crazy dreams

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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crazy dreams

Post by keytah » Wed May 12, 2010 5:12 pm

Hi there,
I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right discussion forum. If I am not could you please direct me to the right one.
Here's a little background..I'm  a 28 year old divorced mother of two. I've been single for 2 1/2 years now so this wasn't brought about because of a major life change. I've always had sorta bizarre, vivid dreams my whole life but never kept a journal or anything. There were a handful of times that something would happen in real time that had my head spinning because it would jog a memory of a dream that I had when I was years younger. For example, when I was 16 years old I went to meet my biological father, a man who tried to kill my family starting with me when I was only a few weeks old. My uncle stood in front of my crib and my dad shot him in the stomach and my uncle shot him in the leg. I knew what had happened when I was a baby but I was a hormonal teenager rebelling against my mom, and I went to meet him anyway. On the last day I was there I took a shower, got out and looked at myself in the mirror. All of the sudden I had that deja vu moment. I dreamt of that exact moment when I was little, maybe 3 or 4 years old, and yes, I can remember that far back. I remember when I was in my crib crying in the middle of the night and my mom coming in to pacify me.
I dont talk to my friends about any of this because they would prolly think I'm crazy but I'm not really sure who to talk to about my dreams or how to use them the way I was intended to, whatever that is. I have talked to my cousin about them though, he is also very intuitive but his is different from mine. He said that we come from a long line of psychics so its very possible I am too. I've seen a few psychics over the years and they all told me I was very intuitive, and to pay attention to my dreams. I started writing them down a few months ago after a dream that I had seemed to predict my best friends pregnancy before she even knew. Looking back at my dream journal and events that happened soon after I had them showed that I was in fact for-seeing the future. They weren't all deja vu dreams, alot of them are dreams that had all the key players and the same message but played out different. Also, I truly believe that I've had real conversations with my mom who died 8 years ago in my dreams. It happened only 4 times since she died, but they were very real.
So the last couple of days I've had dreams that I cant really remember but something will happen throughout the day that will spark little memories of the dream but I couldn't remember the whole dream like I usually do. This rarely happens to me but its been the last 3 nights. Then last night I had a dream that this ice age storm hit the world in an instant. There were a lot of people dead and only a handful of us were alive and trying to survive. I personally knew most of the people that survived. I had a relationship with my best friend's brother (T) in the dream and secretly in real time, a few times the past couple years. In the dream he, his sisters, my kids, and other friends were there. Then all of the sudden some kind of huge space ship made by the U.S. government was rescuing us and everyone they could around the world. On the ship I saw an ex-boyfriend (A) and rekindled our relationship which has happened in real time lately. Then my friends and I went to the ships nursery and they thought this baby in a swing was their brother (T) and my baby, and I said no it wasn't because it was probably my baby with my ex-boyfriend (A).
This dream kinda rattled me and its all that I can think about today. Can you help me interpret this dream? if not can you recommend anything for me?
Thank you so much in advance for taking the time to read this.


Crazy dreamer in Michigan

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Can I help?

Post by moonflower_88planets » Thu May 13, 2010 5:30 am

this is my interpretation.  great changes are going to happen soon but the outcome has not been set in stone.  The baby could be a new beginning for you and T.  The both of you are coming to a deeper understanding of each other.  With that deeper understanding comes a project or business partnership.  I don't think the baby represents and actual baby.  

I hope this helps a little.  I find dreams fascinating and am working on my tarot skill after 10 years of not having a deck.  I might be a little off.  Peace love and dreams!!!!!

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Post by keytah » Thu May 13, 2010 5:31 pm

Thanks Moonflower. Your interpretation was interesting because (and I had to re-read what I posted to see if I mentioned it) we are possibly going into business with each other. Thats our "main" reason for getting together, which usually results in a rendezvous in my bedroom. Like I said I'm a divorced mother of 2 little girls and I have been single for 2 1/2 years. At this point in my life I am enjoying my independence, and focusing on my kids and our future. I'm not tied down by anybody and I want it to remain that way for now. Ive had a few different relationships since the divorce, but my girls will never know about my relationships with any man unless I know that its truly going somewhere. I'm playing the field and being more picky about what I want in a man. I felt the need to clarify this because it sounded like Im a promiscuous serial I agree with you about interpreting the baby in my dreams. I frequently have dreams involving a baby or being pregnant or giving birth and I always believe it means something else. Im not worried about getting pregnant or having another baby, my youngest daughter is 6 years old and Im very careful with my partners.
Thank you again Moonflower.
Any other insight on my dreams would be greatly appreciated.

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misty sur
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Post by misty sur » Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:09 am

Hi. here's a suggestion, why don't you visit ... pretation/
this is a very helpful site dedicated to dream interpretation. an interpretation from professional astrologer is anytime better than anybode else. that's what i feel.

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Fri Sep 24, 2010 11:30 am

lol sorry.. I thought this was a link to another site!!
My apologies,..
 :smt002  and welcome to mysticboard...

such an old thread..
if its any help in letting you know that your normal enough :)), lol, like the rest of us.. i also have scattered memories from when I was a tot..
For me most of them are insignificant days, very odd things to remember because they don't seem to have much reason to be memories retuned.

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