21 December 2012 - Not just the end of the world

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by PrettySiren » Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:10 pm

I skimmed through most of the replies as much as I could, so sorry if someone's already mentioned this, but:

I've looked this up before a couple of months ago, after much discussion with family about the year 2012. This end-of-the-world scenario is mentioned on the website Exit Mundi (you can google it for the URL). There, one of the things mentioned in the article that makes the scenario seem less likely (from a scientific standpoint) is that if a planet such as this had had this elliptical for so long, it would eventually swing loose from our solar system and fly off into space. The article is a good read and cites things for and against it.

But that doesn't mean it can't happen. There are some things in this universe that physics can't explain (try as they might) and stranger things have happened, so I'm definitely not ruling it out.

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not just the end of the world

Post by NeoGeo » Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:58 pm

There is growing feeling amongst people friendly with the earth (Gaia) that the earth has "conciousness" as indeed does all created matter, and the earth will only tolerate so much rape and pillage of her/his/its? body before acting in self defence and squirting a few million of us pesky humans away in order to protect herself. The cause of world wide floods and fire from heaven in so many cultures suggests that comet strikes in the past have caused massive global changes and it is the most likely way things will get interupted in the future.  Twin earth scenarios are way down on the list of likely causes for disruption.  Scientists have been powering up satelites with a deadly little thing called plutonium generators for thirty years now. Plutonium being one of the most deadly poisons to mankind.  When the sattelites decay in orbit and they generaly do, everything in them gets incinerated by the heat of re entry.  This scatters deadly plutonium dust into our atmosphere where its slowly falls to earth so we and all other living things can eat it from our food chains.  The immense damage can never be cleaned up as the half life of plutonium is measured in thousands of years. The changes this is causing in our genes is already being measured and ghastly effectys worse than the thalidomide horror are upon us already.  When we wake up to what is slowly mutating within our very dna we may very well cry out to the "gods" to give us all a quick mercifull death in 2012 and the prophecys may be our mercifull end.
Or not!

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Post by googolplex » Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:54 pm

PrettySiren wrote:I skimmed through most of the replies as much as I could, so sorry if someone's already mentioned this, but:

I've looked this up before a couple of months ago, after much discussion with family about the year 2012. This end-of-the-world scenario is mentioned on the website Exit Mundi (you can google it for the URL). There, one of the things mentioned in the article that makes the scenario seem less likely (from a scientific standpoint) is that if a planet such as this had had this elliptical for so long, it would eventually swing loose from our solar system and fly off into space.
The one thing to consider is if this is not just some small planet, but sister star, even if brown dwarf, what is mass. If mass is great enough would not fling off.

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Post by FutureVizions » Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:35 am

I got as far as King Enki, and couldn't read more.  That's the name of an ancient Sumerian god of the sea...  Give me a break.

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Post by Isoniahtar » Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:01 pm

Enki... yeah, that's what I first thought of when reading the thread. Btw, about floods, the Sumerian legend when the Gods flood the Earth and they watch from ?space? what happens there might be of some help?

I, for one, don't know what to think about all these theories... We'll just live and see, whatever it will be (or won't be), I for sure am gonna live my life till that and beyond (if possible). :-D

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2012 Earth Changes

Post by loudbear » Sat Jan 24, 2009 11:50 am

I don't know anything about what I read in your post, but the elders that I have spoken with say that it is predicted that great changes will come upon the Earth begining in 2012, These changes will not necessarly be the end on the planet, Mother Earth will survive, but that it could end the dominance of man, we have a choice... if man can learn to live in harmony with with the other peoples (both 2 legged & four legged or more or less legged) then we will be granted a raising of spiritual awareness. Should we fail to do so, then man will be destroyed by the coming changes.  The changes will be brought about by an alinement of our solar system with the center of the universe.

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Post by 3xcharm » Sun Feb 15, 2009 8:17 pm

I have read on many places on the internet, and in books, about predictions related to 2012.  The last one which was channeled from the spirit world said, there will be changes but nothing like the ones we expect.   Most of the posts I have read here, tends to forget that this is not our home.  Our home is where we exist before we are born, and after we die.  Earth is only a school for us, which of course does not mean that we can abuse it or destroy it.  
These predictions they focus our attention away from the lessons we are here to learn.  Search within, not without for the answers.
Love and Light.

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Post by womanofthecraft » Sun Mar 22, 2009 4:12 am

My husband and I discuss this topic often.  I do believe there may be other life beyond our solar system but, I never connected that belief to 2012.  That is amazing, and if it is so, I hope they are kind and understanding.  I am excited about 2012, I always have been but never really understood why!  I hope for positive change in our world!  There will be panic and wide spread fear, we can all keep in a positiv state and know life situations must improve!

Your posts are very enlightening
Thank you!

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Post by tropical » Tue May 26, 2009 10:02 pm

the world doesn't end in 2012,it simply changes into the next phase,meaning,it ends as we know it.it will actually stop,as in time,similar to a warp,but we'll be stuck in it ,seeing all ,from the beggining to our current time,like one big picture,that's how mankind and the collective consciousness will get it,and it's due to a black hole,that we'll be on the edge of,then we either go in,or another natural act stops that from happening,so,time will stand still,so we can reflect,god, or something else,help us, if we remain on our current path of thinking

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Post by mlb4168 » Sat May 30, 2009 4:56 am

Honestly I think the only thing that will happen on 12/21/2012 is the same thing that happened new years day 2000, which was absolutely nothing. However if something is going to happen we will know by 2011. I heard mention of Nibiru earlier. Nibiru, while no concrete evidence that there actually is a Nibiru a.k.a. Planet X, but if there is there are many scientists that believe it will appear as a second "sun" in earths sky by the end of 2011. So I guess we will just have to see. I personally am excitied either way it goes because that date just happens to be my birthday. What a b-day present that will be if the world does end.

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Response to DevaPixie

Post by Tonjalea » Sat Jul 11, 2009 2:22 pm

Hi there. I have never heard that story behind Nibiru, but it was pretty cool.

I have had prophetic dreams my whole life. In childhood, I had so many that I knew that I was here in the end of a cycle. Not the end  of the world, but cycle. It looked like the end of the world as we knew it though.
In the dreams, I was shown all of these choatic events that would happen and what my role was during these events. It always seemed like preperation.
I had dreams of second suns and a comet hitting the earth as well, but one intersting thing that I have dreamt many times is of a 'dragon' or very large and powerful reptillian. He was here with his own intentions and agendas but he mostly wanted a special child that would be considered is polar opposite. Spirit ad Ego. Hard to explain and a very long story.

I just found it interesting that your story easily coincides with my dreams from over 25 years ago.

Thanks for sharing!

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Post by Jey » Thu Aug 06, 2009 5:14 am

Havn't you read about the message posted by Doreen Virtue on these numbers. Dec 2012 is for me a 3 number. In numerology we, reduced the numbers to the lowest or it could also be a 2s and 1s.

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2012 and the Galactic Center - interview with Dr. Christine

Post by veigapaula » Sat Aug 22, 2009 7:44 pm

In the interest of time, though, I'm going to move forward on this a little bit. I love Egyptian gods and goddesses and the history there. I love to teach about that. Lately, I've been talking a lot about Sekhmet, and enjoyed reading in your book about Sekhmet and the information there with Ra and how that Sekhmet was attached to Ra's solar rays. Tell us about that and what she was doing there.

Dr. Christine Page: It was interesting. Sekhmet is a very ancient goddess, as far as I'm concerned. I may not be accurate in this, but I believe—I mean, Sekhmet was the great lion goddess, half lion, half man—and to me, I believe that Sekhmet may well have been one of the instruments that came about to produce Sphinx there 13,000 years ago. I'm just putting that in because I think Sekhmet is a very ancient goddess.

I think that when Ra came along—which was relatively recent 5,000 years ago—he had to put Sekhmet somewhere into his, he couldn't have her running loose anymore. And again, if we read back in most ancient cultures, the Sekhmet who is a dark goddess—as is someone like Lilith, or Ereshkigal or Kali—I think these men gods were terrified of them. The dark goddesses always ruled the underworld. Every pharaoh, every king, every god had to go into her lair, into her cauldron in order to achieve his fullness.

And so, I think that when I was reading about Ra and Sekhmet, of course, he is historically changed somewhat, because it was starting with a patriarchic coming through around that time. And of course now, Ra wants to have some power over the people, so he sends Sekhmet down to bring peace. Well, of course, she starts devouring people and she starts to tear them apart and a lot of bleeding goes on. He basically sees that maybe he's got a wild woman here he can't control. So he sends down a sleeping drug that he puts in the blood that she's drinking, and she falls asleep. And there we get this quietening period that goes on.

http://www.examiner.com/x-18975-Metaphy ... e-Part-Two

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Post by elevenat11 » Fri Oct 02, 2009 1:59 am

Jey wrote:Havn't you read about the message posted by Doreen Virtue on these numbers. Dec 2012 is for me a 3 number. In numerology we, reduced the numbers to the lowest or it could also be a 2s and 1s.
Dec 21st, 2012 adds up to a total of 11.  Doesn't that mean elevated spirituality and enlightenment in that time?

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Post by gori1 » Tue Oct 13, 2009 6:49 am

i dont know i am saying right or wrong but as per tv news says that all prtictions were right what ever said be4 . so no one knows abut this , let us see the day, mounth and year ll come and tell every one itself .

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