Lesson 18. Let us start applying the knowledge gained.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Feb 07, 2010 8:40 am

Namaskaar CRS ji,
our comments below.
mysbcrs wrote:Namaskaar Vivek ji,

Looks like other members are busy. Let me take advantage of it.

As usual apologies in advance for errors, specially to the native, if they find any of my observations offensive.

Here are my observations on the first chart:

DOB 1Aug 68

Panchanga Factor

Only Jala tatwa (procreation) and Akash tatwa (relationship/expansion) will be seen since focus is on 7th House.
Thithi - Lord Rahu is placed in 12th from 5th (Jala tatwa hou). Not good for creativity and procreation. But aspect on 5th house mitigates this to some extent.
4th is the 12th from fifth and this means the basic complaint in relationships will either be a lack of direction or planning for future life. It may also mean dislike of disrupting the status quo, this may irk the partner.
Akash - Lord Ravi is placed in 6/8 position to 3rd (Akash tatwa). Hence expansionary capability will be curtailed.
This Surya is the yogi graha for this Horoscope and there is a full system based on this expounded by Sheshadri Iyer in his books.

7th Bhava - Mithuna, has no planets. Rasi drishti of Rahu and Ketu and Graha Drishti of Shani are there. Consoderably afflicted. Also is the Paada of 9th and erd.
Mithuna indicates sex as a key intention of relationships with opposite sex. Rahu's rasi drishti may indicate dis(mis?)trust in partners. Shani's drishti indicates
sorrows/pain from relationships. A9 being there may indicate that others see him as being lucky in respect of relationships. A3 being there may indicate others
viewing him as enterprising in matters of relationships.
Can you interlink all the factors involved, are there Grahas linking these various indications?
Applying kalpadrooma principle 7th lord is in 8th, 8th lord in 11th, 11th lord in 8th and 8th Amsesha Shani in 5th. Overall is negative.
Paaka of seventh (Karka) is 8th = intelligence regards to relationships is bad
Paakesh (Chandra) is in the 11th and not very good for the health of the relationships.
Paakapaakesha (Shukra) is in the 8th = This does not promise a good social condition for the relationship.
Paakapaakaamshesha is Guru is in the Ninth which is good. CRS ji how did you get Shani?
Guru shows that there is a promise of a turnaround.

7th Lord - Budha in 8th does not augur well for 7th house matters. Being 2nd from 7th, partners will look at him in terms of Family and Wealth.
We think that this shows that she will be attracted to persons of lower social\financial status than her and/or they may have some health issues. They may also be much older.
He is conjunct 3 grahas Sukra, Ravi, Mangal and aspected by Rahu. Cunjunction of Budha and Ravi is Dharma-Karmadhipathi yoga while conjucntion with Mangal
is also a Rajayoga (Lords of 5/7/10). While Mangal and Ravi are natural malefics, Sukra is a benefic.Rahu's graha drishti brings in an element of distrust/suspicion.
Overall since the place of action is 8th house, Budha is slightly afflicted and hence may result in secret liaisons (8th house) seeking quick gratification. Budha being
very impressionable, is pulled in multiple directions and hence becomes ineffctual in providing a firm direction to 7th house matters despite being the lord.
Budha is not happy in Chandras Raashi.

Karaka - Sukra is afflicted in 8th conjunct malefic Mangal and enemy Ravi. Being lord of 6th and 11th, may lead to secret liaisons bringing with it enemity and gains,
specially secret enemies and unearned gains or gains from defeat of enemies. 7th being 12th from karaka, native will look at relationships as a source of expense and
pleasure of bed. Conjunction of Bhavesh and karaka may indicate partners from own community/place and a sense of oneness with the partner. Karaka in 2nd from Bhava
may be perceived by the native as the partner being aggressive (conjunct Mangal), dominating (conjunct Ravi) and money minde (cnjunct Budha).

Navamsha - 7th in Rasi being lagna in Navamsha indicates relationship as a key influence on the dharma of the native. 7th is in Rahu-Ketu axis in debilitation. Hence 7th
house is afflicted. 7th lord Guru in 3rd (Kalapurusha's natural house Mithuna) with malefic Mangal (natural and functional) makes Guru afflicted (despite being vargottama) and may indicate aggressive promiscuity. Guru aspecting 7th and
Budha lord of 7th in Rasi in quadrant in exaltation mitigates 8th house effect in Rasi to some extent.

UL - Is in Meena in 12th from AL, which is not good. UL is afflicted by Rahu with its lord Guru in 6th from it, unable to support it.

A7 - Dara pada  in Simha in trines to Lagna and AL and conjunct Guru is good. However lord of A7, Ravi is in 12th from A7 which partially negates this.

The VD sequence analysis for 7th house matters is -

Rahu MD - Negative but premature  since it ended when the native was just 11.
Guru MD - Neutral from Rasi perspective, negative in Navamsha
Shani MD - Negative in Rasi and neutral in Navamsha

Overall, the native may not have a very happy tidings in relationship/marriage matters.

Rest of the analysis requires much fine tuning and this will come with experience and time.

RishiRahul and vivek.

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Post by mysbcrs » Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:05 am

Dhanyavaad Vivekji,

Sorry for the mistake - Paakapaakamsesha is Guru and not Shani.

Now that you mentioned that the native is a female, are the following true:

1. While 7th is seen for relationships in general, 8th should be seen for marriage/mangalya bhagya
2. Instead of Shukra, Guru should be seen as kaaraka for marriage

Can you interlink all the factors involved, are there Grahas linking these various indications?

Sorry, I could not make out much. Is it that Rahu and Shani (owners of 3rd) connect to A3 and lord of A3 through Drishti, Ravi lord of 9th is conjunct lord of A9 and hence A9 will show up more effectively?
Guru shows that there is a promise of a turnaround.
Doe this mean Paakpaakamshesha has the final say?


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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Tue Feb 09, 2010 4:59 pm

Dear Vivek ji

Here is my understanding as per our format for male chart as csr ji has atempted female chart

7th has shani and guru which shows slow but intelligent approach

7th lord guru is in its mool trikona rashi  which shows lot of intelligence when the native approach with the other world

karaka shukra happens to be with exalted mangal in 8th w.r.t. lagna i think it shows troubles in general

UL is in 4th with rahu it can show spouse comeing from mother side but may be staying in far land also UL is with darapada it shows natives relation or friendships changing to marriage

Navamsa has shani and soma in 7th which shows triats of spouse as per this it shows natives spouse may be emotional and sorrow giver

As per panchanga thiti lord is in 4th 12th to 5th it may be some pleasure complains and dispute with mother

AL UL are 2 12 relation it may be person is been rejected by spouse also it needs lots of giving to sustain relation

In rashi and navamsa shukra is mangal shows lot of anger in relation

Darakaraka happens to be mangal exalted in rashi but 8th which is not good

As per my view natives marriage is not so good or may be not happy with relation



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Post by prasanna » Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:03 am

Namaskaar Vivekji,

  As CRS ji has explained the first chart in detail, I wish to concentrate on second chart now. I dont know how far my views will be correct. Let me try.

  We see Lagnesh  Budha placed in 9 th house ,  Bhagya stahan which is a blessing in this chart. It tells native is blessed with good life style and he is a happy person. Moreover Budha conjunct Surya tells us he will respect religious values. (Budha Adhithya Yog is also present in this I feel)

If we apply the principle of Kalpadruma -

Lagnesh Budha is placed in 9 th, which very good.

Pakesha Shani is placed in 7 th house along with Guru (Swagruhi) which is also a blessing.

Pakka pakesha  Guru is placed in his own house , swagrahi placement  and kendra placement is also very good.

Pakka pakeshamsa falls in sukra amsa, and sukra is placed in 8 th  in D1  which is not good  in general.

Sukra, karaka for marriage , is placed along with mars in 8 th in D1 and D9 also . (But in namasa placement of sukra along with mars is in 9th house. )

  Looking into these  above three  positive  factors, I feel the native must have  a balanced marital life. 7 th house placement of shani may give us a clue that, his marriage may be delayed. Sukra conjunct mars may tell us , native must be very angry by nature and  wish to control his wife. There is a chance of misunderstanding of the love and affection of his spouse. As 7 th house is blessed with Guru , his wife must be beautiful, and she must belong to respectable family. Here shani is not only 8 th lord placed in 7th house, (which we generally consider  as  a bad placement), but at the same time, Shani is Bhagyadhipathy too. Here conjunction of 9th and 10th lord, Shani and Guru is a blessing I feel. There is Dharma Karmadhipathy Yog present. But Iam not sure whether  it is truly existing or not. 9th lord placed in 7 th may give him abroad chances and favors from abroad. 5 th & 12 th  lord Sukra placed in 8  th indicates troubles  from children. But native must be  a wealthy person and blessed with more wealth.

    Dara pada A 7 is  Mars which is exalted present along with karaka sukra indicates, the spouse must be very adjustable &  understanding type, which can bring balance in their marital life. So in my view there must be harmony in their marital life. I dont feel any major disasters in their married life.


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Post by vivekvshetty » Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:05 am

Namaskaar CRS ji,
Our observations below.
mysbcrs wrote:Dhanyavaad Vivekji,

Sorry for the mistake - Paakapaakamsesha is Guru and not Shani.

Now that you mentioned that the native is a female, are the following true:

1. While 7th is seen for relationships in general, 8th should be seen for marriage/mangalya bhagya
The 8th Bhaava has a main say in sustaining or breaking a marriage and in olden times if a female was widowed or abandoned by the Spouse then life for her was miserable to say the least. Hence the importance of the 8th.
2. Instead of Shukra, Guru should be seen as kaaraka for marriage

In the near past a Husband was seen more of a teacher to the spouse and Bhaagya means the Ninth bhaava. This Bhaava has two significators, Surya representing the Father and Guru representing the Teacher, both are protectors. First the Girl is under the protection of the Father and later under the protection of the Husband (after marriage). The Husband was the Soubhaagya of the wife. This is the reason, we feel that Guru was taken as the significator of Husband in a female chart.
In this modern times very few would regard the Husband on Par with GOD, hence we feel Shukra has his importance in a female chart atleast in this era. This does not discount Guru in any way, atleast in the Indian context.
Can you interlink all the factors involved, are there Grahas linking these various indications?

Sorry, I could not make out much. Is it that Rahu and Shani (owners of 3rd) connect to A3 and lord of A3 through Drishti, Ravi lord of 9th is conjunct lord of A9 and hence A9 will show up more effectively?
Guru shows that there is a promise of a turnaround.
Doe this mean Paakpaakamshesha has the final say?
No it is not that. We always have to see the positive and give hope to the person who has placed her/his faith on the Jyotish. See here, Guru is the UL lord and the seventh lord in Navaamsha. It is the 1st lord in the 9th and hence shows a religious person and one who will be very independent, likes to be the boss. This Guru is not much afflicted (only has Raashi aspect of Shani). Guru is also Vargottama and will give fame as a counseller/teacher etc. This Guru also happens to be the Paakapaakamshesha and hence will bring the luck factor. But that does not spare the native all the heartburns indicated by the other factors.
RishiRahul and vivek.

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Post by prasanna » Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:47 am

Namaskaar Vivek ji,  

  In my previous post I wrote, there is Dharma karmadhipati Yog in the chart there being 9 th and 10th lord together present in 7 th house. Iam sorry. I recollected, Dharma karmadhipathy yog means, exchange  of placement  between of 9 th and 10th lord . Here there is no such exchange is found. What I  meant  to say was , present of these two lords together  in 7 th house makes the native very wealthy, and he gains support from his wife for all his earnings and business. He is lucky to get help and co opeation from his wife in money matters and business activities. She must be very supportive to him in his work factors. But at the same time the native must be dominating,  as there is , 8 th lord 's placement in 7 th Bhava. Sorry for my mistake. Waiting to hear from U. Thanks. On the whole I feel the native must be  blessed in marital affairs.


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Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:05 am

Namaskaar Prasanna ji,
Apply Kalmadrooma principles wrt the 7th Bhaava and try to read the Horoscope. Go step by step and dont try to rush. This is a friendly advice from a fellow learner.
First see the seventh bhaava,
Then the lord,
Then the kaaraka,
then the navaamsha seventh,
the Navaamsha seventh lord,
then the Kaaraka Shukra.
Ofcourse dont forget the the Tithi lord.

Any Sambandha (We have already covered sambadhas in a previous lesson) between the Ninth and the tenth lord is a Dharma Karmaadipati yoga. This makes the native work for establishing Dharma in some form or the other.  
prasanna wrote:Namaskaar Vivekji,

  As CRS ji has explained the first chart in detail, I wish to concentrate on second chart now. I dont know how far my views will be correct. Let me try.

  We see Lagnesh  Budha placed in 9 th house ,  Bhagya stahan which is a blessing in this chart. It tells native is blessed with good life style and he is a happy person. Moreover Budha conjunct Surya tells us he will respect religious values. (Budha Adhithya Yog is also present in this I feel)

If we apply the principle of Kalpadruma -

Lagnesh Budha is placed in 9 th, which very good.

Pakesha Shani is placed in 7 th house along with Guru (Swagruhi) which is also a blessing.

Pakka pakesha  Guru is placed in his own house , swagrahi placement  and kendra placement is also very good.

Pakka pakeshamsa falls in sukra amsa, and sukra is placed in 8 th  in D1  which is not good  in general.

Sukra, karaka for marriage , is placed along with mars in 8 th in D1 and D9 also . (But in namasa placement of sukra along with mars is in 9th house. )

  Looking into these  above three  positive  factors, I feel the native must have  a balanced marital life. 7 th house placement of shani may give us a clue that, his marriage may be delayed. Sukra conjunct mars may tell us , native must be very angry by nature and  wish to control his wife. There is a chance of misunderstanding of the love and affection of his spouse. As 7 th house is blessed with Guru , his wife must be beautiful, and she must belong to respectable family. Here shani is not only 8 th lord placed in 7th house, (which we generally consider  as  a bad placement), but at the same time, Shani is Bhagyadhipathy too. Here conjunction of 9th and 10th lord, Shani and Guru is a blessing I feel. There is Dharma Karmadhipathy Yog present. But Iam not sure whether  it is truly existing or not. 9th lord placed in 7 th may give him abroad chances and favors from abroad. 5 th & 12 th  lord Sukra placed in 8  th indicates troubles  from children. But native must be  a wealthy person and blessed with more wealth.

    Dara pada A 7 is  Mars which is exalted present along with karaka sukra indicates, the spouse must be very adjustable &  understanding type, which can bring balance in their marital life. So in my view there must be harmony in their marital life. I dont feel any major disasters in their married life.

RishiRahul and vivek.
Last edited by vivekvshetty on Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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A step by step approach.

Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:50 am

Namaskaar All,
Taking the second chart for our reading, this is how we would approach the chart.

Natal Chart
Native: Male.
Date:          February 20, 1960
Time:          15:09:00
Time Zone:     5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place:         76 E 38' 00", 12 N 18' 00"

Seventh Bhaava has Guru in own Bhaava with Shani. This shows that the Natives approach towards relationships will be very traditional. He likes the traditional setup with regards to marriage. Guru in Swakshetra in his Moolatrikona Raashi shows healthy relationship/s. This also forms the Hamsa Mahapurusha yoga and also helps break the Kaalaamrita yoga present in the Chart.
The Bhaavesha is again Guru and is well placed with some minor irritants.
Eighth lord in the seventh may show its effect as health trouble to the spouse.

Thus we see that the seventh Bhaava is fairly well placed in this chart.

From the Kaaraka (Shukra) the Bhaava falls in the twelfth. this is not a good placement and may show that the native may feel that because of the marriage there was some sort of distancing from the other social circles. The native may hold the spouse responsible for this a s the seveth lord is also so placed from Shukra.

Seventh from Shukra is empty and its lord is in debility in the 6th. This shows some problem or delay in meeting the spouse.

Lastly Shukra itself is afflicted by placement as well as conjunction (Mangal) and aspect (Raahu). This does not augur well for the marital aspect of the life of the native.

Also applying the Kalpadrooma Principle, we see Guru is the Bhaavesh, Paakesha and Paakapaakesh and is very well placed in a Kendra and also its moolatrikona Raashi. The Paakapaaka amshesha is Shukra and its placement in the 8th is the only factor which afflicts this bhaava from the Kalpadrooma perspective.

So overall we may say that marital aspect of life for this Native will be a mixed bag, but it will sustain.

RishiRahul and vivek.

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Post by mysbcrs » Sun Feb 14, 2010 3:27 pm

Dhanyavaad Vivekji,

I discovered I had misunderstood the "Kaaraka-Bhava" concept as the placement of 7th Bhava from Kaaraka (complementary to Bhava-Kaaraka) instead of 7th house counted from Kaaraka.

Also I could not understand how "lack of direction" or "not planning for future life" or "dislike of disrupting status quo" can be related to 12th house (relative placement) or 4th house?

Also, is thie complaint two sided (i.e you will discover the same to be true if you were to see the spouse's chart?) or is it against the native by the spouse?
4th is the 12th from fifth and this means the basic complaint in relationships will either be a lack of direction or planning for future life. It may also mean dislike of disrupting the status quo, this may irk the partner.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Feb 16, 2010 6:39 am

Namaskaar CRS ji,
mysbcrs wrote:Dhanyavaad Vivekji,

I discovered I had misunderstood the "Kaaraka-Bhava" concept as the placement of 7th Bhava from Kaaraka (complementary to Bhava-Kaaraka) instead of 7th house counted from Kaaraka.
There are two things, one is the seventh bhaava from the lagna and see how it is placed wrt Shukra. This will show as to how we experience the Bhaava.
Second there is the Seventh from Shukra itself and this will show us as to how easily or otherwise and also where we meet the prospective spouse.

Also I could not understand how "lack of direction" or "not planning for future life" or "dislike of disrupting status quo" can be related to 12th house (relative placement) or 4th house?

Our thinking was, Fourth is the 12th from the fifth and is the sukha sthaana. What is the meaning of Sukha? we feel it means rest. At home you rest. SO basically it can be seen as a dislike to move out. Hence our interpretation. The native may not at all be like that but he will be perceived like that. Secondly Raahu in the fourth as the Aatmakaaraka also shows being cheated. This also may be one of the complaints of the spouse. She may feel that everyone is taking the native for a ride. Thirdly, what Swapnil ji wrote about the Complaint of the spouse against the mother of the native also stands, but then fourth Bhaava is always 12th to the fifth and you will rarely find a spouse agreeing or having great relationship with the mother.  

Also, is thie complaint two sided (i.e you will discover the same to be true if you were to see the spouse's chart?) or is it against the native by the spouse?
In the spouses chart we will see the Natives basic complaint against the spouse.
4th is the 12th from fifth and this means the basic complaint in relationships will either be a lack of direction or planning for future life. It may also mean dislike of disrupting the status quo, this may irk the partner.
RishiRahul and vivek.

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Post by mysbcrs » Thu Mar 04, 2010 3:44 pm

Dhanyavaad Vivekji,

I have a question on Visti ji's lesson.
Bhaava from Karaka shows how we experience various activities in life.
If the kaaraka is placed in the Bhava it wiould be a good placement assuming that the agenda is aligned. How do we reconcile this with "kaarako Bhava naasha.."?


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Post by vivekvshetty » Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:44 pm

Namaskaar CRS ji,
Kaarako Bhaava Naasha may not mean what we have been taught. There are other kaarakas too, like the Chara kaarakas.
Otherwise the thing doesnt really work.

RishiRahul and vivek.
mysbcrs wrote:Dhanyavaad Vivekji,

I have a question on Visti ji's lesson.
Bhaava from Karaka shows how we experience various activities in life.
If the kaaraka is placed in the Bhava it wiould be a good placement assuming that the agenda is aligned. How do we reconcile this with "kaarako Bhava naasha.."?


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Post by mysbcrs » Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:05 am

Sorry Vivekji,

I could not understand your response. If Sukra, kaarka for relationship, is in 7th, will the native's experience be good (aligned to the Bhava being placed in it) or bad (because of kaarako bhava nashaya)?

Also, based on Vistiji's article, will it be reasonable to deduce that natives with Mesha/Vrishchik lagna will fall into two extremes in terms of their experience with relationships? Sukra being the lord of 7th and also the kaaraka can make it either very good or very bad.

Pls dont mistake me. I just want to be sure on the fundamentals.


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Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Jul 24, 2010 8:15 pm

Namaskaar CRS ji,
Shukra in 7th wont destroy the 7th, for sure.
If on the other hand, Shukra owns the seventh and is AFFLICTED then it is a cause for worry.
RishiRahul and vivek.
mysbcrs wrote:Sorry Vivekji,

I could not understand your response. If Sukra, kaarka for relationship, is in 7th, will the native's experience be good (aligned to the Bhava being placed in it) or bad (because of kaarako bhava nashaya)?

Also, based on Vistiji's article, will it be reasonable to deduce that natives with Mesha/Vrishchik lagna will fall into two extremes in terms of their experience with relationships? Sukra being the lord of 7th and also the kaaraka can make it either very good or very bad.

Pls dont mistake me. I just want to be sure on the fundamentals.


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tithi lord

Post by priyesh » Tue Jul 27, 2010 2:43 pm

Dear vivek ji and rahul ji,

While going through the lessons i saw a quote by you saying that if the tithi lord is in 12th house from 5th  means..... dislike of disrupting the status quo, this may irk the partner.Further to this you explained as to why you came to this conclushion i.e; Fourth is the 12th from the fifth and is the sukha sthaana. What is the meaning of Sukha? we feel it means rest. At home you rest. SO basically it can be seen as a dislike to move out.

Reading this ..you wont beleive ...I was astonished.. because i have this particular combination in my chart and i used to wonder why i like always staying inside... and received much criticism for this behaviour of mine from my family. Please beleive .. after this reading of yours ,my faith in vedic astrology has increased manifold.

Please tell something more related to the position of thithi lord in different houses.
can we conclude that if the tithi lord is in 10th.. the native will be extrovert and face criticism since 10th house falls in 6th ( dusthana ) from 5th?


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