Holocaust reincarnation

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Holocaust reincarnation

Post by msmir » Wed May 12, 2010 5:24 am

I am a tortured soul as they call it. I had just written a book about my recent lives and talked about my last life in Auschwitz, and how its affected me. I am actually writing up another book having to do with reincarnation from the Holocaust. Anyone feel like they were tortured in atrocities that happened in Nazi concentration camps, Stalin's Holodomor, or from any other form of torture that happened in a previous life? If so I would love to hear how it has affected you and how you can heal from it.


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Post by spiritalk » Wed May 12, 2010 1:53 pm

Living your current life is the important aspect of being here at all.  Leave the torture behind and find the peace and joy of your current existence.

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Post by msmir » Wed May 12, 2010 10:06 pm

It's true absolutely but one must acknowledge the past and work through it in order to move forward.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu May 13, 2010 2:45 pm

You can not build upon 'just a theory' after all.

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Post by Crow » Thu May 13, 2010 2:48 pm

I am sure that others already think I am a loon. But here goes.  :smt003

Last year in January my Chakra's lit up. I went for a drive in my car in the middle of the night. I had seen this grey van with speakers on top of the van. I think there were four, not sure I didn't stay around for long. It was screaming in a language that I couldn't understand. I took the car and hid in the park. Then I had seen the school buses and started to panic. I ran home and told my other half that we need to go, we need to go now! Crying and trembling, I couldn't explain to him what was happening.

Then I would hear voices, see things, etc.  Off and on until another full blown psychosis in August.  This time I thought that they were comming to skin my family.  Later I would find out that this did transpire in history.

I still don't know what is psychosis and what was past life memories.

The lesson I am learning is that my family is safe. I don't have to run anymore.  This is what I believe that I have been carring throughout my life.

Would love to hear your feed back and when you are able I would be interested in knowing the title of your book so that I may read it. Thank you for comming forward and giving us courage.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Sat May 15, 2010 2:16 am

I recall torture during the holocaust as one of Mengeles victims as well as many other lives where I was tortured extensively, including for 8 years during the inquizition. In my current life I've been plagued with depression, anxiety, physical pain and poor health. My greatest fear is to be kept alive against my will and tortured without possibility of escape. I also have a very cynical attitude towards religion and government and some masochistic tendencies. I believe these are carryovers from torture in other lives. In my fiction I have a fixtion with torture, violence, brutality, imprisonment and totalitarian states to the point of obsession.
Your book sounds interesting. I've read several books on reincarnation and the holocaust so am always interested to hear new stories from then. I even got my holocaust literature teacher interested for a while.

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Post by happy » Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:51 am

Yes, I do believe in reincarnation.  If I had a past life in a concentration camp, I don't know. I certainly have vivid memories that may either be from that, or from picking up someone else's memories.  I experienced it as if it happened to me.  And still have residual at times.  I have had many past lives. Many have ended brutally. Thru torture, and I died fighting.  And one time I died as a mute child, from a blood disease (Bleeding death) that I got from walking thru blood-soaked fields, barefoot, at night, I was sent to pick herbs/wildflowers for the lady I worked for, who was an herbalist of sorts, and I think is my mother now.  The dead and dying people who had the disease were in the field, but I didn't know it until I got back and saw all the blood on me.

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Post by msmir » Tue Jun 22, 2010 6:29 pm

WOW I have not been here for a while, so sorry! Yes, having past life torture will create a feeling of being tortured within, and I was also a victim of Mengele. I have met many who were and who are dealing with similar fears, issues with anxiety and depression as well. I will send you guys private  PM's sometime today as I would love to chat more about this. We can heal from past life pain but at our own pace. Be well.


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jun 23, 2010 2:06 pm

During seances/circles in Spiritualism centres, many groups have watched, prayed, and aided the passing of many of victims of torture in these concentration camps.  Hundred will go into the light at a single sitting.  

I wonder....perhaps we just have tortured souls and need to open in this life (which is the important one anyway) to being a part of the spirit of all.  We are tortured in our soul when we are not part of the whole.

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Post by waterfountain » Sun Jul 11, 2010 7:43 pm

i have severe anxiety etc, however they stem from childhood abuse.. i've always felt interested in holocaust, never understood why it happened then stated reading about hitler and occult.. etc how do you know you were part of it? is there a way i could find out?

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:44 pm

waterfountain wrote:i have severe anxiety etc, however they stem from childhood abuse.. i've always felt interested in holocaust, never understood why it happened then stated reading about hitler and occult.. etc how do you know you were part of it? is there a way i could find out?
I have never quiet understood the value of reincarnation, and what we might have been in our earlier life.

If we as soul goes from life to life, what do we bring with us?
Why must we stay the first 15-20 years with mom and dad each times we comes to earth?
Why must we start in first grade each time we shall go to school?

Why do we mistake after mistake each time we are back?...do we not remember a thing....or is the reincarnation so far apart in each life cycles that we need to learn everything from new....if so...what is the reason for reincarnation?

Many have a need to know what they was in past life.
What do it help in this?
If you was a king....what benefits gives it you in this life?
If you was a Hitler....what drawback gives it you in this life?

When we focus to much on what we was...what we shall become in our next life...then we """"WASTE""" our REAL LIFE...the one you live now ...this is what you shall focus on...this is what you shall make as good as possible....there is no help to find in the past...there is no help to find in the future...LIVE NOW!

You might believe in reincarnation if that gives you comfort.
You might believe in "anything", if that gives you comfort, because no one really know what is happening after death...it is all speculation....and that shall we respect...just like we shall respect any Religion.....but as with Religion....if you become obsessed with it...then you become blind....then you believe you own the ultimate truth...then you become the judge....and that can we never be!

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Post by waterfountain » Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:50 pm

well i would need to know as i suffer from a disease, was abused as a child.. if i need to forgive, if i need to heal this on soul level etc.. wounds on soul.. i wouldn't had any interest hadn't this been happening.. i don't understand the process, i want answers and i want to know why this happened to me and if something from a past life needs to be healed in order to move on.

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Post by Rhutobello » Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:04 pm

Then please forgive...forgiveness is the greatest thing you can give....TO YOURSELF!!...because if you really forgive...then you put it behind you.

You say you have had child abuse...Horrible...No question about it!!! BUT to live on it only destroy YOURSELF, in a much greater degree then any of those who abused you as child.

So try to forgive...but focus on what was in this life....focus on what benefits you now....and then Forgiveness will release you so you can start focus on future....

If we always put up demands ( know what we was in earlier life), then we take away focus, we use it as an excuse, we can go further when we get some answer, and say I must know more.....but our Brain will only lure us, our Brain love to have the abuse as an excuse....it become our sleeping pillow.

In order for you to understand my post, I will tell that my childhood was a lot of crying....I hoped to get away...when I was away I cried to get home, it was a very confusing time, it was a destroyed childhood.

But I can NEVER go around complaining about childhood....take it as a lesson....let it make you stronger....today it seems it has made you weaker, and that is sad....

Be good to yourself...Forgive...and go on with your life...and I am sure you will get a better life!

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Post by waterfountain » Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:27 pm

i'm trying to work through it, it's just difficult the aftermath you know, anxiety, insomnia, disease etc, eating disorders.. it's a lot and what he did, the damage he did was unforgivable, i can only come from a plce of understnading, I am not complaining, it's fact, I repressed it, it's time to deal with it. I want to heal it and move on

onto reincarnation i understnad what your saying, my point is just to have a better undertanding of these wounds and to heal them if they are routed in the past which i doubt as they are from this life but in case of that scenario i would need to know.

and i am sorry you had a troulbed childhood, i believe we become who we are based on conditioning.. you have to face your issues in order to over come them and change.

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 12, 2010 7:48 am

waterfountain wrote:

and i am sorry you had a troulbed childhood, i believe we become who we are based on conditioning.. you have to face your issues in order to over come them and change.
This is in General..not for you especial...and only my own thoughts about these kinds of problems.

I am Not sorry for my childhood, I don't blame anyone for what happened.

In my opinion have I got a richer Adult life, I have experienced a pain, and can by that understand others pain....I believe what happen have made me a better person, where focus are moved away from myself, where I am able to understand other.

But to go around telling those who suffer that it is sorry for them...to tell them that we understand..please go on feel the pain, has only opposite effect....it makes the one who suffer to get into an egoistic state of mind.

I have seen several cases raised toward the government, in hope for having compensation for abuses.or.lost childhood from many years back, when time was different......I can't understand them....

They might, and some have received compensation, but what have they really gained?
They have got an confirmation, that says...yes sorry for you....but then our Brain will use this confirmation to explain every down trip in life.
The Brain will make you give up, because you have been unlucky, You have got yourself an sleeping pillow.

If one on the other hand accept that people can have been ill....that people can be cruel...that people can do mistakes, and use this experience to help other, that might come in the same situation, will make you grow inside.

To also be sure that my children shall never experience something like that..to be sure to respect our partners, friends...other peoples...then you get a "bigger reward" then some money from a government...then you get LIFE EXPERIENCES...understanding...which might make you stronger person in the long turn.

But Nothing of this can happen before we are able to forgive...to go on with our life....not stay in the swamp.....because the one who once hurt you, don't experience anything of this..he/she don't suffer from this...only You who still carry it in your heart, do the real suffering, and this is valid for every quarrel in life....big or small....fix it....and you yourself benefit from it!

"Pride might often be a two edged sword, where both edges might hurt You"


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