost. A partnership you entered into or will, has not got the solid foundation to be stable and profitable. The maturity or experience you have, lack the necessary hindsight.

The Tower.
This card follows from Arcanum Fifteen, The Devil. The purpose of your path toward spiritual enlightenment is to become like God. But, says the Tarot, you don’t become like God simply by having power over the material plain. If you are tempted by the possibilities in controlling this world instead of striving for wisdom and spiritual growth, you will lose all you gained. The reason for the disaster is not because you developed great powers, but because you misused them. It is destruction resulting directly from your own lack of understanding and good judgment, and/or from the misuse of your own free will.
The Falling Tower can represent actual material loss as in finances, relationships, prestige or personal influence. It can also be understood as a warning that your powers are not as great, or your understanding of them as complete, as you believe. In this sense, it illustrates the disaster which can and will happen to those who use magick without understanding its true purposes, the destruction of the person who plays with powers beyond their control or understanding.
In the spiritual sense, The Falling Tower symbolizes the result for you if you take the path the Devil offered- even though, in this case, you strike out on your own to do it.

That which you have built is ending in disaster. In most cases, these disasters could have been avoided or prevented had you acted wisely to begin with. If you act wisely now, you may be able to alleviate at least some of the problems about to occur.

If this card represents you, you’ve overstepped yourself and are about to pay the price. But, even in this case, it is not a punishment for hubris. It is disaster resulting from the fact that you believed you had the powers or authority that in fact you don’t, or because you used your powers or authority unwisely or for the wrong reasons. In simple terms: you blew it, and your resulting downfall is your own fault.

The Tower also indicate, that you have built a strong foundation. Should the entire building collapse, the possibility of building a new one is so much greater.

The Hermit (Reversed)

The Hermit teaches that there comes a point in your spiritual self-development when you must withdraw from the temptations and demands of civilization and go into the desert to search your soul for the meaning of your own existence, and to find God. The Deity cannot speak clearly to you when you’re distracted by the demands of day-to-day existence. The search for truth must be pursued alone. This is as much a search for Self as for God, but the imagery suggests that you will receive divine inspiration in your search, if it is an honest one. The lantern represents your knowledge and understanding, which you must use to light your way in your search. The staff may be understood as God, a strength you can lean on to keep you steady throughout your search, and protection against enemies you may meet on the way. Leaving behind the trappings of civilization and seeking only for the truth, the Hermit allegorises the experience of self-examination.

As Arcanum eight depicts Justice in it’s pure form, Arcanum Nine is a search for truth in it’s pure form, uncorrupted by ideologies, preferences, or needs. If this card represents you, then you are going through or a re about to go through, a period of self-examination. This will be a time when you re-evaluate your life, your associations, and your goals.

Deception, lies, misinformation. Corruption, concealment. Misguided ideals. Disguise or even fraud.

Blessed be

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