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Tarot class

Post by seaneen » Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:27 pm

Hi Gem

Thank you for putting this wonderful course on Mystic Board. I am really enjoying it I have always wanted to learn tarot cards now I can thanks to you and other members being so helpful and taking time to share all your knowledge. I have started your course a few weeks it has been passing the days for me while looking for for work.

I'm truly grateful  to yous all.


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Post by cedars » Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:46 pm

HI Seaneen

Gem is no longer a member at Mystic Board, but that shuold not stop you from getting all you can from this rich bank of knowledge in the Learn Tarot forum.
Please continue and contribute your thoughts and impressions.

I am sure members will be helpful where you feel 'stuck' with the cards.

Enjoy your tarot journey.


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Post by seaneen » Thu Oct 15, 2009 7:00 pm

Hi Cedars

Thanks for the information I Will continue on the course I'm learning a lot from it.  I still haven't got my tarot cards yet,when I get them I feel I will be able to contribute my thoughts more and hopefully I will be able to give readings and advice to other members as they have so kindly given to me.


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Post by Sheepdog » Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:26 pm

Hi Gem

So where does my Tarot set fall.???
Load of rubbish probably.

Had the set about 30 yrs, or so.
"Ancient Tarot de Marseille" B.P. Grimaud.
Also have a book, "Tarot" " how to foretell your future in the cards" Kathleen McCormack dated 1973.

Always been interested in tarot, But never manage to remember all the combinations. Remember that somewhere in the basic instructions, it says to keep the set close to you, dont know if that makes a difference, but 30 yrs in the same house?
Hopefully the course will help me.

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No Gem

Post by Sheepdog » Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:33 pm

Hi Cedars

Your post flashed up as I submited my post.
Did not know where from, so had to search through, luckily I started at the end.

So if any one can tell me if my cards are rubbish or not, I will then continue as well as I can.
Things have changed since I first took an interest. The internet being the main one, was not hought of when I was born.

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Post by cedars » Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:25 am

I dont think your tarot deck is a load of rubbish. There is no such a thing. Each deck speaks to the owner in a way unique to that person. It is a relationship. For me, the Tarot de Marseilles does not do much; it does not talk to me. I use the Rider Waite.
So, if it speaks to you, then go ahead with it and use it.

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Post by Scott Dodson » Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:05 pm


I have to say that I am still confused on trying to find everything on this board. I came here to help myself learn and spend time with people who are learning and doing readings. I know from my past experience when I use to read, that it was really helpful to be able to teach and learn from others, and do plenty of practice readings.

The problem I am having here thus far is finding everything. Is there a way to make it a clear cut method so that everything is easy to find? I know that may be asking a lot. I don't know how many people are current here either, there's a lot of reading and catching up to do to get to the end of this thread, lol.

I know that this is listed as a course, and I do have other courses that I have downloaded off the internet, but the thing with me is that they are really general, having even less in books that I have. I learned and started doing readings ten years ago, but got out of it and trying to get back in so that I can read for others again, I truly loved it. At that time it was free to get courses from the American Tarot Association, it only cost for the testing, we were able to do free readings for people also. Now they charge just to be a member of the site. But more than anything I learned from a book that I had on the Robin Wood deck, I believe it was by Anthony Louis, a fantastic book, at least for me it was. I am planning on buying it again right after Christmas (don't tell, but I already know that one of my presents is a gift card for a book store, lol)  I used several different decks, but learned from the Rider-Waite.

Anyway, I am looking to learn more and learn from other readers, and do readings for others when I am ready. I used to work on a place called PLANET STARZ, but see that they now only have a few readers, and it doesn't seem to be what it once was. There were a bunch of us, now they only have a few readers there who do all the readings. I also use to do readings on KEEN. Either way, this whole board has me confused, and though I will not be leaving any time soon, can anyone direct me towards other sites that are a little easier to work in. I know that I probably should be in here asking, but from the time I downloaded this thing I have been totally lost and confused as to how to find anything, or do anything.

Where does the course start? I found some of it, but has it progressed? Are here experienced readers in here that are keeping the course going. I seen in the beginning of this that there was home work, is that still going on also.

Sorry so long, just dazed and confused in here, lol

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Post by Scott Dodson » Wed Dec 16, 2009 11:13 pm

Oh, and I do want to ad that the question about the deck being a load of rubbish. Definitely not, no matter how old, they will still speak to you just the same, older decks seem to work better for some readers that I know. Simply learn the meanings of the cards and there will be no problems.

I am presonally not using a Rider-Waite deck either, I am using the Guilded Tarot, but getting ready to get a Robin Wood Deck. The choice of a deck is always a big thing for a reader, it's what you like, what you feel the most comfortable with, and how the cards speak to you. I once had the Dragon Tarot deck, never thought I would really read with it because I am not really into dragons, just collected decks and liked the pics. That deck blew me away, I done the best readings with it than any other deck, it was amazing at how well it worked for me. You never know what will work best for you, But no deck is Rubbish. I have ones I don't use at all, and probably never will, but they are good for others. Just shop around if you aren't happy with the ones you have.

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Post by cedars » Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:28 am

Hello Scot

The Course is not live as such. There is no one running the tarot course. But..... there is plenty of material in here from previous posts and threads about each card and the course is geared towards the Rider Waite deck.
I dont know whether you wish to go back to the basics and start learning the cards from the beginning, as it is done in the course where every one puts their own keywords and interpret the cards according to their understanding.

Like you, at first I thought this site was a labyrinth of a place and couldnt navigate myself. Dont ask me how, gradually I started finding my own feet around and now I dont even think about it. I am sure the same will happen to you.

As for decks and so on, I agree with you, we all interact with a certain deck and certain decks talk to us in different ways than others. I am still a RW fan and so far have not been 'attracted' to another deck. I look around, not for the sake of collecting different decks, but just to see if another one will speak to me differently.... One day...

I am sure there are non-interactive on line courses on the internet. But I think you will find a lot of interaction here which I'm sure you've already noticed by now.

Please do not hesitate to air your thoughts and ask anything that members here would be happy to partake.

Good luck Scot!

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Post by cedars » Thu Dec 17, 2009 8:34 am

I meant Scott- not Scot :)

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Post by pirbid » Thu Dec 17, 2009 11:17 am

:smt006 Hi, Scott! I believe I already welcomed you on some other thread.

I totally agree on this site looking like a labyrinth... at first. But please don't give up on it, it is worth learning your ropes around. In the end, you probably won't be able to  visit more than 2 or 3 subforums in each session because they are too packed with info.

As for the tutorial here, I found it very interesting to follow even though I had also been reading Tarot for more than 20 years. What you get out of it can be found in no books, mainly because it helps you trust your own instincts and not rely so heavily on books. After all, one interpretation isn't better than any other, just another point of view. It is based on the RW because so many people have versions of it and has very clear images that make it easy to read.
This is the tool without which I wouldn't have been able to make head or tails of the tutorial: The Way Map. I'll always be thankful to Gem for posting all the links in order. You just link from this page every time you finish a chapter. ... hp?t=41842

Then if you want some feedback on some of it, jump from the Learn Tarot forum in the Mystic Academy group to the Tarot forum where we are usually trying to make some sense of PayeWacker's challenges  :smt017  :smt003 In fact, I believe you already locked horns with him about cabala or some such, so enjoy. You should be getting mails every time a new post enters the thread you have written in, so that helps.

Within the Tarot forum there is a Tarot Reading subforum in which people post requests for readings. I believe Cedars is the only 'official' reader these days, since he is probably the most generous with his time and patience, but there are others of us who give a hand sometimes.

I am also a Marchetti fan and have the Guilded and the Legacy of the Divine. I also have Robin Wood's deck and it is so similar to the RW that it's really easy to read from it if you started with the RW.

Let me know if I can be of any more help. Hope to see you around quite a bit. :)

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Post by Scott Dodson » Thu Dec 17, 2009 6:54 pm

Thanks for your response Ceders. I do see that there are plenty of people, just not sure on how current they stay in here. I see some of the posts are newer ones, and some very old.

I think my main thing was to be in a place that I could learn from others, and help others, we all know something that others don't and can learn and help. My big thing is that I am interested in getting back into it full time, to make my living at it again. There's no better feeling than being able to do a very good reading for someone and help them. I am VERY picky about my readings though, I refuse to give doom and gloom readings, and rather point towards guiding others if there are difficulties that do show up. I have seen it many times, and I am sure other readers in here who have experience have seen this also. Someone gives a bad reading and makes the client worse off than they were before they came to them. In my book, we read for others to help them, not hinder them. Ethics is a big thing with me, and since I have been out of it for such a long time, I want to get back to doing really good readings.

I think another area that I need to look around in here for is rebuilding my intuition, I have had it very strong my entire life, but the only way I could actually harness it nd use it was doing Astrology readings and Tarot readings. When i read I was at a point where I would get very clear guidance, or visions when I laid the cards, as if the reading always came "through" me, and not from me. I just want to get back to that point again.
All in all, I am probably to hard on myself, that is what I'm told by my girlfriend all the time. I just started working with my cards again a couple of weeks ago, I know that I can't expect it all to come back that quickly. I just want an opportunity to do lots of free readings and get back on track, and this is a wonderful way to do it.

One last thing, I wasn't sure if there were moderators, or people who watched over the threads and such. This is a good thing and allows all of us the chance to show a bit of what we know for others to use. I have issues with some peopple being in control, lol, if they are to controlling. I have been in others boards in the past where the ones watching over had the "know it all" attitude, in which I think has no place in any board that is dealing with spiritual things.

Take care, and good to hear back from you.

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Post by cedars » Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:10 pm

Hi Scott

Intuition: Well, the tarot forum is not the only place where you can practise your intuition. There is the psychic forum too where I sometimes partake and also give readings. There is the Mediumship forum too run by our very own Spirittalk... So, many options available for you.

No, I am not a Moderator.

As for Moderators, yes, we have some very open-minded and fair Mods and Admin staff. Suzisco is our Mod in the tarot and the psychic forums (Sorry Suzi if I got this wrong) and she lets us all behave like adults, unless or until we stop being so. There are certain rules and regulations about types of readings requested and done; age limit and so on. All these rules and regulations are available at the start of each forum.
There is, of course the site's grandfather, Rhutobello  whose job it is to keep us all under some kind of control with his fair, liberal, honest and friendly approach.

There you go my friend. :)
Enjoy your stay.

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Post by pirbid » Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:25 pm

:) I will try to lead you to the best places in which to interact, although I am not Cedars, sorry.

Both the Tarot and the Learn Tarot forums are moderated by Suzisco, creator of havoc -or so she says  :smt003 -. You can see that on top of the NEW TOPIC button in each forum. But I am sure you will find no one who can accuse Suzi of being too controlling. In fact, you may go for months without reading anything of hers. Shame, because she is really nice and good fun to have around.
All over the board, when things get out of hand, you will see Rhutobello posting, the site's grandpa. But he only deals with extreme cases, as I see it, and I usually agree with his opinion.

We fully share your concern about ethics when giving free readings. There are even some guidelines both for readers and seekers. Here are the links -you can find them on stickies at the top of the Tarot Reading Forum-: ... hp?t=45384 ... hp?t=26406

There is even a Reading exchange, if seekers are a bit low, even though they are usually jumping up and down to get our Cedars attention. You can browse through some of these readings and see how it's done. Since the readings are free, they are all public so that we can all learn from each other.
You will probably find much more movement in the Tarot forum and subforums than the Learn Tarot, at least as of late -when I followed Gem's tutorial, she was still around and there were quite a few of us active on it-.

Apart from the Tarot forums, I am sure you would enjoy visiting the Astrology space, where you can choose among Western, Vedic, Horary...

Well, I just saw Cedars has beat me to your answer and he already pointed out other interesting bits of the board and explained about moderators and all, so I will leave it here.

Have fun  :smt002

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Post by cedars » Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:37 pm


Big Hugsssssss :)

You give me far too much credit. We have had some good times in the tarot learning forum and I would do it again, I promise you :)

Shame the likes of Farafina, George, Chris, oh...... and I forget all the other names, do not take part..... But, am glad you are here   :smt007


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