Rune Cards for tarot readings

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Rune Cards for tarot readings

Post by Annodnyl » Fri May 11, 2007 2:42 pm

Is there anyone out there who can do a tarot reading with runes, how do the symbols from say a rider-waite tarot translate with a reading from the runes?

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Tarot and Runes

Post by MoonGoddess » Sat May 12, 2007 12:57 am

I do not know much about Tarot, so I could not help you on that but Runes I do.  Runes are very different in there meanings to Tarot and have a different energy.  I once picked up the Ryder Waite deck and felt sick so there I can't help you there either.  I can help you with the meanings of Runes but you will have to go into the Tarot forum to ask about Tarot there.

Sorry I could not be of any help there.


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Re: Rune Cards for tarot readings

Post by Gem » Sat May 12, 2007 4:03 pm

Annodnyl wrote:Is there anyone out there who can do a tarot reading with runes, how do the symbols from say a rider-waite tarot translate with a reading from the runes?
Did you mean rune cards? Cos they can be used in a very similar way to a major arcana reading, utilising tarot spreads and layouts.

The symbols of the Rider Waite-Smith deck are greatly different to rune symbols. But..... the symbolic meaning of the cards isn't. Each tarot card has a rune assigned or linked to its energy. The Haindl deck is one of the best known and has a rune on each corresponding card.

There are many printings and different versions of the Rider Waite deck too, so it is a bit like saying 'I don't like fruit'. Many have been changed, redrawn and reprinted since the original RWS deck. For most the symbolism remains throughout though and they are still the most used standard deck for learning, from there people usually move on and thats when we notice the similarity and links between all divination tools :)

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Post by EarlofLeicester » Sat May 26, 2007 11:51 am

There are plenty of books (and web sources) on multi rune spreads to deliver a tarot like feel to a runecast.  I don't know if a tarot like reading is possible with the runes (other than with rune decks, like Gem refers to, although conceptually that is probably closer to tarot decks with runic major arcana than runes adopting tarot-like qualities).  If you want a tarot reading with a runic flavor that is probably the way to go; if you are looking for complex (over 5 runes) spreads using the runes, I would just use one of the many rune spreads designed for that purpose.

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rune stone and tarot card reading

Post by joydev6 » Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:01 pm

i do tarot card reading Osho-Zen Tarot deck for the past four years and i have just started to try and do Rune stone reading . i entirely agree that the symbols on rune stones and  tarot cards are entirely different but there is a also a point of similarity. both use the language of symbolism and i myself find that practitioner of one of the great art namely tarot or rune can easily read and interpret the other . i hope my senior in this field would be in a position to enlighten me further.

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I can

Post by Theonewithnoname » Tue May 05, 2009 10:27 am

I figured it out - there are three more runes than major arcana but some of the runes have crossover meanings.  Hagalaz for example, parallells with both the High Priestess and the Empress and also to some extent the Wheel of fortune.  I'm making a video about it, I'll post it once its up.

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Post by Astynome » Thu May 07, 2009 11:54 am

Hi, I read mainly tarot but I like runes too - well actually I like to read anything.  

To me, tarot and runes are different and I will try and explain intuitively why I think they are different.

Tarot seems to be connected to us and the world, kind of like if we were all actors and we had different clothing items to wear at different times, depending on the roles we are playing.  This is why, to me, the tarot is so pictorial, with characters and 'props, scenes etc.  This is why, too, Tarot shows potentials because it's kind of like how stories go - you get the wicked stepmother, and the ageing shell of a father, and the hero son, or maybe the failing business and the burnt out manager and the unforeseen family crisis etc, etc, etc. Basically, a multitude of interracting stories, or even just all the elements of a story and its characters within a sphere that is basically ourselves, if that makes sense, and yeah you get most likely outcomes - sort of like if you have X+Y and then Z comes along you might get T or because you have AB and E and you can see that K L and O are influencing things, then you could very well find yourself doing such and such with so and so, and that great big F there points to that outcome.  lol - that kind of idea anyway.

And I think you can read the tarot on a variety of levels - but it still operates as a bunch of colourful stories, events, characters, props and our inner and outer experience of these stories.  It feels like the cards connect 'up' and then 'through' the people of the world and can be mirrored back to us in others.

The runes, however, are quite different.  To me, they seem like we see that one little symbol and suddenly it drops 'down' or zig zags through channels outward and downish onto an underlying or coexistent landscape.  Each rune has its own otherwordly landscape which is generally empty, has some colour, but a lot of light and shade imagery, has weather, and emotional sensations.  And these landscapes speak of the interrelating elements that are vibrating through the environment, around, and of you or the subject of the reading.  If I transfer the imagery to a more meaningful closer image like the tarot then rather than clothing and props, the runes to people are like how people might apply tattoos or warpaint or tribal ochre designs.  We use a design to communicate something about us and maybe where we are from and maybe where we are going. They connect us to what we might develop, work through, remember, try hard to forget, bury the hatchet over, get rid of, start anew, ply open, cultivate, strive for.  The connections are very raw and connected to something quite primal within our being but that is also in touch with something timeless and everwas.  

So tarot readings seem to feel more detailed in a way and runes seems to encompass something like the standing stone circles in the world for instance - there is silence in them, or screaming wind, rustling grass, blockades, directions, wavy energy, pain, construction, and things like acceptance, partnership, silliness, trying to get away with things, or trying to keep things as they are.

Good luck with your own findings.

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Post by greenmerlin » Thu Sep 10, 2009 2:25 pm

I have these runes that are these cement feeling flat sounds that make the sound of a chalk board scratching when you rub them together. Tarot cards appear so much nicer to me! Just venting though, I'm sure some find the runes very inspiring and wonderful.

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