Deivam manusha roopena: God in Human Form .

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Deivam manusha roopena: God in Human Form .

Post by prasanna » Sat Feb 26, 2011 5:04 am

Deivam manusha roopena:

1) Ten avatars of lord Vishnu:

It means, God incarnates in the form of a human being. This is true in Kaliyuga.

In the Satya Yuga, the mind of men was generally pure. They had no distraction of the mind. Meditation was easy and natural for them. That is the reason why contemplation has been prescribed for men of Satya Yuga. The first four of Vishnu Avatars are said to have appeared in the Satya Yuga [Matsya (the fish); Koorma (the tortoise); Varaha (the Boar); Narasimha (half man and half lion)] .

In the Treta Yuga, materials for the performance of Yajnas or sacrifices were easily available. The people had active tendencies. Therefore it was easy for them to perform Agnihotra, Jyotistoma, Darsa-Paurnimas and other Yajnas. That is the reason why Yajna has been described as the external form of Sanatana Dharma in that age. The fifth, sixth and the seventh avatars appeared in the Treta Yuga [Vaman (dwarf); Parashuram; Rama].

n the Dvapara Yuga, there was the manifestation of Avataras and men could easily have direct worship of God. Hence, worship was prescribed as the principal form of Sadhana in that age. The eighth and ninth avatars appeared in the Treta Yuga (Krishna and Balarama).

In the Kali Yuga, there are many distractions for the mind. People lack in Brahmacharya, strength of will and power of enquiry or rational investigation. It is very difficult to procure materials for the performance of sacrifices. Therefore, Hari Kirtana or loud chanting of the Divine Name and selfless service of humanity have been recommended as the principal forms of Sadhana.

Only at the end the last avatar of Vishnu will take place (Kalki). Even instead of Balarama if Budha avatar is taken, Gautama Budha was born as a human being.

So in Kali yuga God can come only in human form.

2) Daivam Manusha Rupena (God is in the form of man):

So, man should know the nature of a human being to begin with. All the sacred texts have described God as having human form. It does not mean that God is confined to a human form.

All forms are His. However, man cannot but visualise God in any form other than a human being. If a buffalo wants to worship God, it can think of Him only as another buffalo having a gigantic form. Similarly, a frog thinks of God as another gigantic frog. God has no differences; He can assume any form and do anything. He has no trace of
selfishness in Him. Whatever He does is for your own
welfare. No one can say that God has a particular form.

He is present all over. All forms are His. Each form is composed of five elements. So, develop faith that God is in the form of five elements.
So for us Deivam manusha roopena!

3) Bhakthi Saints:

Bhakthi saints were clasical examples for Deivam manusha roopena. These can not be compared with ten avatars because these are not poorna avatars. An aspect of God manifests in HUMAN form only!

The sixty-three nayanmars (Shaivite devotees) and the twelve alvars (Vaishnavaite devotees) spearheaded the bhakti movement in fifth to seventh centuries AD.

The path of devotion as expounded by these mystics would later be incorporated into the Sankara, Ramanuja and Madhva philosophical systems.

In the period between the 14-17th centuries, a great bhakti movement swept through Central and Northern India, initiated by a loosely associated group of teachers or sants. Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Vallabha, Surdas, Meera Bai, Kabir, Tulsidas, Ravidas, Namdeo, Tukaram and other mystics spearheaded the Bhakti movement in the North.

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Post by srivijai » Mon Sep 10, 2012 5:31 pm

I can say in one word  all our elders who passed away is god (our forfathers)

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