need help with spell to go back in time

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need help with spell to go back in time

Post by elliephant » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:13 pm

I first would like to make it clear that I have never performed any magic before and I don't think that I would be able to. I need help in performing this spell and desperately need someone to perform the spell for me.

What I would like to do is go back in time exactly a year from today. I want to relieve the entire past year but keep the knowledge of what originally happened while having the option of changing it. I want to relieve the entire past year and be able to say and do the same exact things again but have the option of knowing what happened in the past and changing it as I like. Now I know that it is probably dangerous to do this which is why I need help. I'm not afraid of the consequences I just need someone who is willing to help me.

If no one is able to help me with this, could you please tell me of someone who would be able to?

Once again I am not afraid of the consequences. I need someone who can help me asap so please serious inquires reply!

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Post by Evard » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:24 pm

I had a thought .  I will explain it best I can .

Temporal magic had the advent of a modern sense of Faust
in respect the former writing of the Renaissance saying then
popular Faust begin good <Fowst> or bein kinda bad with th
respect of those who thought he was a dark arts caster new
pronounce <fost> see he may offer a service of the potions
of thought to begin a collecting of alchemy known to Darker
Holiday known as DragonsDay which occured again earlier:
this week . &nbsp;The moidern representation of Faust and Fauste
will know the casting of energy absorbed by Dark Arts and :
be able to see the modern example on internet friendly time
casting as the benign accord with &nbsp;: Englund the Younger and
be willing to look it up on Modern Internet to help with reliven &nbsp; &nbsp; [re living] the casting of your seeing of time before . Ev

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Post by Evard » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:30 pm

being , modern : the typing error was not a major issue . . .
though temporal may be advented by temparal : a form om
the time casting may not recount the past as given to traveling the mind in time .

This is the issue I have with a setting on the board not aloways accepting my term
of language . . . in fact at certain visits when I try to write in American Language on
this site . . . I get reprimanded for not speaking American in all respects . <sigh> it
appears as more of a setting affecting my thoughts on the typing available on site . .

Thanks . I hope you "can understand" . &nbsp;Look it up on the internet . See if there's any
new thought about Faust or modern magic today . &nbsp;Thanks and Hooray . Owell . Evard

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Post by elliephant » Sat Jul 30, 2011 7:47 pm

how would I come into contact with him?

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Post by Evard » Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:19 pm

Look him up on the internet .

I feel like there's luck today to see to a new
comment about time and past failings on the
American Internet . &nbsp;Good Luck . :-D Evard . .

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Post by elliephant » Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:19 am

Not to sound rude but didn't he die a couple hundred years ago? I need someone who can help me now

Posts: 924
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Post by Evard » Sun Jul 31, 2011 5:56 pm

Actual Faust wrote books hundred of years ago , yes .

The Modern "Anachronist" Faust had comment.s on the
internet as little time ago as 2 days before this comment .

Anachronist means someone who re-creates the history :
Famous to the History of Middle Ages and Renaissance . . .

The meeting of modern spellcasters Faust , Fauste and the
Dark Arts man named Englund were available with internet
about 2 days before this comment will be written . . . . . . . .

And , you yourself are not begin rude about mis-understanding
my thoughts . I'm used to some kinda backtalk about my own &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;opinion . &nbsp;Not your doing . &nbsp;Thanks . &nbsp;Try Again . Evard

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