Movement of cookies

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Laura A
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Movement of cookies

Post by Laura A » Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:21 am

Here is a story of my trick or treat.  Thursday night I made a batch of  organic sugar pumpkin cookies.  They tasted just terrible and I joked with my youngest son that we could always make wind chimes out of them.  The cookies were left on a large oval plate on the kitchen Island over night.  This morning when I went into the kitchen a little after 5 am I noticed the cookies on the plate.  Left just as they were a few hours ago.  I began working in the kitchen fixing coffee, emptying the dish washer, ect;   My youngest son who was asleep on the couch woke up and asked if I would get him some juice.  As I turned from the frig.  I noticed that 4 of the cookies had been moved off of the plate and were in a semi curved line with the last cookie upside down.  Now explain that !!!!   I thought maybe I had been mistaken or gone nuts so I checked with hubby and son and no one  had touched them. I swear they were all on the plate earlier.    :smt017

Laura A
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Post by Laura A » Sun Oct 31, 2010 2:32 am

It was Friday morning when I went in to the kitchen not this morning as stated.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 01, 2010 1:38 pm

Spirit has been known to move things around to get our attention.  There was a lady who liked to bake and used Halloween as another opportunity to make unusual goodies.  She was appalled at the cookies as you were and moved them around to show it.

Laura A
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Thanks for your reply

Post by Laura A » Mon Nov 01, 2010 7:10 pm

Thank you for your reply.

What you said makes very much sense to me.  
We live in my mother-n-laws house.  We had purchased it from her a few months before her death. Which was 12 years ago.  She would bake all the time.  And I have been told that she is doing the same things over there that she had done here and that this person see's her baking. So with your comment I can feel better about the cookies moving because of my mother-n-law. And not just jumping to the conclusion that oh well that was just Pat (mother-n-law), when it could have been something or someone else.  I was a little concerned that the last cookie being turned upside down may have meant something.
For some reason it seems Pat (my mother-n-law), and I have a close relationship  even though I did not know her for very long.  I know she has been here around the house at different times since her death.  The afternoon she died I was in the kitchen when I heard Pat pull into the driveway and I looked at the clock it was 5:20 pm, the time of her accident which I found out later on.    Pat was not in our driveway to my amazment and I went about my chores.  Later that night we found out about her death.  Then it all made sense.  But I remember looking back and thinking why me?  Why did I hear her pull in our driveway?  She has children.  Why did she reach out to me?  For a while afterwards I felt bad because of the thought that entered my mind when I heard Pat pull into our drive.  It was oh darn Pat's here and I have so much I am dealing with right now.  I felt bad for thinking those thoughts.  It wasn't that I did not want to see her or appreciate her visit.  I was just busy.  I can speak of those thoughts now to where I would'nt have mentioned them before because I felt so bad for thinking those things.  I don't think Pat would hold those thoughts against me.  She knew what it was like to have a home, kids, husband and responsibilitys.  I think about her quit often.   :)

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:48 pm

Quite a story.  It seems you are the sensitive one in the family.  While your in-laws may be wonderful people, there is probably not an open spirit among them.  I think Pat has always appreciated your sensitivities.  Hence there is no lasting remorse for your thoughts at a busy time in the day and your life.

Laura A
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Strange things going on

Post by Laura A » Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:16 am

Okay I wasn't going to post the second thing that happened because I figured people would think I was making it up or was nuts.  My mom said I should go ahead and post it.  After our third wierd experieince I decided to post.  
2nd thing that happened is about a hamburger that I put in the microwave for my husband.  He has been spending a lot of time in the fields. Hubby forgot about the burger once he was home so when I got up in the morning  to fix my hubby's breakfast I opened the microwave and there sat the burger.  Being agravated that he had forgotten about it and that it was such a waste I thought oh well and sat it on the kitchen island.  I turned back around doing my thing and a minute or less I turned back and my eyes went right to the hamburger.  There was a bite out of it.  I kinda laughed and thought no, no way!!!  But I had seen it with my own eyes and it had only been a min. or less since I had set it on the island.  No one else was up.  I had to leave and did not have time to do anything with the burger.  When I returned home my son went into the kitchen before me and said mom another bite is gone.  Sure enough opposite of the first bite was another bite.
Tonight as my hubby and I were in the office with the door shut which goes to the family room.  And my step son sat and watcehd tv and ate ceral.    I could barely hear a song on the tv but as the seconds went on the tv got louder and louder.  Loud enough to where it was really bothering me.  I didn't want to say anything to step son.  My husband got up opened the door and yelled would you please turn that down.  That's how loud it was he had to yell.  And then hubby said well there is no one in there.  Step son had cleaned up his mess but left the tv on when he left the room. No one else was in the room not even the dog. Hubby turned the tv off.
We have been having some stressful issues going on but not really any more than we have had in the past.  I have also been having some health issues.
Thank you for any input

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Nov 06, 2010 1:24 pm

It sounds like a house cleaning is in order.  While the spirit may not be anything more than mildly annoying, the fact is that life is progressive.  And this is not progressive when spirit is stuck around a particular home or family.

You would seem to be the energy around which this happens.  Although perhaps others in the house could do with some grounding and protection in the case of actually trying to release the spirit to move on.  

When you sense the spirit is there (when he took the first bite of the hamburger would have been a good time) sit quiet and tell him/her they are dead and must move into the light.  Call on angels to come and take them on to where they need to be at the same time as your efforts at talking to them.  It is important to tell them to leave your space as you claim it for you and your family, but at the same time to turn around and go into the light of their own progression.

Laura A
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Thank you!

Post by Laura A » Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:38 pm

I hate to think of someone being stuck.  But I don't really look at it that way.  I feel like it is more of just a visit.  But then what do I know!!  My mother said basically the same as you did.  She suggested I get the house cleaned.  Mom had also mentioned about teens and something about how they can do stuff and not know it.  I forgot what she called it.  Also, wonder if maybe it has to do with my health.  It has been interesting.  Thanks for your post!!!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Nov 07, 2010 1:08 pm

When spirit has gone to the light, they come back and communicate to us in a more gentle and loving manner.  If it is disturbances in the house in any way, it is stuck spirit that has not gone into the light as yet.  

There are many reasons to be stuck - mostly a lack of understanding of their present condition.  Do not hold any spirit stuck that can find progression.

Teens are inclined to produce telekinesis in making things move around like a more poltergeist type of activity. It uses a lot of psychic energies which seem to be connected to teens and their physical changes.

When we have ill health is a time we are more open and our energies of psychic sensitivities can open without a conscious thought.  But ill health also takes our mind away from conscious controls as well.  So be careful to be grounded and protected at this time.

Laura A
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Post by Laura A » Sun Nov 07, 2010 3:37 pm

Thank you spiritalk for explaining.  It makes sense  to me and I plan on sharing the information with my mom. Grateful, Laura

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