Aquarius - Likes / Dislikes

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Aquarius - Likes / Dislikes

Post by Abhishek » Tue May 17, 2005 7:35 pm

Fighting for Causes
Dreaming and Planning for the Future
Thinking of the Past
Good Companions
Having Fun

Full of Air Promises
Excessive Loneliness
The Ordinary

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Re: Aquarius - Likes / Dislikes

Post by Nicole » Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:12 am

Abhishek wrote:LIKES
Fighting for Causes
Dreaming and Planning for the Future
Thinking of the Past
Good Companions
Having Fun

Full of Air Promises
Excessive Loneliness
The Ordinary
You for got Changes~!!
Im surrounded by Aquarius...
I use to live with one also~!!

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Post by Paranormal » Sat May 12, 2007 4:18 pm

True, just look at my username![/quote]

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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat May 12, 2007 7:30 pm

I like ideas, I dislike people with fixed ideas. Most of all I dislike blinkered people. Some of the best lessons that I have been taught were taught by kids, not gurus or teachers or masters just normal everyday kids.
So I like kids.  I dislike old people (damn I'm old too). So I uess I don't like being old - being old sucks.
I'm starting to ramble so I'll stop......................

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Post by Reiniba-Chan » Sat May 12, 2007 11:43 pm

You gotta love us, we're just awesome. I love my own kind actually. Some of the best people I've ever known are in my own sign. Like my teacher Mr. King, my niece Jasmin, my friend Drew, and all the friends that stuck with me through thick and thin.
And they know I'd do the same for them. My wonderful Aquas.

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Have big love for Aquarians...

Post by psychic eyes » Tue Jul 10, 2007 4:22 am

My bf is one.

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Post by bhaggumama » Fri Dec 07, 2007 12:16 pm

I will edit Abhishek's comments as they apply to me

Fighting for Causes ............................. even if in my heart I know that the cause will be  a lost cause.
Dreaming and Planning for the Future .................... I always do
Thinking of the Past ............................................. Jaane kahan gaye woh din !!
Good Companions  ......................................... always have them around
Having Fun  ........................ with friends.

Full of Air Promises .................... like our politicians ?
Excessive Loneliness  ................  ?
The Ordinary ......................... You got to have class Man !
Imitations ...................... Be original yaar.
Idealistic ..............................................I DO NOT AGREE. IF YOU FIGHT FOR CAUSES, YOU CANNOT DISLIKE IDEALISM

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Post by KingAcePD » Mon Oct 13, 2008 7:27 am

Here's my List. Let's see how it compares:

  • Standing up for What I believe in
  • Being Myself and discovering my inner self
  • Being excessive in relaxation, fun, and enjoyment.
  • Having good friends
  • Helping others
  • Dreaming and creating
  • To be loved, appreciated and catered to
  • Stealing, Lying, and cheating
  • Violence
  • False promises
  • Being TOLD what to do
  • Having my dreams crushed

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Post by mk » Sat Dec 13, 2008 11:20 am

yeah true

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Post by scotchmist » Mon Mar 23, 2009 1:47 pm

Can we add to DISLIKES, any form of discrimination, bias and bullying?

I'd love to add chocolate to LIKES but thats probably just me lol

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Post by Anime89 » Mon Apr 06, 2009 3:16 am

If there's anything Aquarians dislike, it is probably facing their real selves. I notice that a lot of Aquas are always saying that they like being original, yet their originality is usually kinda...forced. Also, for such an unconventional sign they tend to be really dogmatic in their views; not good at change or adjustment AT ALL, unless change as in helping them keep up the appearance of being progressive, etc. A TRUE visionary should be able to incorporate many views and understand other sides and other peoples' opinions. But not Aquas.

Respecting others is a huge issue. You guys tend to trample other peoples' emotions. Someone said they like being catered to; that's a real biggie with this sign. Though Aquarians will run / avoid you / pretend not to know you when it suits them, they expect you to be passionate about all their nuances and THEIR ups and downs. But no, not yours. Being there for you would get in the way of their egotistical image of being 'free'.

Also, someone said that they don't like politicians? Uhm hello, we've had more Aquarian presidents than any other. I've noticed that many Aquas cannot follow through on their lofty promises for social change. Sure, you're full of a million ideas on how to change this and progress that, but you guys DETEST implementation. Like all air signs, you tend to skim the surface of things - very flighty. It suits politics well, since that's almost exactly what politicians do. If you want more, most revolutionaries have been earth and fire signs, with a few waters. Earth signs know how to dig their heels in. They are passionate about seeing things to completion and don't run from peoples' emotions or needs. To truly save the world, not jus be a trendy activist, you have to be able to heal people, to stick with people and with causes. Many Aquarians are 'trendy activists'. You guys want to appear progressive cuz it's cool and edgy. But anything else?

Laslty another thing Aquarians despise is being wrong. For the sign of change, they hold onto their opinions like quicksand to an unfortunate jungle trekker. Like to wear smirks on their faces and attack the other person's expertise, or whatever. But are the last to admit wrongdoing and slower to apologize.

If I hear one more Aquarian proclaiming their urge to save the world or whatever I'm going to puke. I have lived with Aquas and befriended Aquas, and it's this universal, generic banner that really means nothing (I thought you were originals???).

Also, you are supposed to be the sign of intellectual pursuits, but for the most part I see Aquarians choosing one niche area where they feel secure and superior and then digging their heels in for the rest of their lives. The next time you see an Aqua, try to engage them in an area of subject matter in which they  arent' a guru.You will get a condescneding attempt to reroute the conversation to where they feel at home. You guys present yourselves as intellectually gifted, but really just want praise and attention for your own pinpoint subject area.

So basically, if you want an original, talk to anyone else in the zodiac; being orignal is all about exploring yourself, not pimping some premade astrology description.

And if you want someone to champion your cause to the end, please pick an earth sign; these guys will plow away quietly, even when there's no flash and pomp and there's no noteriety for being a crusader (something Aquas WILL need to stick with you; they only champion hot button stuff).

Lastly, if you want scholarly pursuits, try a Scorpio or a Sagittarius; these guys delve deep and aren't afraid to appear as the student (versus the Aqua need to be a know it all), when you are trading knowledge with them.

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Post by scotchmist » Sun May 10, 2009 4:59 pm

Someone seems to not like aquarians much.  I can only speak for myself of course but I dont see much of myself in the last description.
For one thing I've never been called flighty before. I also have a lot of respect for other people's feelings and knowledge. Ego is something I dont have a lot of and I certainly dont claim to have anything more than average intelligence. If I happen to know something that can help a friend if shared then I'm more than happy to help, but, more often I'm the one who's seeking knowledge and inspiration on my path through life.

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Post by DevilshAngel » Sun Jun 07, 2009 4:21 am

Please don't generalize all of us because of a few you know.  You have to add in our Ascendant as well.  I would not say we don't face our real selves.  In fact because we are so different and like being that way we can accept over selves more easily.  We don't want to intentionally hurt anyone's emotions we just tend to be out spoken and blunt about things, I know I've done that we just may not realize the way you are taking what we said.  And Aquas are known for accepting others peoples differences and being a humanitarian and care about the world.  You must of had a bad experience with one because we are not like that.   And Aquas are known for being extremely intellectual and smart.  A large portion of the people who are in the Hall of Fame are Aquarius.  Please don't bash us, we are not like what you have described.

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Post by Anime89 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 8:30 pm

DevilshAngel wrote:Please don't generalize all of us because of a few you know.  You have to add in our Ascendant as well.  I would not say we don't face our real selves.  In fact because we are so different and like being that way we can accept over selves more easily.  We don't want to intentionally hurt anyone's emotions we just tend to be out spoken and blunt about things, I know I've done that we just may not realize the way you are taking what we said.  And Aquas are known for accepting others peoples differences and being a humanitarian and care about the world.  You must of had a bad experience with one because we are not like that.   And Aquas are known for being extremely intellectual and smart.  A large portion of the people who are in the Hall of Fame are Aquarius.  Please don't bash us, we are not like what you have described.
I'm sure you're a gem. :smt002  I don't think you quite understood my post.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:49 pm

I think that Anime89 took a few traits and loaded them on the negative side, instead of seeing their positive application:

Aquarians are very much the free thinkers as air signs.  But they sure need an earth sign to follow through on the application of their ideas.  So when a company wants new ideas they can turn to the Aquarian.  If the idea is good, then get the earth signs to make it happen and they will.

Aquarians are inclined to know a little about a lot of subjects, not focus in so much on one.  This allows that they can communicate (a strong suit) on many things, seldom master of any.  When they do connect to their chosen path or journey, they will give it their all and learn all they can to become the expert.  

The need for adulation at every turn requires a large ego, which the Aquarian seldom displays.  They are inclined to give credit where due including their own contribution, but not exclusively.

Aquarians love diversity.  Being in a group of cookie cutter personalities would drive them mad.  They seek out the differences to learn and grow in awareness of how our world needs each and every soul to make up the whole.  Life is truly a mosaic recognized by the Aquarian.

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