lesson 17 planetary motions.

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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Fri Aug 14, 2009 3:44 pm

Dear Vivek ji

Sorry for mistake you know how much retarded i am when it comes to astrology but i understood the concept now about the 8th from particular bhava

I too agree that lord was lucky but i have been many articles on lords chart keeps mentioning that vakri shani gave him vanavasa detachment from home and all stuff so my mind was stuck there

I request you to explain the vakri shani factor in lords chart just as you explained deepak osho ji how mercury played role for lords marriage

One more thing you mentioned that vakri graha will have more desire on 7th what when grahas with extra dristi hold as far as my understanding lords shani was having dristi on 6th (enemies) 10th (karma) lagna (self)

is it like that shani also helped lord to defeat ravana ji as it has dristi on 6th more than that 10th which is 7th from 4th as you mentioned strong drisiti  made him famous for his karmas only thing not getting how it affected the dristi on lagna

Hope i am not out of topic as i am concentrating on vakri shani Correct me if i am wrong



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Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:37 pm

Namaskaar Swapnil ji,
See our post in this topic with the subject title A DICTUM.

RishiRahul and vivek.

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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Thu Aug 20, 2009 4:15 pm

Dear Vivek ji

As i was going thru the posts i suddenly rememberd a puranic story about the ravana and shani that a vamana came to ravanas darbaur to visit where ravana use to go to his throne stepping on back of all planets there shani said to vamana that as he is looking down he cannot do any thing and said once i got to see him i will teach ravana a lesson and on vamansa trick ravana agreed to turn all planets to sleep on there back and this way shani saw the ravana and later he was defeated by lord rama

Here in lords charts shani in vakri state had strong desire to defeat enemies(6th house) in this way we as per dictum you mentioned applies, also i understood about 10th house (Karma bhava) but not able to understand the 10th dristi

Correct me if my understanding is going in right way



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Post by mysbcrs » Fri Aug 21, 2009 6:19 am

Namaskaar Vivekji,
A Dictum applicable to vakri Grahas.
"If a natural benefic is retrograde & debilitated in a Kendra or Trikona, it indicates a curse from a past life.... Natural malefic planets in a Kendra or Trikona when retrograde and debilitated are a blessing from past birth. The opposite occurs in a dusthana."
Is there a dictum for retrograde exalted and retrograde normal (neither exalted nor debilitated) planet?


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Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:22 pm

Namaskaar CRS ji,
The dictum is derived from a basic rule of Jyotish.
Natural benefic should be strong if in a kendra or trikona, Malefics if placed in Kendras or trikonas should be weak.
And in Dusthaanas it is the other way. natural malefics are good if they are strong here.
So we can say that if a Natural benefic is exalted and Vakri in a kendra/trikona it will be a blessing. Rest you can deduce for yourself.

We feel, for a graha not placed in its exaltation/debilitation we have to judge if it is strong or weak and then judge the result it is likely to give. of course the result will not be so strong as to fall in the Blessing/curse category.

RishiRahul and vivek.
mysbcrs wrote:Namaskaar Vivekji,
A Dictum applicable to vakri Grahas.
"If a natural benefic is retrograde & debilitated in a Kendra or Trikona, it indicates a curse from a past life.... Natural malefic planets in a Kendra or Trikona when retrograde and debilitated are a blessing from past birth. The opposite occurs in a dusthana."
Is there a dictum for retrograde exalted and retrograde normal (neither exalted nor debilitated) planet?


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Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Aug 22, 2009 4:33 pm

Namaskaar Swapnil ji,
Yes even we have read the story, but in the version we read it was Sage Naarada who was responsible for the turnaround instead of vamana. Yes, Drishti of Shani is not a happy one and in Lord Raama's chart it is aspecting Raahu and it is Vakri.
Mangal in seventh is said to give defeat and in Lords chart Mangal is exalted and hence it was difficult to defeat Raavana, only the aspect of Guru on this Mangal is said to give victory. Try it on some charts.
Try to decipher Shani's tenth aspect and share your findings with us.
RishiRahul and vivek.
gaonkarswapnil wrote:Dear Vivek ji

As i was going thru the posts i suddenly rememberd a puranic story about the ravana and shani that a vamana came to ravanas darbaur to visit where ravana use to go to his throne stepping on back of all planets there shani said to vamana that as he is looking down he cannot do any thing and said once i got to see him i will teach ravana a lesson and on vamansa trick ravana agreed to turn all planets to sleep on there back and this way shani saw the ravana and later he was defeated by lord rama

Here in lords charts shani in vakri state had strong desire to defeat enemies(6th house) in this way we as per dictum you mentioned applies, also i understood about 10th house (Karma bhava) but not able to understand the 10th dristi

Correct me if my understanding is going in right way



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Post by mysbcrs » Tue Aug 25, 2009 11:36 am

Dhanyavaad Vivekji


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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Wed Aug 26, 2009 6:54 pm

Dear Vivek ji

Sorry for the mistake it was naarad muni indeed

As the topic is on vakri state i only looked on vakri planet it self well rahu is in 6th are you trying to say that rahu in 6th in lords chart represents ravana aslo i think if it is so rahu represets foreign elements and since rahu is in 6th it can also show enemies from far places and we all know that ravana was from sri lanka but i cannot deduce what shani drisiti on rahu mean as basically they both are frnds

As on mangal i can only say that lord was mangalik and in his chart it was a yogakaraka too pls explain this part too about how guru helped him for victory

Till then i post if i find sme thing on lords chart



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New student's Confusion

Post by manishparekh » Thu Aug 27, 2009 11:07 am

Dear Sir, Thanks for wonderful tutorial. I am newcomer in this forum and a late student for this course. Please guide me how to start and from where to start. thanks again, waiting for your enthuistic reply

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Re: New student's Confusion

Post by vivekvshetty » Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:21 pm

Namaskaar Manish ji,
You have to post a formal request.
http://mysticboard.org/vi ... hp?t=28361
Your name will be added to the learners list and you may then post your queries on the lessons.
RishiRahul and vivek.
manishparekh wrote:Dear Sir, Thanks for wonderful tutorial. I am newcomer in this forum and a late student for this course. Please guide me how to start and from where to start. thanks again, waiting for your enthuistic reply

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Aug 30, 2009 4:30 pm

Namaskaar Swapnil ji,
shani is dukkha kaaraka (sorrow significator) and its dristhi will always be sorrowful.
Mangal in the seventh is Maranakaaraka sthana Mangal.
RishiRahul and vivek.
gaonkarswapnil wrote:Dear Vivek ji

Sorry for the mistake it was naarad muni indeed

As the topic is on vakri state i only looked on vakri planet it self well rahu is in 6th are you trying to say that rahu in 6th in lords chart represents ravana aslo i think if it is so rahu represets foreign elements and since rahu is in 6th it can also show enemies from far places and we all know that ravana was from sri lanka but i cannot deduce what shani drisiti on rahu mean as basically they both are frnds

As on mangal i can only say that lord was mangalik and in his chart it was a yogakaraka too pls explain this part too about how guru helped him for victory

Till then i post if i find sme thing on lords chart



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Post by vivekvshetty » Mon Aug 31, 2009 4:09 pm

Namaskaar All,
Just saying that a Graha is Vakri is just a superficial thing to say!
Let us understand this phenomenon of Retrogression in some detail.
A graha first slows down then gradually it becomes stationary. After this it starts to slowly retrograde. This retrogression slowly gathers speed and is at the peak for the superior Grahas (Mangal, Guru and Shani) when Surya is in the opposite Raashi (seventh raashi). Again slowly it loses speed in its Vakra motion and it again attains stationary state. Thereafter it slowly starts to go in the Direct motion.
In Jyotish all this different motion are treated a bit differently.
RishiRahul and vivek.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Sep 05, 2009 4:28 pm

On a rough estimate, when Surya is in the fifth from The Superior Grahas the retrogression starts. When it is in the opposite Raashi of Surya (opposite means for mesha we take Tula as the opposite raashi) it is at the peak o0f retrogression. When Surya is in the ninth from the superior grahas the Graha is at the end of its retrograde motion.
The inferior Grahas (Budha and Shukra) have different distances because they never are very far away from Surya.
We will deal with the difference in effect due to the difference in motion of the Grahas in the next post.
RishiRahul and vivek.

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:25 am

This is a deeper level of understanding of Vakra gati from SJC Guru Visti Larsen ji,
We request the learners to please read this post quiet a few times. This is a very important principle.
When we go deeper into retrogression we can no longer settle with simply recognizing two motions of planets, namely Direct vs. Retrograde, but must now consider THREE motions
Direct - Chara (rajasic state)
Stationary - dvisvabhava (sattvic state)
Retrograde - sthira (tamasic state)

Here we are taught in the tradition that the stationary position is a state of recharging, where the nature of the planets will indicate whether they are
1) meditating (sattvic grahas);
2) scheming (rajasic grahas);
3) sleeping (tamasic grahas).

Naturally not all the planets can achieve these three states, and hence we are talking of five grahas namely:
Sattvic: Jupiter.
Rajasic: Mercury and Venus.
Tamasic: Saturn and Mars.
Here the initial direct motion of the grahas shows them moving towards achieving their desires, and when they gradually slow down towards stationary they begin to loose their energy and whichever yogas associated with them, until they become completely helpless/inactive when in
stationary itself.
Having come out of the stationary position and begin their retrogression they are all eager to achieve their desires with new found strength, however, the tamasic grahas coming out of their slumber can be utterly destructive and can completely devastate their house position due to the
intense anger/sorrow they have suffered from loosing their abilities during their stationary position.
As a result the worst placement for tamasic grahas during their retrogression is i) their own sign and ii) exaltation.
Hence, such a position of a tamasic graha should not be in kendra or trikona as they will devastate their signs position
So we can infer: a retrograde malefic/tamasic graha is like a curse when in own sign/exaltation and in the beneficial houses i.e. kendra and trikona, as it completely devastates these houses.
Whereas his placement in dusthana when in own sign/exaltation will act like a vipareet raja yoga and destroy enemies.
Opposite will happen in his debilitation sign.

Now, a benefic planet be it sattvic or rajasic will carry somewhat different characteristics. The sattvic Jupiter is like a sage coming out of meditation and is eager to bless the world with mantras, knowledge, etc. As a result he is in a very giving mood and if he is placed in his sign of debilitation there is NO GIVING as he has nothing to give. Yes, he is aiming towards exaltation as that is his desire, but how much of this can he give?

Similarly the rajasic planets are aiming towards growth and prosperity, but without money (debilitation) how will they grow?

Hence when a BENEFIC is retrograde, then his placement in debilitation is ONLY auspicious when in Dusthana. Otherwise in kendra or trikona he will act like a curse.
Opposite will happen in the exaltation sign.

Now, there is more to consider here such as the INTENSITY of the retrogression, as a planet who is ending his retrogression has his desires fulfilled and will not be as destructive, whilst one who has just begun is full of energy and desires.

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Vakra and Asta

Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:07 pm

We have learnt about vakra gati in the previous posts of this lesson, but really the study would be incomplete without learning of the Asta of grahas.
Asta means combustion. When a graha is said to be close to Surya nearing conjunction it is said to be Asta.
Asta means to set as in Suryaasta means Sunset.
In Astronomy it is termed as Helical setting and Helical rising.
The superior Grahs (Mangal, Guru and Shani) are Vakri when far away from Surya (Actually Earth is between the Sun and the Graha).
When they are closer to Surya then they are asta (combust). Here Surya is between the Graha and Earth.  
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