Can your handwriting reveal your health?

An in-depth Analysis of your personality from your handwriting.

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Dj I.C.U.
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Can your handwriting reveal your health?

Post by Dj I.C.U. » Thu Jun 22, 2006 10:35 pm

Source: Graphology.Brewer JF Complement Ther Nurs Midwifery, 5:6-14, 1999 Feb
From ... hology.htm

Can your handwriting provide an insight to the state of your health? Well, yes, it can. Many nervous disorders show up in shaky handwriting and stress and tension often are reflected in heavy pen marks. Graphology or handwriting analysis can be a very useful tool for spotting health problems before they become too severe, and, is also an excellent way of identifying the level of stress an individual may be experiencing.

Researchers at the Institute of Health Studies, University of Plymouth in the UK examined the use of graphology in a health setting and found it offered valuable insights into people's characters and levels of health.

This interesting method of health assessment looked at vitality, energy, willpower and originality.

It was also able to recognise other specific deficiencies, such as physical weakness, poor memory, anxiety, stress, depression and lack of confidence.

With growing evidence to suggest that graphology can help therapists identify hidden problems, it also offers an accurate assessment of a person's response to treatment. All the collective clues in the writing are used to represent the complexities of the writer’s character, health and emotional status. Interpreting this information, is like having the pieces of a puzzle which can be combined and used to provide the most incisive therapy for the individual.

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Ones health reflected in writing

Post by Metatron » Tue Sep 11, 2007 10:36 pm

I work in health and have seen changes. One of the most noted changes is a persons strength. The ill person will exert less energy and keep what they say to a minimum. And if they are really ill you can see a regression in writing style almost a reverting back to childhood. Lots of circular movements and large lettering.

VN Purohit
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Post by VN Purohit » Thu Nov 08, 2007 7:31 am

Graphology can also reveal whether indl had anxiety & has worrying nature which results in gastric problems.Individuals energy level and imune system can be predicted. Also if individual has likely hood of some serious health problem same can be told but exact what it will be can not be told accurately.

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