Need some answers about "people" I see

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Need some answers about "people" I see

Post by jenys30081 » Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:25 am

I moved into a new apartment about 1 1/2 yrs ago. I see spirits in my room, lots of activity. I am starting to see them outside my room and at other peoples houses. I am sleeping and will wake up and they are there, sometimes they talk so loud they wake me up, yet I cant understand what they are talking about. It started when a friend had died and kept coming nightly in my dreams and I figured out I had to tell him he was dead and when I did I have not dreamed of him again. I have also had someone that was murdered show me some sort of mailbox where there are photos stored that will reveal information as to how he was murdered. I have only felt afraid one time, they usually vanish after a few seconds, except for one I had to get up and walk around because he wasnt vanishing like the rest. I have had one bent down whispering something I couldnt understand in my ear, there is one though that I woke up and he touched my lips with his finger when I looked up he had yellow eyes, What does this mean? can anyone help me? I used to not hear them, now I do, I want this to go away but as time goes by it seems to be progressing stronger. Before I started seeing things, I did have 2 different "psychic" people approach me when I am out and give me their number to call them, they wanted to speak with me about something, one told me to stop wearing black. Well,  I threw the numbers away not believing in that kind of stuff.  I have felt like I am crazy at times especially when I have my husband in bed and he is awake and I sit up to yell "Excuse me do I know you?"at the girls who are talking so loud they wake me up and just happen to be sitting on top of my husband. It also freaks me out sometimes I wake up and the people are laying next to me. I find it strange that except for at the beginning when I would dream of my friend, I dont know any of these people who are standing in my room, I saw someone folding laundry on the couch the other night. Am I crazy, or do I have abilities, or maybe my room is some kind of gateway? I would really like someone to help me cause I am very confused and skeptical of all of this. I really did not believe in this kind of stuff until recently. I just want to know what I should do. Please Please somebody help!

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:43 pm

When we have a talent we find a good teacher to learn all we can and then practice it to its best manifestation.  You need a good teacher to answer your questions as you go along.  There is a lot contained in one message, but most of it would be settled and helped with some good work on the subject.  Knowledge is power.

Spiritualism has a mandate to teach mediums and welcomes all to their circles of development.  If you would like help sourcing a Spiritualism centre try:   They have a directory of centres and individual mediums who might help in your own area.

Baring this, be careful of what you access on the internet.  Not all is as it appears to be knowledgeable.

You have come around to believing in spirit existence.  This comes through you on the psychic sensitivities.  As we are not in our conscious state while sleeping, they are accessing your energies freely.  It might help to shut down somewhat before sleep as well as learn more about sleeping and dreaming.  But it is mostly mediumship lessons you need.  Read through the notes for any help they offer.

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Post by sd.sonali2007 » Mon May 31, 2010 5:08 am

in ur case...i would say pls change your residence and see a psychologist as soon as might sound rude but the fact is it might be a disease called schizophrenia. get sound sleep  and eat properly apart from folowing the psychologist's advice.

in other case if the doctor doesn't help then the only way left to you is to see a highly acclaimed and experienced psychic to find the answers and the solutions.

god bless

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Post by spiritalk » Mon May 31, 2010 1:54 pm

Sorry to burst your bubble sd, but this is not the job of a psychic.  It is important to eliminate all physical/material causes before assuming the paranormal.  And I feel this has arrived at the state of spirit input.  

Psychic read the energies around the individual.  So the best they will get is a recognition of those energies, not a cure all.  And by the way, one size does not fit all in psychic work.  Each and every enquiry deserves its own attention.

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Post by nighthawk » Wed Jun 30, 2010 5:17 am

humm sounds like that movie "ghost" when whoopie was just wishing they'd all shut up. Sometimes they are just so excited someone can hear them they crowd you. It is Your space though. You do not have to allow it. I recommend study, and this is a good place to start. Spiritalk is quite wise and has many good lessons on here to start with.

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