Automatic Writing

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Automatic Writing

Post by LisaMarie30 » Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:28 pm

It's great to find a community of open minded people like you have here. :) I have a question about automatic writing, mediumship, and spirit guides, and maybe one of you could help me.

To summarize, how safe is automatic writing? I am asking because I have reasons for wanting to try automatic writing or some form of mediumship, but on the few occassions I tried I was actually told NOT to continue by the board.

This is the history (sorry it's lengthy)...From around 12-14, I was having reoccuring dreams about a man I had never met before, and began experimenting with automatic writing. I had numerous conversations with the same man, who gave me his full name (and to my regret, I have forgotten his last name, but I will call him Francois). I knew he was much older, though he often appeared young to me, he had blonde hair, was of French origin, and lived quite a while ago in a rural area. He knew he had died. I am unsure if he knew who I was, or if he had mistaken me for someone else.

Here's where it gets uncanny -- my stepmother went to a psychic party, and a psychic there actually approached her and told her at that time that a spirit named Francois who had a relationship with me, and that he was French. In addition, she was told he was an old man (I usually saw him as young, but sometimes he was elderly -- depends on the context of the interaction).

The details matched exactly. Now, I had never said a word of this to my stepmother, since we didn't get along well, so there's no way she could have known all of that. Anyhow, I always felt good around him, and it wasn't an issue, though he made my stepmother uncomfortable, and I know she tried contacting him numerous times.

At 17, I left my father's home on not-so-nice circumstances, and moved home with my mother. My mother, at this point, also began having repeated dreams that I married a blonde farmer. She also knew nothing about Francois.

Just before I started dating my first boyfriend, Francois told me he would not be interacting with me anymore because I had to go have my own life. At the time, I was not happy with this, but he began making interactions unpleasant, and so I gradually withdrew.

Fast forward 13 years! I'm now 30, living a happy life overseas, and all is great. But, I suddenly started thinking about Francois a lot. It's sort of concern, and I want to make sure he is doing alright.

I got the idea of looking his name up on the Social Security death index. I believe he died in NY, although the year is anyone's guess, but I figure it's worth a shot. Maybe if I can track down who he was, I might be able to help him or something, assuming he even wants that. The trouble is, I need his last name. I'm thinking mediumship is the way to get more information from him.

I believe he's somehow "gotten in contact" with me again, since my young daughter (who is uncannily gifted) told me there's a man that follows me, and she sees him if she sleeps in my bed and wakes up in the middle of the night. She was afraid of him in the beginning, but now seems to be fine with him.

I have not figured out how this all works, but I think he was somehow directed to me from somewhere else??? He doesn't seem as informed about my past 10 years or so, and my husband had nightmares for a little while when he started becoming more active, but now it seems fine (no, I haven't told him any of this).

So...okay, enough rambles! Advice on how to proceed? I am reading the mediumship info on this site, so I gather that's where to start, but what about automatic writing, spirit boards, etc? Is there any reason why my guide/s would be so against me using them?

I use tarot, and am quite comfortable with the cards, but they can't give the more detailed information I seek.

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Post by LisaMarie30 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 12:46 pm

I meant to add -- his real name has a very unique spelling, but unfortunately it's not unique enough for me to looking him up on that alone. He has shown me where he is buried in a dream, though, but it's impossible for me to know the location just by site, and I also have no idea what year it was.

I have read the lessons on this board (only the first 2 so far) and will begin working on meditation as suggested.

When I said, "...on the few occassions I tried I was actually told NOT to continue by the board." I was refering to spirit/ouija board. But, whether it's automatic writing or spirit boards, I can't use either anymore, as I immediately get told to stop, and get properly scolded if I persist. :P Bummer, but there must be some reason I'll assume.

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Post by amalimrock » Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:18 pm

If you can't use automatic writing or the board anymore, I suggest you try channeling. this is done without any use of a board or a deck of cards. Simply developing your clairaudience/clairvoyance etc. Since quantum physics states that everything is a vibration. In order to contact Francois, Attune your body into his frequency simply by asking him to make your body attuned to him. And as a precaution, ask help from your guardian angels so that you prevent any negative side effects or experiences whilst contacting Francois through channeling.

You can be conscious or semiconscious whilst channeling, all it takes is that you open your mind to hear his messages and such. My channeling experiences are such that Archangels talk in a different slang/tone. But it might be different for you.

Hope it helps

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Post by LisaMarie30 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:48 pm

Thank you, amalimrock. I will definitely try this. Reading a lot of the other posts here has been helpful -- it seems obvious once read, but connecting the dots oneself is the tricky part. :)

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 12, 2009 5:03 pm

We are all unique and so the experience will be unique.  But it is helpful to have others' opinions on how it works for them in psychic abilities.

Automatic writing was a considered a physical phenomena in the early literature of Spiritualism.  It tells how trance state was necessary as well as ectoplasm to aid the physical process.  All physical mediums have a chemist to aid this whole process of physical manifestation.  

Of course, like all things, there has been an evolution.  And I know many a medium who sits at the computer and can answer questions and go several paragraphs before they realize they have written at all.

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Post by LisaMarie30 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:39 pm

It's really very interesting stuff.  I am appreciating the lessons you've written out on the "lessons and tips" board, spiritalk.  And, the history of spiritualism is quite interesting in itself.

Yes, the computer stuff surprised me! I haven't been successful with it, but I have heard many say good things about it.

Hmmm. Well, I will spend some time trying things out and post back how things have gone.

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Post by amalimrock » Sat Jun 13, 2009 8:42 am

Take note, for computer mediums there are also different kinds, some are automatic typing, but for me, I listen to what the channelled entity says, and then I'll type. Good luck with experimenting!

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:59 pm

Yes we all approach it as unique individuals with unique talents.

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Post by LisaMarie30 » Sun Jun 21, 2009 3:06 pm

Wanted to update -- the tips here on this board have been very helpful. We had some major breakthroughs, and I got a lot of answers I was looking for. Some of my prior perceptions were unclear, but we were able to sort them out. It was really just a case of listening without becoming sidetracked by other tools like spirit boards and all of that.

The best communication still comes in dreams, and not through meditation, but meditation has certainly been useful for focus. We will keep at it.

Thanks again. :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:15 pm

In dreams your mind takes off in its own way.  In meditation you can be alert and direct the mind a little more.  Meditation and being alert is certainly the better tool for mediumship.  

Using visualization, we can aid the process with exercises to (re)train the mind, which is the definition of meditation.  In dreams the mind will bring what you have learned to date.

Just a thought....

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Post by LisaMarie30 » Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:38 am

spiritalk wrote:In dreams your mind takes off in its own way.  In meditation you can be alert and direct the mind a little more.  Meditation and being alert is certainly the better tool for mediumship.  

Using visualization, we can aid the process with exercises to (re)train the mind, which is the definition of meditation.  In dreams the mind will bring what you have learned to date.

Just a thought....
That makes sense.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sat Oct 31, 2009 7:13 pm

My mom tried automatic writing when I was a kid, which produced beautiful drawings and confusingly legible and knowledgeable writing, it was very deceiving, because subsequently we had spirits starting to break all kinds of things in the house and severely oppressing her and scaring me. She told me that she was in contact with Ariel, Rubriel and Barachiel, angels, but spirits, especially demons will disguise themselves to gain easier access to you. I would not be surprised if one of the "angels" was Baraquiel, one of the leaders of the fallen angels, i.e. demons. She sought guidance from people who provided her with some para-psychological knowledge, but never really helpe her. That was all back in Germany, about 20 some years ago. When i left for the states in 1997 I hoped I could leave that part of my past behind. 3 years later my mom came to be with me and my newborn daughter. She stayed for 6.5 years. First living in a guest room in the house, and then in a trailer behind our garage when we made room for my son who was born yet another 3 years later. Sometimes I would walk by her room or trailer and I would hear her yell at someone unseen to leave her alone and go in peace. My Ex-husband thought she was crazy, but i know better. The spirits she called never fully left and still bother her. She is in poor health and bad luck/circumstances, and I can't help her. She is now back in Germany for the last few years and finally things are looking up a bit. She found a bf who is very much in tune with the spiritual, laying tarot cards and such, and i think that helps.

Either way, though, I would never recommend automatic writing! However with any way of contacting spirits, PLEASE take protective measures first for your loved ones and yourself!!! Don't do stuff unless you know exactly what you are doing or are under special guidance! It's easy to call spirits, but not often easy to get rid of them if they turn against you!

I am now in a situation where I am still battling negative energies that have followed me despite protective measures. I am however very strong spiritually, I learn more every day, consciously, and I have very strong guidance,  by people my Creator puts in my life and the spiritual kind, including guardian angels that I was blessed to experience in many different ways.

Blessings, and just please be careful!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Nov 01, 2009 2:38 pm

Automatic writing is considered a physical phenomena.  That means it is produced by the lowest of spirit entities, closest to the earth plane.  And often they have not risen to the light at all.  I agree, be cautious with any physical phenomena.

The fact is that those that draw to this portal are there because they are welcomed and energized in some way.  When we open to the spirit energies, we find they are very enticing.  We may not take the proper precautions to attune ONLY to our loving, caring spirit guides.  And that is the key to success.  

When we welcome all and sundry, even in our fears, that is what we will get.  The law of attraction is strong and it works.  That which we put into motion, will be there to either help or hinder our lives.  Be wary of what you invite!  

Even when you don't understand your own attitude, it is important to be grounded and protected.  And yes, for a time they can still cross the barriers set.  That is where your own efforts at grounding and balance in life come in.

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