A sack of heads that includes that of my mother's?

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A sack of heads that includes that of my mother's?

Post by happyme » Wed Nov 04, 2009 10:30 am

I dreamed my mother and brother went out and some male strangers about four of them came to my home and just took over one room for their leisure. I started panicing because these men were trespassing strangers and dangerous in my mind. I went in a room that looked like my grandmother's ( in real life she lives next door to us, but we used to live with her until we moved next door) to hide and hoped my mother would come home soon. Then I realized the time I expected her home had long passed. So I started calling her cell no response. I then called a wide variety of people she knew -  a close friend, some neighbours, my grandmother, but close friend didn't answer the call and nobody else knew where she was.

Then I don't know if I missed anything from there, but suddenly I am looking into a sack with the heads of the men that trespassed and my mother, but I refuse to believe or acknowledge that my mother's head is in the sack and started calling around again, then I woke up. That is all I remembered. I woke up feeling empty and abandoned and kinda panicky, as if it really happened. I appreciate any insight I can get on this dream. Thanks either way.

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Nov 04, 2009 5:25 pm

In dreams most characters represent a part of you, or at least the feelings you may have for this character. We could see your mother and brother going away from the house as a symbol of these aspects leaving the dream so you are by your basic self. The four strangers would in the same philosophy represent parts of you that you are unfamiliar with, a part of yourself that you do not yet recognize as your own. Since a house in a dream also represents aspects of yourself, those 4 new aspects of yourself clearly state they are moving in and not be chased off. It would be handy to what they are related if you can remember which room of the house they went to occupy.

But perhaps the number four can already be of help. Four stands for stability (chairs and tables have four legs to stand on), the hard work that comes with creating a stable life, and thus also the material world. So, I would think these new aspects that moved in your life are characteristics that help you with dealing with the material everyday life and make your life stable.

The consequence of these 4 characteristics moving in, is that your basic self goes in hiding, and more particularly goes to hide in the memories of the past (the grandmother's room which you used to live in in the past) in the hope that your self-caring part would enter your dream and help you out and comfort you.

To call people in your dream stands for you trying to get information, to try and confront the issue, which you avoided before this (you went in hiding in your memories before). Strange though, the real question would be "Who are these 4 strangers?" but instead you try to ask "Where is my mom?" Perhaps the reason why nobody is answering the phone or cannot answer the question is because you're asking the wrong question, are still trying to avoid the existence of aspects of yourself you are clueless about.

A sack can be seen as a symbol of the womb... the environment that is warm and safe, giving you security. And once feeling safe you find the heads of the 4 strangers and that of your mother. A head stands for wisdom and understanding. So chopping off those heads would mean loss of good judgement.

I think this dream in total is telling you that you are relying on your mother (literal and figurative mother) to take care of you. To you, your mom is your source of stability, security and handling day to day life. However, you can do it yourself easily with the four new aspects. I think this dream is telling you that you can rely on yourself, because you carry the wisdom of those 4 and that of your mom with you as your life experience luggage.

I hope this helps you to understand your dream better.
Life is like a rose. The most beautiful ones have large thorns. You only need the courage to grab for them.

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Post by happyme » Wed Nov 04, 2009 6:46 pm

This analysis was super helpful esp the last paragraph, I am very unstable right now especially on a psychological and emotional level, and I try to depend on my mom for that emotional and mental stability it's like I want to become a child again, and I am trying very hard to break away but i am having a hard time doing so, I know I have gifts and talents, some I don't know about, and others I know of but don't quite know how to take advantage of to become fully financially independent, happy, and just generally self actualized. The dream could either be representing four elements that are such skills, gifts or talents, or they could represent the stability that could come from me finding myself and becoming fully independent on all levels.

The earlier paragraphs are very important too because I am trying to find myself spiritually and there are parts of my personality and feelings too that have kept repressed for a very long time that are starting to surface now. Some things i have gotten very close to the answers on but have been too afraid to face them.

They went in the room my brother and I shared when we were little and still living with our grandmother and years later it became our greatgrandmother's bedroom until she died in there. Probably I was in my grandmother's house and not my current home for real...

One more question - The sack representing the womb and four heads in there representing poor judgement, could it be interpreted as an unplanned pregnancy to come? Just curious.

Thanks again sweet sunray. This was extremely helpful.

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Post by sweetsunray » Wed Nov 04, 2009 9:34 pm

It would only be poor judgement if you lose the heads... I take it more as you getting those 5 heads as added bonus to help you out. It's not really clear in the dream what caused the dream in the first place... these instances are often not present in the dream. But if there is an unplanned pregnancy or fear for an unplanned pregnancy, this might be the cause for you to dream about self-reliancy and becoming independent from your own mother, as you would be becoming a mother yourself. But if you ask whether this is a foretelling of an unplanned pregnancy? I honestly wouldn't know.

Best of luck!

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Post by happyme » Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:01 am

Thanks again sweetsunray. You won't understand how helpful you have been. I think this dream and others may be trying to tell me the same thing. I think it may have to do with something I need to know about myself in order to become stable and progress in my current waking life. If you or anybody else reading this is interested, see the link below. It leads to a thread I started, talking about the other dreams I had recently which i think ties in with this one too, I think they are trying to send a common message to me. This is the link.
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 870#256870

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