Seeing the time 2:12

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Seeing the time 2:12

Post by Hi123 » Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:06 pm

I'm not sure about anyone else, this may seem a lil crazy. But i have been seeing this time for the last couple of months, so I feel like there must be some kind of meaning to it. As if something is trying to show me or alert me about something. I wonder if it has anything to do with 2012, even though the year doesn't play a major role in my life..

Since I have been noticing this, I am very curious.. I have seen other times like 10:10 11:11 12:12 and such.. but this one is pretty recent. And it's quite funny I continue to see it, even though I don't really think of it that much, but it just seems to want to show up and say, "hey, look at it!"

I don't know.. when I see it, I think of the 2012 year. But I could be wrong.


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Post by caithiggs » Mon Feb 07, 2011 12:43 am

I always see 4:20 lol! I know a lot of people are really privy on the whole seeing specific times on clocks, so maybe someone here can help you more than me. But my personal opinion is that in most, if not all, cases, we see numbers on the clock repeated because we want to. I think we see many many numbers on a clock (we've probably in fact seen every time on a clock throughout our lives, and many will repeat) It's just that once we start taking notice of something and become interested in it, we will continue to take notice and desire to put a meaning to it. It is a natural human instinct to crave patterns in the world. We desire to make meanings and so we do. Even though we might see a number like 3:02 a lot, we probably won't notice it because there is no interesting meaning to put to that number..and even if we see it far more often than other numbers, we probably won't be aware of the fact. If we see 11:11 it looks very meaningful to us so we will be aware we see it a lot. Do you see what I'm saying? You may see 2:12 because you choose to be aware of the date 2012. But, perhaps, in fact, it does mean something. Perhaps you ARE seeing it frequently because you choose to become aware of something important pertaining to it. Hope this makes sense. (I feel like that's something that like Bashar would have to say about times on clocks... I wonder if he's ever been asked about this phenomenon)

I also want to add though, that although I'm kind of brushing it off on generic psychology, I do believe we have the ability to look up at a clock at a specific time unconsciously for meaningful purposes. Because I have literally had dreams where I'm counting to a number on my clock, wake up and it is that number. How would I have known in my sleep that that's what time it was? I don't know, unless for some reason I was meant to notice that specific time. (Of course, I didn't think of it that way when this happened, and never could remember what time it was afterwards. Alas!)

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:42 pm

(I have seen other times like 10:10 11:11 12:12 and such.) this is commonly know as synchronism  

(I wonder if it has anything to do with 2012, even though the year doesn't play a major role in my life.)?. the number 212  reduces to the number 5  which does indeed have something in common with you   your date of birth  is sept 5 1986  your birthday number is a 5  and does have a strong  statement attracted to it ... the year 2012 also  should be addressed here for it is a 1 personal year for you  new beginnings    

1 personal year

Be ready for major changes. You will be inspired to start new projects or enterprises. You will feel a strong forward push toward new goals.

This is a time for vision and planning. Share your dream with others; make plans, get the necessary support, but, above all, rely on yourself as the driving force. Be decisive!

You are starting a new nine year Epicycle. Everything you do now will affect your future. Do not hold back the inner force of creation. Be direct, daring, bold.

You will have more confidence and determination this year, particularly in comparison with last year, which was a time of letting go. This year represents a time of birth. It's a time to take charge and to apply yourself to your dream.

This is also a good time to make the personal changes you have long wanted to make: start a diet, an exercise program, begin a new course of study.

There may be some emotional turmoil, especially in the first two or three months. It takes a while to get the ball rolling. There are many changes you must make and much work to be done.

Be open-minded, organized, and focused. Avoid distractions and procrastination.

You are at a crossroads. You will need courage and a clear head to stay on the right track.

This is a year of opportunities.

The key months in your year ahead are March, in which you are able to lay the foundation to your plans; April, in which changes take place such as a change of residence or career; July and August mark a time in which you will see the fruits of your labors begin to take place; October represents a major turn in events, often fraught with emotional turmoil; the fall marks a coalescing of your plans into more concrete form.

5 birthday

You love change, travel and adventure. You are a bit of a rolling stone. You have enormous curiosity and yearn to see far-off places and meet exotic peoples. Your arena is the world itself, and it is just a matter of time before you are off once again on another excursion.

You are highly-adaptable and need excitement. You relate well to others and have an easy way with words. In fact, you have a talent for promotion, public relations, and, for some, writing. Your social skills are highly refined. Your ability to communicate and promote a product or event makes you a natural salesperson.

You work well with others as long as there are not too many restrictions. You have trouble being bound to a desk or within an office. You can easily feel cooped up and trapped unless there is much variety and change in your life. You become bored and restless easily.

You may be a little irresponsible and need to learn discipline and orderliness.

You have a quick and analytical mind. You may be over-confident and headstrong. However, you are highly creative and can usually come up with a remarkably workable solution to most problems - either your own or those of others.

You can be impatient and impulsive. You can also overindulge your senses in food, alcohol, sex, and drugs. You must be careful to protect your health from the excesses of your tastes.

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:54 pm

212 reduces to 5  as a temporary vibration : the following is brought to the for front :change communication sex new interests travel ...if you are influenced by this vibration you feel restless and exicited change adventure and the lure of new vistas beckon you .

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Post by Hi123 » Mon Feb 07, 2011 9:55 pm

Thanks that is a very good and accurate insight. There were things I had to let go and I do seem to have a feeling that there are new things to accomplish.. That happened to be arising In my thoughts and I recently took a trip to Philadelphia PA and a whole new awakening began to set in and had a major Realization about things. thanks for the insights!

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Post by Schaman » Sun Oct 23, 2011 5:10 am

I am new to the board and just found your post here's my take

212 can be read as a master number 22 with a 1 setting in the center look at the priestess card 22 is the master builder 1 is action and beginning is there something that you are suppose to be doing and putting off
You are the one sitting in between the two pillars representing the number 22
listen to your inner voice it'll tell you what to do

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Post by enumero123 » Tue Oct 25, 2011 8:55 pm

212.......( the kabala of numbers)   200 ....hesitation fear uncertainly 12  ...a fortunate writing ,a town .city  5 ..... marriage  pleasure joy ..........

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