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Reading please !

Post by Verisme » Fri Oct 02, 2009 4:16 pm

Help for reading please. i'm male and i need reading for my career and romance ! thanx in advance !
DOB = 16 02 82

I'm kinda feel like the unluckiest person in the whole universe ! why ? because no one ever-ever truly belief what i said, everyone always questioning every word i said, doubting me, i'm being ignore all the time, even this reading request or in another thread or in another website is always the same, no one give me a reading, although some has give me a reading but it always just short reading ! Is this my destiny, to be the unluckiest person ! Tell me ?

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Post by cedars » Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:32 am

My dear Verisme

Sorry it has taken us such a long time to give you a reading and I do not believe the world has turned against you.

I will do my best to post a reading for you today.


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Post by cedars » Tue Oct 06, 2009 12:15 pm

Hello Verisme

Before I lay the cards, I wanted to link in with you on a different level. As I did so, I got the feeling that in spite of the way you describe yourself or your life, I see you as an outgoing and a gregarious person and I am wondering why things have been this way for you. I get the feeling that when you want to, you can be the centre of attention, the life of the party, fun-loving, people around you, etc, and then something triggers you and you sort of go into seclusion. I can’t help feel that when you go into that recluse phase, you don’t consider yourself as being worthwhile to someone’s attention. Whether you do that as soon as you get some attention, or after a period of being the life of the party…… I get the feeling that you say to yourself.. May be I’ve gone too far, and I need to retreat.
I just get this feeling on one hand you can be all bubbly and gregarious and the next minute something overcomes you and you just go into a corner, waiting for things to come to you I suppose. I cannot pinpoint as to why you do that. I get the feeling that perhaps you have low confidence in yourself that whatever is coming your way you don’t allow it to materialise. Almost like sabotaging the possibilities? This is the feeling I am getting and the more you do that, the more you will start conveying the message both to the people around you and to the universe that you do not deserve what you want or what might be coming your way.

I am going to use a spread which looks at the general trends around you and hopefully gives you some insight. It is called: Who I am and where I am going?

Deck: Rider Waite.

1. Who I am now?
The Moon.

An element of delusion, despair and a general feeling of despair surround you right now. Whilst you may know which path to take, you are constantly questioning if it is the right path for you. You mistrust any guidance given to you from your surroundings and there are times you feel the pressure as though being stuck between two rocks. The moon is cyclical, it goes through phases and it is never constant. By the same token, I would like to assure you that your current state of mind is temporary too. You will get these moments or days when you will feel overwhelmed by its incapacitating influence, but rest assured, it will pass.

2. What I don’t know about myself.
Two of Wands.

A man of vision, aspirations and great ambitions. As the suit of the Wands suggests, you have passion and the creativity of mind to achieve great things. You have the ability to making a choice and sticking by it until the results come home. However, it is no surprising with the influence of the Moon above, you are not aware of these qualities about yourself. I feel the influence of the Moon has been around for quite some time now and it has, by its own right, blinded you about the other qualities – the positive ones – about yourself.

3. What I need to relinquish (discard, let go).
King of Cups.

Although this is a King, a man of power and position, but there is some instability about his position: he sits on a throne which is on water and, therefore, makes his ‘kingly’ state vulnerable and sometimes difficult to meet with all that is expected of him. He is also emotional, sentimental and has a tendency to rule with his heart rather than his mind. I feel the message here for you is that whilst you posses the qualities to build your own destiny, you need to be less emotional and rely more on the power of your mind than sentimentalities.

4. What I need to develop.
Four of  Swords.

Here is a man lying peacefully with three swords hanging over him and one underneath, taking time out and simply pondering about his situation. I feel the message here for you is that when you are on your own, in your reclusive state of mind, you could use that period to reflect upon your situation and come out with a positive course of action about your life. This is in no way a state of having given up on life – when you go within and take some time out – it is in fact time to reflect upon yourself and your life, away from the pressures and outside interference. It is a time to ground yourself rather than feel sorry for yourself. It is a time when you evaluate your own potentials without losing hope that all is done and dusted for you by some external forces.

5. What I would love to become.
Ace of Swords.

Position of power, clear mind, ability to fend for yourself and be successful at it. This is the power of the mind which is control of one’s life and the ability to make decisions for oneself. It is almost the ability to take your own destiny in your own hands and make a success of it. This is what you would love to become and the steps above so far all show the potential for you to reach to this phase with the advice for possible changes in the way you look at life.

6. My current quest.
The Empress.

Your current mission is to be self-sufficient, have abundance and also be able to look after yourself and those around you. The Empress sits in a field of golden wheat and a lush forest behind her. Everything about her indicates the love and abundance that a mother or a wife gives to her family. This is your current mission right now in as far as being in touch with Mother Nature and satisfying your earthly needs, be it food, love, sex and abundance.

7. Where it will lead to.
Knight of Pentacles.
Clarifier: Death and Knight of Wands.

Coming out of your Moon phase, with an awakening of your inner ambitions and desires, finding a fine balance between mind and emotions and taking stock of your current situation and grounding yourself, I feel the Knight of Pentacles is the careful culmination of all the above thus brining you to a state of calculated realism to achieve what you want. The message of prosperity done in a cautious and prudent style, steering away from risks and being thorough in your forthcoming steps. The Knight of Pentacles along with the Death card will guide you to make the changes necessary to bring you out of the current phase which according to your does not inspire you with any hope for the future. In time, I feel the careful and calculated Knight of Pentacles will give birth to a fiery, passionate Knight of Wands for whom energy and zeal is a way of life.
Which one would you take on board for the way ahead? The forever calculating and cautious Knight of Pentacles or the ever so fiery and impulsive Knight of Wands? These are choices available to you my friend and picking the best of each of these knights could be the answer for the way forward.

My dear friend, I hope these insights made some sense to you and I would strongly suggest that you do not give up so soon.

I look forward to hearing from you and once again I apologise for this late response to your request.

Blessings to you.

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Post by Verisme » Tue Oct 06, 2009 1:40 pm

To Cedars :

Thanks a lot mr.cedars for your reading, i didn't mean to push you to have a reading on me, infact i should be truly be grateful that you would waste your precious time just to have reading on me, so once i again i want to say thank you ! And as you describe me  as an outgoing and a gregarious person, that is true. But i don't know sometime i felt there is another me, who was sometime so nerveous, full of worries, full of anger and hatred, for example there where a time when i like this girls and in the same time i just want to push her away from me , because we had a different faith and i know this is still a very big problem in my country, and i just take the easy way out , so everytime she is trying nice to me or   make a conversations or joke to me i  just ignore her or make a small talk and then just pretending i don't have any feeling to her and at the same time i just want to hold her near (which i didn't do) and she never know my true feeling for her , having this feeling inside of me is like in hell, and now she is belong to another and i think it take me a very long time just trying to forget her (still hoping -> what a fool am i ?). Any way i hope (i always hoping -> is this bad ?) that i can get through this situation ! thanks !

P.S : Sorry for my bad english and poor grammar.


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Post by Kaperuzita » Tue Oct 06, 2009 2:45 pm

Dear Verisme:

I've also thought that I'm the ubluckiest person in the world sometimes but. you know what? Maybe it's just that you need to learn from every bad experience and then move on. I was told that, if we don't learn our lesson the first time, we'll have a similar experience a second time, and so on.

Remember that you own your destiny, try to take time to truly discover yourself and, when you're sure what is it that you want, life will give it to you.

Warm regards, and a big hug!

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Post by Verisme » Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:53 pm

^Thanks for your support !

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Post by cedars » Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:34 pm

There is nothing wrong with your English Verisme.
It was not a 'waste' of my time in giving you a reading; I just hope it meant something to you, as you did not say much about the reading and what, if anything, it meant to you.

Hoping is always good. Dont give up hope at all. But if the lady has moved on and is with someone else, you can still hope to get acquainted with another lady and make new friendships and even a relationship. Now, you should not give up hope on that score.

Best wishes to you

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If you don't mind Another reading please, for my career

Post by Verisme » Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:25 pm

Hello all to tarot readers and mr.cedars, can i have another reading if you do mind and if this is not troublesome?, this time is for my career. for starter i just to say few word about me and why i want to get a reading for my career. From the time i've graduated from my university i always have some trouble into getting a job, it takes me 6 month for me to find a job and when i get the job it doesn't suite me at all (doing a job that not the position that i applied to / tottaly different) , the company is a small company (s/w house) only 6 men in that company. And as time goes by , one by one the employees start to quit until there where 3 employees left including me, and then i talk to the employee that i want to quit too. And one month later i got quit (it last only 9 month for me in that company). And then after 3 month i finally find a new job (again in in a s/w house), and although i felt comfortible to work here but sometime the owner just order me to do that not related to my job, maybe you think that i always complaining about my job and just do the job, but come man the owner just order me to buy some small bag raisins  in the market or delivering a key to his apartement room for his tenant agent, or buy 2 bag small plastic tofu, is not like that the company doesn't have an office boy (this is why i put on my topic "Am i The UNLUCKIEST person in the whole universe"). But the main reason i quit it is because love problems. And so i quit again (last only 1.5 year), and after more then 1 year of jobless today i find a new job, as stock admin in a warehouse factory, i just want a prediction and advice about my career in this new company, must i work hard in this company, because when i get this job i'm back to square one again, i have bare minimum paycheck and it pays daily.

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Post by cedars » Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:02 pm

Hello Verisme

I will try and give you a reading soon.

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Post by cedars » Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:44 pm

Hi Verisme

You have had some unfortunate experiences in your previous job(s). But for a reader to tell you if you should work hard or not at your current job is putting the reader under a huge responsibility. Of course, we should all work hard at our jobs if we want to have success, no matter what the job is. If a reading revealed that you should sit idle, not work hard and, in fact, leave your job right now, would you do that? I hope not!

No, you are not the unluckiest person in the world and there are those who have had it worse than you. So, let us put that aside and look how you can make this current job work for you.

I am using the Rider Waite deck and a 5-card spread which is for determining a course of action.

I shuffled the cards and cut them into three groups. I picked pile number 3.

The Present or general them of the reading:
Wheel of Fortune.

You are now at a point where things are changing in your life. A new chapter, a new page is upon you. We are told the Wheel of Fortune just happens or comes upon us and we have no control over those events. I would say, the changeover has come upon you because of the past events in your life. The wheel can turn up or down. I feel you are in a position to make the best of this turn of events. There is an opportunity for you to make this a success – it is within your ability here to make the wheel go UP or DOWN. It is not all fate; we have some work to do too.

Past Influences still having effect:
The Magician.

In the past you have had the help, advice and the resources, be it education, knowledge and certain experiences. These influences are still within you and they can still have an impact on your progress. Your knowledge of what you have studied and learnt is still with you, the opportunities for what you can do are still there, but you may have picked the wrong job or the wrong job came to you. The Magician can and will offer you a lot of guidance and give you the resources to make a success of your current job. Are you going to be led by your past failures or by the negative experiences of your past jobs? If you do, then none of the tools that are available to you such as knowledge, education, some of your work experiences will serve you in your current or even your future career situation.

Seven of Pentacles.

You will work hard and there is no escaping the hard work. You will wait and expect to see the result of your hard work. Sometimes it will be hard to wait and watch and see no tangible outcome. But…..for those who work hard, there will always be a good outcome. The message of this card relates to the following: you can do all you can and put your hard work into the soil or the job you are doing and rest assured the results will come through one day. And, they are usually good results.

The Reason behind your question.
The Tower.

The reason you are in this situation is a big change which took place in your life. Things beyond your control came and shook the foundations on which you had put your hopes for the future. Whether this change was in your work or in your personal (emotional) life, things needed to change for you to move forward and build from scratch – as you yourself said that you are now back to square one and working at a basic salary. The change that the Tower has brought to you is significant and there will only be good to come out of it, provided that you use your talents and resources given to you by the Magician.

The Potential within this situation.
Two of Pentacles.

To weigh your options and juggle yourself around the situation until things change, or until better things come to you. This may be another job; this may be changes in the current job; this may be promotions or further opportunities which you do not see or know yet. The man in the two of pentacles is a happy-go-lucky man; he is making the best of what he’s got in his current situation and is not unhappy and is also having a good time.

Out of the five cards, you got three major Arcana cards. These cards in themselves are major turning points, events and opportunities for you: a new turning point in your life right now; opportunities from your past still within your reach and a clear picture as to why things had to change for you to be where you are now.
The other two cards are of the Earth element – Pentacles. They signify our ability to be in touch with the material side of our life – work and finance. After the different job journeys you have had, I feel there will be a period of working hard and waiting for the results to appear. I’m afraid it won’t happen overnight. If I have to go by the seasonal meaning of the Pentacles, they indicate winter. There will be some hard work during the winter period and in the meantime there will be potential for growth or better things to come. I feel the message from the way I see it (you may feel differently) is don’t get up and leave again. This time there is some work to be done before you get to a place where you would be able to make your own choices.

I hope this made some sense to you my friend and I wish you all the very best.

Many blessings.

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Post by cedars » Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:49 pm

Position Number one should read:  The Present of the general Theme of the reading.

Sorry for the typo.

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Post by Verisme » Mon Nov 02, 2009 5:03 pm

Thanks a lot mr.cedar for you reading again ! Although in my heart there's always a cloud of doubt saying that "will i make it this time or will i failed again ?", i will try to make the best of me and no matter what happen, whether i'l make it or failed at the process, i must do all i can until there is no more strenght left in me. thanks once again ! and goodnight, because it almost midnight in my country and i must sleep so i can face the world again tommorow.

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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 03, 2009 4:23 pm

Don't think of failure Verisme; that is not the way to go.
Think of success and you will be guided that way.

Best wishes :)

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