Interpretation Of Two of Swords - Upright - Minor Arcana

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Interpretation Of Two of Swords - Upright - Minor Arcana

Post by Tarot » Tue May 16, 2006 11:02 am

Two of Swords - Upright

Minor Arcana

This represents a stale mate situation. You have still not decided which course of action you should follow. You are trying to gain time by stalling. Indecision may lead to trouble.


Let's hear your interpretation of the card...

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Post by nicnic » Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:55 am

The woman is hiding from something she doesn’t want to deal with. The sea behind her is rough which suggest to me that some sort of tension is brewing. She is cutting herself off and ignoring things that are going on around her.

There could be a confrontation.

A stalemate has been reached.

Blocked emotions.

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Post by samantha234 » Sat Jul 15, 2006 3:18 pm

exactly! my interpretation too! good job!

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Post by Bella » Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:15 am

There are indeed two ways you can look at this card, but first lets look at the symbolism and what it is trying to convey:

Before we do however lets look at what the number two may represent for us in tarot, in my own system it has come to represent union, duality, choice, co-operation and balance. The two's seem to me to be the first step towards creating. Here we see how the Ace has divided into opposite forces, now these opposite forces can result in balance or conflict.

Swords is the suit with the Element Air and represents mental clarity, thoughts, intellect. So two relates to this as a duality between thoughts.

The woman in the card is sitting on a stone bench - this is something tangible and could represent bringing into reality. She holds in each of her hands a sword representing, duality of thoughts,  ideas and her intellect. Around her head is a band that almost covers her eyes could mean that she trusts in what she knows rather than what she sees. She sits in front of calm water (emotions) There are rocks in the water (hard facts) and two islands (mental limits/boundaries). I have read that the moon and the colour of her dress alludes to the High Priestess and the Swords and the Seat to Justice so suggesting balance and change.

So one of the ways to interpret this card is that she has a sort of mental impass she has her back to the water so she is ignoring her emotions and the rocks of hard fact and holds onto those two swords which she  balances, thus indicating that although there is a conflict of thought going on here (the swords can indicate two courses of action) there is also a reluctance to upset the balance she has created.
This card indicates tension that will have to be sorted out sooner or later.

The other way to interpret this card is that she has cut herself off from her surroundings in order not to be distracted so that she may get her thoughts and ideas working together in order to find a new solution.

Reversed this card may well be suggesting that the balance is lost and your  defences may seem to be overwhelmed.  Alternatively it could be said that the blindfold has been removed in order to see things as they really are or to be able to communicate.


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two of swords

Post by tarottart » Wed Feb 20, 2008 11:03 am

nicnic, your interpretation of the two swords is exactly how I feel about it myself. So spot on.

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Post by cedars » Thu Feb 28, 2008 3:46 pm

Hi Bella
I am so glad you mentioned about the two of swords.  
Around her head is a band that almost covers her eyes could mean that she trusts in what she knows rather than what she sees.
 From day one when I got my RW deck, my first glance at this card and immediately I got the feeling: blind faith in what one believes in. Then I got distracted from that initial gut feeling by various interpretations. Now your comment came to reaffirm my original gut feeling about this card. Thank you. [/quote]

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Post by Jenniferdew75 » Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:56 pm

I'm only just beginning to learn about tarot but when I look at this card my feeling is that it's about balance. This lady looks sad, I believe she is turning her back on hard times (emotional times) and trying to find some peace and requesting balance. I think the swords represent balance, they are equal in length and in position. She is blindfolded so she cannot be disturbed. Like I say I'm only learning. It's fascinating stuff :0)

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Post by Astynome » Wed Jun 24, 2009 8:10 pm

I think its about people having expectations about what they think is the right approach, outcome etc, and another person or situation is just not living up to that expectation or the other person is expecting them to change their views in order for the two to compromise and move on in the situation.  

Hence the widely accepted view of a stalemate, both think they are right, and often one is pressing for the resolve under their terms and the other won't budge(or different combinations of this).

In terms of situations, perhaps it is when an overriding influence is making it difficult for movement. Like the situation is too tight, and needs more flexibility at least in one of the factors.

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:24 am

Hi Guys,

Let’ say, yes all the two’s are about balance or finding a good footing. In the Two of Swords, it’s absolutely pronounced. This card is all about “playing chess”, guarding yourself, covering and protecting what you have!!

When looking at the woman, she will retaliate in any direction, at any time. Why, She wears a blindfold and thinks, that from here or there may be an attack. Behind her is water. She sits on a stable stool—bench, please help with “colour” coding here!! Cedars!

We must also look at the sky above this woman, is it still, or stormy. Think that Swords also contribute to a person’s mental position. Swords represent “Air”, thoughts are Air-moving. Water--emotion.

Now, Two Swords, plenty water, what is the balance in this quotation?

Blessed be.

My interpritation:

Crossed arms: Time-out or Peace.
Moon: Intuition and intellectual ability.
Bench: Balance.
Calm sea: Truce

Element: Air.          
Direction: North.            
Season: Winter.                                              
Zodiac:  Second quarter of Aries,
Ruled by: The High Priestess
Comparative to: The Lovers

Card Description.
A Woman blindfolded and crossing two broadswords across her chest, she is displayed as sitting on a bench and in the background a view of a rocky beach. With a waning moon in the background.

Meaning: “Balance”.
Here we find a blindfolded woman, protecting herself with two broadswords crossed. With the moon in the waning phase we can see that you need to consult your intellect and intuition more than your heart. Above all, your common sense should not be forgotten. It also signifies that a truce has or will be reached, a stalemate. This is a position of “calculated trust”, a precarious situation of balance and harmony. This card is not about winning or losing, it’s more impartiality from both parties, an uncomfortable business or personal relationship, based purely on achieving a mutual goal.

Truce, stalemate, reserved trust.

You have or might enter a business or personal relationship in which both parties are working together to achieve a mutual goal. The deal is that, both of you don’t really trust each other enough. You can see this relationship based on a game of chess, by which every move must be well considered and done to only ensure balance. Although you may work together in harmony, always check your back. Make sure that whatever you do, you strengthen your position. Be sure this is what the other partner is doing. You are able to balance the situation using your intellect and experience.

An unfavorable business or personal relationship, dishonor, trickery and deceit. Release from bondage. Beware of the same situation again. Antagonism from an opponent.

You have or might enter a business or personal relationship which has or will turn sour; both parties are working at achieving their own selfish interests. Be warned that this situation may cause losses due to trickery and false pretences. Don’t exclude yourself; you may have been the one to cause this circumstance. The stalemate reached will soon be over and you will find yourself in the same position again. Put on your running boots and be gone with you, but, be sure that there is a great possibility of deceit and trickery. You may also find that a lot of matters have been hidden from you all along. Expect open antagonism, even hate!

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