I dont' think I'm an aries anymore

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Growing into your ascendant...

Post by Tamaria3 » Sun May 09, 2010 6:33 pm

Okay, I can see what you were referring to. I think that you may be onto something with the thought that you grow into your ascendant. When you are young, you are more in touch with your emotional self (as expressed by the Moon) and your individuality (shown by the Sun). You are in the 'me first' stage, and it's particularly bad if you are an Aries (the 'baby' of the zodiac)! As you grow and interact with others outside your family group, you become aware of the fact that others may not have your best interests at heart and that the world doesn't revolve around you. You have to learn compromise and self-control. These issues bring out the need for a public persona, or 'Mask', a face you put on for the outside world as a sort of protective mechanism. This is still a part of you, but it is a superficial part. However, as you wear the mask, you become the mask. You integrate it and perfect it. Then the outward persona may even take over most of the time, except in your closest relationships.

In your case, with your Venus rulership and progression into Taurus, as well as the other Venus/ Taurus connections in your chart, you would actually be expressing a deeper part of yourself, even when you're putting on the 'Mask'. So you would identify with and integrate that outward persona much more easily than some can. You are probably a pretty straightforward person, I imagine.

I have had many good Taurus friends in my life, and I appreciate those qualities. It probably helps you to be a much more loyal and stable Aries! Most of us have a hard time settling down to any one thing for long. You should thank your lucky stars for this placement! ;)


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Post by AriesJupiter » Mon May 10, 2010 5:29 am

Well, the only reason my Venus rules my chart is because my Ascendant is Taurus. So, the Venus rulership shouldn't "intensify" my Taurus influence, it goes hand-in-hand (there's no way around it, with a Taurus ASC) And I don't have any other Taurus connections (no Earth in my chart other than Psyche & Neptune) So, I don't really see how my "mask" is at all connected to a deeper part of me, other than the fact that it's trine my Neptune & Psyche. BUT, I'm not trying to argue; you're theory of progressed planets does make a lot of sense to me. Thank you for explaining it so nicely to me.

I just happen to really identify with my "mask" and I always have since a little girl. I just think I identify with it even more now, too.

But, to each their own. And, to each, their own ideas...

I think everything has a bit of truth to it, and these sorts of ideas could be discussed round-&-round till no end...

So, we're all right! :) Cheers...

edit: I just came to the realization that maybe my 28' Aries Sun takes on a bit of Taurus with it, since it's so far through the sign (so close to Taurus). Not sure, but that could be the case. :)

Posts: 13
Joined: Sun May 02, 2010 6:18 pm

Yes, last decan...

Post by Tamaria3 » Tue May 11, 2010 5:32 am

The last 10 degrees would have some characteristics of the next sign, just as the first 10 degrees blends its characteristics with the previous sign, the middle 10 are pure.

Also, Taurus is the natural ruler of the 2nd house of money and possessions, so those issues would be important throughout your life. Also, any planets which are in your 2nd House are stronger influences in your life.

I like your idea of growing into your Ascendant too, I'd  not thought about it that way before, but it makes sense as well.

I also identify with my 'Mask'...I'm the scholarly Aries...my boyfriend just accused me last night of being, "Daniel Jackson" (Stargate nerd). I actually felt it was a compliment! ;)


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