Creation of bad in this world apart from good

The word "Philosophy" is derived from the Ancient Greek - philosophía (compounded from phílos: friend, or lover and sophía: wisdom). To quote from WikiPedia, "Philosophy is the discipline concerned with the questions of what is the right way to live (ethics), what sorts of things ultimately exist and what are their essential natures (metaphysics), what is to count as genuine knowledge (epistemology), and what are the correct principles of reasoning (logic).

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Creation of bad in this world apart from good

Post by dattaswami1 » Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:15 am

Creation of bad in this world apart from good
God is associated with both good and bad
The fundamental aspect of creation of this Universe by God is only entertainment

People often get the doubt about the creation of bad in this world apart from good. The bad is related to the qualities of Rajas and Tamas. The good is related to the quality of Sattvam. Since God is the Creator and Maintainer of both good and bad, He is associated with both good and bad. This is clear when we say that Vishnu is associated with Sattvam, Brahma is associated with Rajas and Shiva is associated with Tamas. The doubt is that God should have been always in the form of Vishnu only. In fact, there is a sect called Vaishnavas, who follow this point. They treat God as Vishnu or Narayana only. In such case, God should not be the Creator of the entire world since bad is also a part of the world. This will limit God to the partial capacity of Creation. Even if you say that bad is the creation of souls, since God is the Creator of all the souls, the indirect responsibility of bad appears to God.

Otherwise, God should have made bad to disappear as soon as it is created by the souls. The maintenance of bad should not have been possible without the will of God, since will of God is the reason of everything in the Creation. The fundamental aspect of creation of this Universe by God is only entertainment as said in the Veda (Ekakinaramate…) and in the Brahma Sutras (Lokavattu…). The entertainment in single phase of good is always boring. When you eat a sweet dish continuously, you require the hot pickle also now and then to give a break in eating the sweet. This break or change gives you the reinforcement of taste to eat sweet again. In eating the meals, both dishes of sweet and hot are always maintained.

You may say that this necessity of break belongs to the lower human beings but not to the highest God. In such case, the entertainment is also related to lower human beings but not to highest God. If that is true, the scripture should not have told the requirement of entertainment for God. You cannot contradict the Scripture since its Author is God and this is explained by the 3rd Brahma Sutra (Sastrayonitvat). In the subject of unimaginable God, the unimaginable God alone can be the authority.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 19, 2011 1:48 pm

We can not attribute any of the human writings to God.  That is just not right.  While holy books are intended and used for the purposes of the highest good of human endeavour, they are 'interpreted' by many as their own personal truth and purpose. So there is no ultimate authority in the writings of human beings.

God is author of the world.  God also put into place natural law.  The natural law means cause and effect at its finest purpose.  For every cause we set in motion, there is a consequential effect.  This is good and evil in our world.  And if God is author of the natural law, so God maintains its purpose in all things.

But to say our life and all its visitations is merely entertainment is to dismiss the need within human urges to growth and accomplishment.  Life is about learning.  When the soul knows there is light.  Without light there is darkness.

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Post by Lax29 » Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:48 am

God only created us and gave us 2 things Brain and Mind. Mind is the one which created Bad things

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