I got fired from my job

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I got fired from my job

Post by deniseantonia » Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:48 pm

I got fired on December 4th, 2009. Uranus went direct December 1st and there was a new moon in my 1st house. Saturn is still transiting my 10th house, though this was a job and not a career.

What aspects would I look for? The employer hired me when Uranus went direct, October 31, 2007. I'm not too upset, just curious and confused. I do feel free now, as I was unhappy working there! Could someone please tell me what they see in my chart?  

My birth date is April 21, 1980, Cincinnati, Ohio, 39n10, 84w27
at 8:58pm, Standard time.


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Post by Airgon » Sun Dec 06, 2009 3:01 pm

Can you recall the time of day you were hired ?

"The employer hired me when Uranus went direct, October 31, 2007"

and can you supply the location please ?

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Post by deniseantonia » Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:50 am

I'm not sure the time I was hired. I know it was in the evening. The location is Chicago, IL 41n51, 87w39.

Thank You

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Post by Airgon » Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:38 pm

Observe that Ruler of the 10th house of Career
is Signified by Mercury ruler of Virgo.

Jupiter is conjunct the MC ( 10th house ) and
Saturn the traditional career ruler is in Virgo
( meaning Saturn disposed by Mercury ) and
Saturn is in the 10th house.

A good argument can be made for Mars in 9th house
being conjunct  the MC ( separating 5 degrees 7 minutes ).

So we are looking at career - career is 10th house
and we have the above planets as primary points of

If we look at these points note that
Natal Ascendant is square transiting Jupiter Dec 8 2009
Natal IC is semisuare Tertiary Moon Dec 8 2009
Natal MC is sesquiquadrate ( 135 degrees ) Tertiary Moon Dec 8 2009
Transiting Mercury is sesquiquadrate Transiting Mars Dec 8 2009
Transiting Mercury is square transiting Saturn Dec 7 2009
Transitng Mercury conjunct Transiting Pluto Dec 7 2009
Transiting Mars semisquare Transiting Saturn Dec 5 2009
Transiting Mercury square Tertiary Jupiter Dec 5 2009

Aha ! lots of tough aspects all coming together at one point
that all have something to do with the 10th house, its ruler,
its co-rulers ( planets in 10th house or in 9th house but
conjunct  the MC ) - so from aspects alone we see
there is a problem on this date....

Observe transiting eclipse in the 9th ( other people's thoughts ) being
manifested by transiting new moon in the first conjunct natal
Uranus. New moon with Uranus is probably some new explosive event linked
to other peoples thoughts. Transiting Neptune is square natal
Uranus.. and Transiting Neptune is in third house of clients
ideas and thoughts being diffuse and unclear about the
situation ) as we note that Transiting Neptune is conjunct the natal
eclipse with Transiting Jupiter of extremes.

Something severe ( square aspects ) and confusing ( Neptune and eclipse )
and to do with career as both mercury and saturn are involved
all over the place.

There is a lot more to this - but this gives some clue of the approach
I use - in general terms - locate the planets causing tough
or difficult aspects like squares etc., and then relate that back
to the houses. That will give some idea what is happening.
Verification by checking what the ascendant is doing with
the planets to confirm the client is having these effects.

One could even go on and check the Descendant ( 7th house )
and see its rulers et all ( in this case Venus ) and note that
Transiting Saturn is square Progressed Venus on November 23 2009
which is probably when the final issues where resolved "by other people"
or the 7th house but only reflected later.

Some discrepency in a few days is there as the natal chart is not
rectified.. but seems approximately correct from first sight -
within a few days in any case :) as incident was on Dec 4 2009 and most
aspects are about Dec 7/8 2009. Fairly good correspondence.

Does this assist ?

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Post by deniseantonia » Tue Dec 15, 2009 3:18 am

Hello Airgon,

Wow. I had a feeling that something was going on before I got fired. One of my coworkers acted really strange around me. Some people avoided eye contact with me. Thanks for breaking everything down for me. I was looking at the 6th house for jobs. I'm in my last year in college for filmmaking and media, so I considered filmmaking/media my career.

I got fired because I didn't follow the rules. I broke them even after being warned. I don't blame anyone. I was curious if someone ratted me out at first. But I put that behind me. Sadly, I don't feel too bad. Confused, because I didn't think that I would get fired. I guess it's time for me to learn and move on.

I have to grow out of this rebellious streak.

Thank You for replying. I greatly appreciate it!

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Post by Airgon » Tue Dec 15, 2009 2:15 pm

Most of the effect comes from outer planet work...
We do have Mercury very active in all of this
but really not used as in inner planet. Only reason
we are looking at it really is that rules the Career
house ( 10th ).  Note: Mercury also rules the house
of death so to speak ( actually I prefer to think of
it as the house of Life and survival which includes
death ) the 8th house.

So a lot of inner thought seems to go into work
and related issues ( Mercury ) and emotions
as we have Tertiarys active ( Tertiarys being a
type of progression where the rate of progression
is based on the action of the Moon - not for example
like Transits or Soalr Arcs which are based on the
Suns movement relative to the earth ).

It does seem though that there is sufficient balance
with external effects ( Saturn, Neptune  and other
outer planets ) that we can say with some security
( as only a partial analysis was done ) that other
people were involved and probably had their own
profitable motives - your emotional life just blindly
keying into their needs. So instead of satisfying their
behavioural needs ( described by Saturn  - ruler of
the third, co-ruler of 10th  ? ) your Moon based
progressions were in play - the tertiary's.

I always feel that if one is alerted to periods
in ones life where there are possibilities like
this - then instead of taking reserve in ones
own inner life ( inner planets ? ) one can elect
by free will to observe realization of the situation
using these transits and use the Outer planets
aspects to guide ones behaviour.

For a poor example, there is a kind of a chart
called a "diurnal chart" which in one chart links
the natal and the transits of an individual.

There are many many reports and I have my own
experiences to personally confirm and that of my
clients that for example if one can see when a maleafic
is conjunct the Diurnal's Ascendant ( say Mars conjunct
the Diurnal Ascendant )  that is a day when traveling
in a car or doing some activity where one is at risk
of a Mars style incident ( accident, fire, impact etc etc )
should be avoided.

But also - on that day ( when Mars is conjunct the
Diurnal Ascendant ) channel the energy into something
1. you can manageable control - ( perhaps doing what
Saturn defines in the chart ? ) 2. channel the energy
in something constructive. For example, chop
wood, play a competitive but non impact game
like swimming perhaps ?  In any case evaporate
the energy in a constructive safe manner. The
idea being that the energy is now coming through
the planets and especially Mars in this case so
if one is blind to this it will just take the most immediate
available dissipation possible. If at that moment
when the aspect is realized you are in a car
and some other driver has a similar or even victim
aspect ( as in a Murderer and his victim ) then the
energy will manifest in some form of Mars way
say an accident or impact.

If we are aware of this we can avoid situations that
amplify and precipitate the energy involved in a way
that causes disturbance in our lives then at least
we can be prepared and perhaps even use the
energy for constructive efforts. And of course, as always
when working within the divine footprints of these various
charts with transits and progressions, it always seems
one way or another to bring one to ones eventual goal.
Just the path seems to be affected by the mechanisms
the planets describe in relation to the individual and
the immediately applicable environment. One has to
negotiate the traffic of the planets - tough without
an interpreted map.

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Post by deniseantonia » Mon Jan 11, 2010 6:02 am

Thanks for the insight, Airgon!

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