Problem with channeled tarot readings and client readings

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Problem with channeled tarot readings and client readings

Post by wyldorkid3 » Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:58 am

Hello friends,

I've evolved into a working spiritual therapist through what I affectionately call "on the job training". Things have been moving so fast because of the nature of my crises and the sudden "light switch" affect I received last year with mediumship development. Suddenly, I'm in a new realm of understanding and trying hard to stay safe during the spiritual journey that literally fell on top of me one day. My tarot readings started being channeled last year in free form fashion. I was happy when I realized that I could converse with angels and guides and masters through the meditative process. For years I had been going through an epic karmic struggle, and as I entered a new cycle of liberation, I was able to connect with more and more divine energies. The guidance I have received has been invaluable.

Yet while the changes were wonderful, in terms of divination, it suddenly became difficult to read for other people. Everytime I attempted to read for others, the messages that would outpour would be for me. As my clients pulled cards from the deck, they were pulling the same cards in the same order that were showcased during my personal sessions. The cards were talking to me, not them.  I stopped using the tarot and switched to angel cards and oracle cards, but the messages were still my own messages. I discovered that If I meditated during a session, envisioning the client pulling cards as I pulled the cards with my own hands, then we received a valid message for the client.  During readings I was also subject to complete disconnections from spirit. In addition my aura would expand and completely overpower the room and intermingle with the energy of others causing a muddled divination.

Individuals with whom I share an intense psychic connection have also been subject to doing readings for me remotely from their own homes. They call me complaining that their cards aren't relevant to their situations and that they are pulling the same cards that I had pulled earlier for myself. After "cutting my cords" with these individuals and walking them through a meditation to connect with their own energy, they are sometimes able to consult their oracles.

I questioned my guides about this and it was explained  that my psychic energy was going through a transformation period and was very unstable. It was said I need to strengthen my focus, disconnect from the ego as I continue to meditate and go through the purification process during this time. Im still developing and these things take time, but I can't stop working with other people who need help. But its also embarrasing when I have to sit there and reshuffle the cards because my own energy and drama is pouring out in somebody else's reading. It takes up a lot of time.  

Is there anything that can be done about this from a practical stand point? I already to groundings, opening and closing prayers etc, but these really do not help with this particular issue.

Thanks so much
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Post by spiritalk » Sat Aug 29, 2009 1:04 pm

Mediumship's tool is the whole body, mind, spirit of the reader.  It is not about using other tools to connect and work through.  Perhaps try readings without cards.

If you read through spirit guides you will note that they come from the same realm of spirit as our soul is striving to learn to understand.  They are not angels, ascended masters, etc.  They are our beloved brothers and sisters who take their time and energy to make our life better through their experiences.  We need to learn to respect spirit guides from the point of view of our beloved friends and colleagues in this work.  This keeps us grounded in the fact that our spirit communication is coming from the 3rd sphere as that is where we are suited to work and be.

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Post by wyldorkid3 » Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:54 pm

Thank you for you wise words Spirit Talk. As always, your advise is most appreciated and I always look forward to what you may say. To clarify, I wanted to explain that I do know the difference between an angel, ascended master and a spirit guide. I have worked with all three types of energies including other types not listed here. I can visually see, hear and feel the difference.  I understand that each type has a specific kind of signature to the way they interact with us as well. From my experience, spirit guides and ancestral spirits will help with the day to day details of life. Angels  are objective and more concerned with the bigger picture of the souls journey and do not involve themselves with minor details unless it harmonizes with their specific mission. My experience with ascended masters deal specifically with exploring and purifying karmic patterns and resolving past life blocks and traumas through energy healing and ritual.  They too view our incarnations very objectively and have been pretty hands off with resolutions when someone is in the midst of a karmic cycle. This has been my experience with the different types. I don't know if this is standard, but it is how their energies and personalities have manifested in my life and work. I feel blessed and grateful to be developing in this way.

You are correct when you say that maybe I should do away with the cards. This already has been suggested by the more evolved energies. This takes time however, and I am not developed enough to completely do away with them as yet. I have been weening myself off of them little by little to rely on my faculties.  My gypsy guide brought the tarot into my life nearly a decade ago and she really likes cards,  so I may continue using them in her presence if she requests. She too however wants me to develop a stronger clairaudience so that I never have to completely rely on the tools.

Thank you again for your insight. I am always open to learn new ways of understanding the realm of spirit. If you have any other advise, please share. My first role is as a student.


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:28 pm

Just for my own comfort zone, I developed some little symbols of my own with regard to doing readings:

Above the head is for money or financial concerns.  I see a green dollar sign.

Around the heart area is for relationships.  I see a red heart - broken for problem relationships.

At the feet is a path that progresses forward.  This is insight into what is happening and where it is going.

Over the whole torso I see a triangle for balance of body, mind, spirit.  It is the closest I come to health - I do not read health.

Perhaps you could develop something similar for yourself while you open clairvoyantly to mediumship?  In that way, you would be comfortable in the reading without the use of cards.

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