Is Lord Shiva an living immortal?

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Is Lord Shiva an living immortal?

Post by sunmystic » Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:25 pm

I would like to explore the concept of Lord Shiva being an actual living immortal and that he is actually still physically present and living on this earth/planet today.

I would also like to explore how he did it and the possibility that we can do it also.




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Post by Aegeus » Wed Aug 26, 2009 12:10 am

He has blue skin. Silver deposits in the body can turn the skin blue. Silver embodies feminine energy.

The the pituitary gland in, which is connected to the pineal gland and the third eye, (I've also heard the center of the brain called the fourth eye); I read that one tear from this eye/gland if it makes it to the spine is enough to immortalize the body.

The third eye is also known as the eye of horus, which I have read  could be used to scan an environment to know what is needed and to create a body that could be sustained there. Even for other planets. So Imagine have a healthy and balanced third eye is connected with having a body suitable and sustainable in an environment.

Blue is he colour of the throat chakra and could then relate blue to communication, and it's one of the three prime colours, along with yellow and red. Red is sensual, root chakra and thus connected with primal energy. Yellow the solar plexus chakra where usable energy is stored. The crown chakra in the avatar picture is bright yellow, symbolizing connecting with universal energy, or rising energy through the chakra system and transmuting it into the golden ray. And the garment worn around the lower body is deep red.

The balanced and disciplined practice of yoga has shown to maintain strong health, and to even have health improve with time.

Yoga has eight limbs, the first is hatha the physical then raja the mental. The western schooling system is all based around the mind and is grossly imbalanced. The danger of doing mind yoga first is the body may deteriorate with long sitting meditation, and may be ripped apart from the intense mental energies coming through. There is also a risk of going crazy, or of being manipulated by not being grounded enough.

The idea of hatha yoga is a holistic philosophy of physical well-being and maintenance. Developing the physical body as a temple for the soul and an instrument for spirit. Reaching a state where the body can handle long sitting meditations without decay, and can handle and ground the intense mental energies coming through it.

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Post by sunmystic » Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:14 pm

Aegeus wrote:He has blue skin. Silver deposits in the body can turn the skin blue. Silver embodies feminine energy.

The the pituitary gland in, which is connected to the pineal gland and the third eye, (I've also heard the center of the brain called the fourth eye); I read that one tear from this eye/gland if it makes it to the spine is enough to immortalize the body.

The third eye is also known as the eye of horus, which I have read  could be used to scan an environment to know what is needed and to create a body that could be sustained there. Even for other planets. So Imagine have a healthy and balanced third eye is connected with having a body suitable and sustainable in an environment.

Blue is he colour of the throat chakra and could then relate blue to communication, and it's one of the three prime colours, along with yellow and red. Red is sensual, root chakra and thus connected with primal energy. Yellow the solar plexus chakra where usable energy is stored. The crown chakra in the avatar picture is bright yellow, symbolizing connecting with universal energy, or rising energy through the chakra system and transmuting it into the golden ray. And the garment worn around the lower body is deep red.

The balanced and disciplined practice of yoga has shown to maintain strong health, and to even have health improve with time.

Yoga has eight limbs, the first is hatha the physical then raja the mental. The western schooling system is all based around the mind and is grossly imbalanced. The danger of doing mind yoga first is the body may deteriorate with long sitting meditation, and may be ripped apart from the intense mental energies coming through. There is also a risk of going crazy, or of being manipulated by not being grounded enough.

The idea of hatha yoga is a holistic philosophy of physical well-being and maintenance. Developing the physical body as a temple for the soul and an instrument for spirit. Reaching a state where the body can handle long sitting meditations without decay, and can handle and ground the intense mental energies coming through it.
Aegeus I love reading what you write! I went streight to the Mind Yoga part and literally skipped everything else :) Thirty-six years of pure mind yoga with thounds and thousands of hours of meditation, I wake up at night doing meditations in my sleep :) .

Eight years ago I met Shiva personally along with Yogananda's Babaji. I honestly did not think that they were real, they are :) They showed up to visit with me for awhile and stepped me into permanent samadhi with God. Shiva and I have been friends ever since.

One of the things that you mentioned that is also interesting Aegeus is that you mentioned the pituitary gland :) most everybody is into the psychic powers of the pineal gland and are missing half of things. And those half of things are very important and come into play if one is going to be physically immortal and if they wish to ascend someday.  

Love, and please post more! :) I don't really know much about what tradition has to say about Shiva. And honestly, I was hoping that you were going to save my tush on that part :) !


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Post by sunmystic » Wed Aug 26, 2009 5:49 pm

Here is something that you guys might find interesting: We have a pair of physical arms with hands and we have two pairs of psychic (for lack of any other term :) ) arms with hands. One pair of psychic arms for the upper chakra stuff and one pair for the lower chakra stuff. :)

which is actually why traditionally some Hindu Deities are showen with more than one pair of arms with hands. And one can actually do things with them should one wish to :)



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Post by sunmystic » Wed Aug 26, 2009 10:58 pm

Guys this question has come up:

"Do I care if a person is male or female?"

To me a message board is and only is, "Minds at play!" Things are an equal field and gender has nothing to do with anything.

If a person declares themself as a person of the "female persursion", then I because of my up bringing, have to cut them some slack, because they are of the "gentler sex". Which is ok and I do not mind. Ok?

If you are not a guy and want cut slack, then just tell me. I will adjust things. No problema.

Sunny chest thumps "Rhuto :) " Sunny then picks himself up and is glad that Rhuto is a wise person :) the world needs more wise people!

Love you guys!

sunny (one who is probably not quite so wise but hopefully working on it :) ).

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Aug 27, 2009 12:16 am

I would say energetic arms, or limbs. Like the kind of thing used to do chakra work, energetic balancing and so on.

Multiple limbs could also refer to the attainment on mastery of the some of the many limbs of yoga.

Buddha is said to have been an avatar of shiva. I heard that buddha did yoga for a long time, then figured something was missing from the practices who participating, and went and sat and meditated for ten years to discern what was missing. He then come back with much wisdom. Buddhism evolved from the wisdom buddha brought from the mind yoga, but left out the physical yoga he he did to be able to do the mind yoga on such a high level.

Having all the energy channels open and flowing I am sure is a key to eternal youth. Just look at a baby, anything it feels flows, and clears so that new feelings can do the same. Babies experience full joy and full pain and can go from one to the other in seconds. When they feel hurt they express it, and same for joy.

Also babies are much more in tune with their needs then most older.

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Post by sunmystic » Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:04 pm

Aegeus wrote:I would say energetic arms, or limbs. Like the kind of thing used to do chakra work, energetic balancing and so on.

Multiple limbs could also refer to the attainment on mastery of the some of the many limbs of yoga.
Energetic arms is a phrase that I have not run across before. Interesting.

They do work really good for waking up one's chakras. My energetic arms just whoke up this week so I really have not much experience with them or what all one can do with them. It is intersting how much balance and energy they add to things when one brings them into play around the front of one's body.



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Post by sunmystic » Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:28 pm

Aegeus wrote:I would say energetic arms, or limbs. Like the kind of thing used to do chakra work, energetic balancing and so on.

Multiple limbs could also refer to the attainment on mastery of the some of the many limbs of yoga.

Buddha is said to have been an avatar of shiva. I heard that buddha did yoga for a long time, then figured something was missing from the practices who participating, and went and sat and meditated for ten years to discern what was missing. He then come back with much wisdom. Buddhism evolved from the wisdom buddha brought from the mind yoga, but left out the physical yoga he he did to be able to do the mind yoga on such a high level.

Having all the energy channels open and flowing I am sure is a key to eternal youth. Just look at a baby, anything it feels flows, and clears so that new feelings can do the same. Babies experience full joy and full pain and can go from one to the other in seconds. When they feel hurt they express it, and same for joy.

Also babies are much more in tune with their needs then most older.
That is interesting about Buddha. In Indonesia statues of Buddha are always set above one's head and no one's head is to be above Buddha's head. What is cool about that is that there is an area outside of ones body that when activated stimulates the pituitary gland. That area is from the top front of one's forehead foward and up at a 45 degree angle and ends at the enterance to the Divine. So a person looking at a statue of Buddha will automatically stimulate that area and live longer. :)

Which is also why the unicorn is a divine, immortal and a magical creature. Its twin horn is attached to the entrance to the Divine.

to be continued...
Last edited by sunmystic on Thu Aug 27, 2009 6:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by sunmystic » Thu Aug 27, 2009 5:55 pm

Another interesting thing about Buddha is that if one feels Buddha's bun resting on the top center of their head they will over time begin to experience bliss because of the effect on one's "autonomic nervous system" when they stimulate that area that is above the top center of one's head.

Which is also why Shiva wears his hair the way that he does. What Buddha did was to simplify things even more.

The Fae wore a wreath on their head. And Jesus had His crown of thorns :)

All of these do the same thing. The wreath actually stimulates the area just above the top center of one's head. Opening the lotus flower on top center of one's head if they include the tiny root under it also does the same thing. If one wears a turban and meditates on it it will do the same thing. :)



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Post by sunmystic » Thu Aug 27, 2009 7:51 pm

Guys life's little chores are taking me off of the internet for awhile. I am not gone, I am just absent :)

Love you guys!


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Post by Aegeus » Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:17 pm

I only just thought of the term energetic arms after considering the idea you put forth of psychic arms.

That's interesting about the entrance to the divine. I imagine star gazing has a similar effect also. Or cloud watching.

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Aug 30, 2009 6:02 pm

Aegeus wrote:I only just thought of the term energetic arms after considering the idea you put forth of psychic arms.

That's interesting about the entrance to the divine. I imagine star gazing has a similar effect also. Or cloud watching.
Yes :) they do. Another way to experience things is to rase your arms and hands toward the entrance to the Divine (about a 45 degree angle upward from horizontal) and feel the connection. :)

Jesus said, "Seek first the Kingdom of the Father and the righteousness of the Father."

The Kingdom is the "entrance to the Divine" and the righteousness is the Divine that dwells within you and is worshiped from the altar of your heart.



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Post by DragonKnight » Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:18 am

you know what i thought sgiva as a daeva was an entitie of evil. and i went astral and killed shiva because of blood magic

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Post by sunmystic » Fri Sep 04, 2009 5:47 pm

DragonKnight wrote:you know what i thought sgiva as a daeva was an entitie of evil. and i went astral and killed shiva because of blood magic

Every little bit helps!



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Re: Is Lord Shiva an living immortal?

Post by Mahakal » Sun Jun 23, 2013 6:54 am

sunmystic wrote:I would like to explore the concept of Lord Shiva being an actual living immortal and that he is actually still physically present and living on this earth/planet today.

I would also like to explore how he did it and the possibility that we can do it also.







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