General Reading

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General Reading

Post by greatman05 » Tue Nov 01, 2011 2:21 am

Hello. I just recently left my partner of ~7 months (It was about a month ago that I ended it). It was a very bad and abusive relationship and I'm glad to be out of it. I'm also going to counseling for it soon, so that should help me out a lot. My main question is just what you guys see happening for me in the next six months. I have many goals I'm trying to accomplish, but I don't know if I can really attain them with the resources I have available to me currently.

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Cascade of Light
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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:51 pm


It is nice to see that you have now taken matters into your own hands and are going for counselling, it will help in lots of different ways, and especially after a bad relationship. Take things slow and it won't be long before you feel back to your old bouncy self again. Try and take things easy, taking special care of yourself, stay warm and cosy and even spoil yourself a little.  

Having goals is a brilliant step forward. Sometimes deciding or choosing our goals and aims are the hardest part of life. All you need now is a little determination and hardwork and I am sure that things will take a turn for the better. The next six months brings us to Spring time, a time of new beginnings and of the return of longer days and shorter nights so the energy dynamic changes and this affects our moods and emotions too.  Goals are all about the future and really the further ahead we look the more varied the options may be. One thing is for certain I have no worries or concerns over you taking hold of your life and building it up again bit by bit so that it will withstand anything life can send at it. Just don't be afraid tha slightly bend the rules when it comes to the crunch, if it lets you get what you want then it is worth all the effort and hard work.

You have a full moon coming up on the 10th November and that may be a time to make sure you are on your toes as the energy will be extra strong for Geminis and may make them feel alittle giddy or unwell. Try and be patient when it comes to December though as this is the beginning of the run up to the festival and holiday time and can cause minor setbacks emotionally if you allow yourself to dwell on the past.

A short message from your angels too is one that fixes on pride. You did nothing wrong you can hold your head high and be proud of who you are.

Cassie :)

Posts: 17
Joined: Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:43 pm

Post by greatman05 » Sat Nov 05, 2011 3:49 am

Wow...that's really cool! Thanks! :D

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