Timing of events

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Timing of events

Post by bkrish » Wed Sep 09, 2009 2:22 pm

Dear Members,

I have been reading tarot for quite some time using waite deck but i have not been able to predict the events such as marriage,aboard travel and birth of child (especially the year month and date ) which most of them ask for in reading.

Especially most of my known circle are asking me to do this reading for them i find it difficult to tell them that i am not able to read them help me out to make this a good reading session.


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Post by cedars » Thu Sep 10, 2009 9:39 pm

Oh, the wretched topic of timing again ;) I know...... we all want to know timing of events. But is timing always accurate? I doubt it.

There are many ideas and concepts on tarot timing and whichever works for you best.

This is how I work, but I tend not to emphasise too much on timing.

Cups: Spring
Wands: Summer
Swords: Autumn
Pentacles: Winter

Aces stand for the season when the event may take place...... and after that II, III, IV...... I take them as the number of weeks within that season.

Court cards are viewed upon as the transitional period between seasons.

But,then again, court cards have their own astrological attributions in terms of the zodiac signs. Would that be another factor for timing?

If you dont feel comfortable giving timing, then it is best to say that you dont do timing.

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Reading timing

Post by bkrish » Fri Sep 11, 2009 1:52 pm

Hi cedars,
Its nice of you to give your experience on the timing however people tend to seek the timing of event so that they have belief in the reading because we tend to speak of the vibration of the client during particular session.

I had tried some times to give this reading based on pip cards and court cards eg aces means January,two - Feb etc but when it came to Nov & Dec i had got confused for i used to get court cards (such as page,king or queen) where i used to get stuck for not able to ascertain the month.

Hope you would share your experience on this reading and tell me if this method is correct as i have tried this while doing it for my clients.

I would like you to throw some light on giving the exact date of such event eg. Mar-May, 2nd week,15th etc sort of ...


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Post by cedars » Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:11 pm

The way I do it (If I had to) would be II of Cups the second week of Spring..... now it depends when you are giving the reading.. If the reading is in the summer, would you like to tell the seeker whatever they are looking for may happen the second week of next spring?

That is why when I give readings, I usually tell them that the time span is around six months. There is nothing worse than giving timing and letting the seeker wait on the clock..... I dont like doing that.

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Post by bkrish » Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:31 pm

Hi Cedar,

It seems that you have been trying to play safe however my question would be to know the kind of spread you tend to use while having such occasion since sometime i doubt about the outcome of the reading especially while doing the same for career spread.

Hope you would share your views and experience on this space.

eg. Person who is undergoing turmoil in his career wants to know when he would get a good job in near future, can you take up this for your explanation.


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Post by cedars » Fri Sep 11, 2009 5:34 pm

I dont use one type of spread at all. I use different spreads for different situations and scenarios. I dont know what you mean by 'playing it safe'.

I don't believe anyone can give precise timing and if your clients ask for that, then you have to tell them nothing is cast in stone; they themselves may change the timing and the course of events with their own free will.

When would one get a new job for the future? A question like this may have many answers. In fact, a question like this DOES have many answers. The best timing answer for such a question would be to take the narrative version and pick cards which will am sure give an answer to the querent that....... when so and so happens..... when he takes this or that action....... when his attitude changes from this to that...... when he makes this and that change in his life...... then he may be in a better position to find a job. This is timing too. What good it is to give timing as the 16th of October, when the one asking the question is not doing anything towards facilitating his/her goal?

When things don't happen to us, the answer the cards or spirit will give us can be in so many different ways. It is not prophecy to come up with a date. If there are people who can do that, I raise my hat to them; but I don't do prophecy timing and I wouldn't not like to entertain the precise timing issue because it can be a futile effort to mislead the seeker. Once a timing has been given, the seeker will no doubt sit and wait for things to happen. Well, life does not work that way. Sorry.

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Post by bkrish » Sat Sep 12, 2009 1:52 pm

You are pretty right in saying that  seeker must work on the circumstance with best available resources,the basic tenets of  tarot which is based on the mind set of the person during the time of reading but however i have seen many of them insist on exactness of the event at least to an extent.(Tell me how do i explain about tarot) as you know that tarot has not been widely accepted in my country but i have know few people who have been able to predict market using this system if you have tried this let me know the way you do the same.

when i said playing it safe i meant we tend to put the ball on the client's court and say it all depends on his/her approach,nothing to offend you.

In many cases i have had people asking me about their area of life (career,Marriage etc..) as a whole say how will my married life be etc.. I have given some thought of this on how to give such predictions using tarot but have not achieved success if you would like to share you thought i would appreciate it.

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Sep 12, 2009 4:41 pm

Hi bkrish,

To really try and pinpoint a date, no, no. If you read cards and expect that kinda answer, you are treading on very, very, thin ice. Timing of events is like   shooting in the dark, some you hit, some you miss. The most important to remember. Is when you look into the future, it changes---because you looked!!! You give the querant a timeframe, yet other possible issues to avoid. Then do you truly think that even if you read the cards tomorrow for the same person, it be the same....... Don't think so!!

If your querant then follow your advice to not act in a certain way, will the rest of the reading be accurate, after a few days, or is it possible to have changed?

Just a few questions to consider. This issue has been discussed numerous times on MB. I've included a link to the minor arcanum attributions. You will find a timefactor to most of the cards. This is based on the Golden Dawn's teachings, of which AE Waite was a founder.

http://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AZyuZ ... NWZn&hl=en

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Post by cedars » Sun Sep 13, 2009 7:48 am

If in your country people are adamant on exact timing, then I do not know what to say to that. Perhaps you have to do some educating......

I agree with what Payewacker is saying.

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Post by bkrish » Sun Sep 13, 2009 8:29 am

Dear Payewacker & Cedar,

Thanks for your reply i understand your point very well also would like to know whether you do the reading for market (Financial speculations) and how do you assign a card or reading for 12 astro signs while doing a daily or monthly forecast for anyone.(not for astrological houses).Looking forward for your reply.

Hi Payewacker,

I had seen your posting before also but could not understand its intricacies especial the astro signs i am using rider waite deck for reading but i understand that picture varies but meaning are same. hope you would deliberate on the same.


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Post by Kaperuzita » Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:32 pm


I usually do a loophole to avoid asking about the specific time. For example, I tell the querent that he/she should ask if a job is coming in the next month, 2-months, etc. We set a time spam. So, according to that I do a usual three-card spread. If the cards are good, then, it is a yes. In that same spread you can "play" with the cards you get to see if they're fast or slow cards to calculate when, in that time spam, the job will appear.

Maybe it's playing it safe but it works :)

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Post by bkrish » Tue Sep 15, 2009 1:47 pm

Hi i think that i can try this way to avoid specifics on time thanks a lot.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Tue Sep 15, 2009 4:56 pm

Kaperuzita wrote: Maybe it's playing it safe but it works :)
Giving a date when things will happen takes the power away from the seeker, it isn't a cop out or playing safe, not giving a date is giving the power back to our seeker. Give them the confidence, the hope, the personal power rather than  taking it away by dictating or predicting a date. :)

Cassie xxx
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Post by bkrish » Wed Sep 16, 2009 1:30 pm

Hi Cassie xxx

you are probably right but any one of our member have the experience of reading tarot for financial market or other new way s tarot can be used share your views.

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Post by Cascade of Light » Wed Sep 16, 2009 4:15 pm

Hi Bkrish,

The Tarot can do anything if we ask the right questions and use it the right way. Mostly though spiritual gifts don't work for profit, like prediciting the lotto. But we could try.. maybe try a few readings with no financial complications and see if they do come right?

Cassie xxx
A cascade of light shone down on me, then the angels spoke, and set me free,
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