Ace of Wands

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Ace of Wands

Post by TarotModerator » Mon Feb 14, 2011 7:00 am

                                                           Ace of Wands

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Hand issuing from cloud: New opportunity.

Growing Wand: Success using raw power.

Landscape: Solid & fertile foundation.

Element: Fire.
Direction:  East.

Season: Summer.


Card description.

Meaning: “Creation, Power”

This card is all about creation and the use of raw energy, your potential to make use of opportunities presenting themselves to you, it also indicates that a new venture will be successful, what it tells us is that you will conquer those things or enemies, that was holding you back, in effect stripping away of your bonds. It also allegorises the beginning of and idée and your mental intellect to start this business with the necessary groundwork done.


An auspicious start of a new business or enterprise. Also a good time to start. The circumstances are right, and the ideas and planning are also right. A state of contentment and triumph. This card also tells you that you will enter a time at which you will work very hard for your success.

Throughout a person’s life, you are presented with opportunities for success, but sometimes these opportunities are sure failures. You are presented with an opportunity to start a new venture. The possibility is that you have been contemplating this move for some time already. It is obvious that you have made your calculations correctly and your plan of action has been investigated thoroughly. A point of interest is that now is the right time to make this move the negative obstacles has had their time and something of the past. Note, that although the idée you have will be successful, there would be no time for you to rest on your laurels. This is all about hard work will be rewarded.

Ruin and decline. Ill conceived business or project, not enough information or ability to do it, or the time was wrong. Uncertainty and doubt. The reading for example, may show that you could do this or should do that, but that you lack sufficient confidence or belief in yourself and/or your enterprise. The result in any case will be failure unless the proper steps are taken.

There is no better way to put in than ”you’re screwed”. This is not because you did everything wrong. Sometimes it’s just not the time to do it or you didn’t think of everything. You may have been overeager in the sense that you didn’t investigate all the facets or, was given incorrect information. Your self-confidence took a dip and maybe you didn’t create an environment of productive actions. If the cycle of failure hasn’t completed yet, go back to the drawing board and see what can be done, to ensure success. If it is obvious nothing can save your venture, dump it, otherwise you may suffer more. However, don’t despair make the correct moves and success is yours.

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