Ouija Board Help!

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Ouija Board Help!

Post by AshleyMoonlight » Mon May 11, 2009 3:21 pm

I have been using a Ouija Board for quite some time now and I have recently ran across a slight problem. When I first received my board, it worked great. Me and my best friend talked to many friendly spirits throughout the rooms of my home. But the last few times, we have been interupted by a spirit named Abbie. She seems to be a 'trickster' spirit. She moves the planchette across different letters in no effort in making sense. She answers my 'yes' or 'no' questions, but then goes back on it. When she does decide to talk, she says she doesn't want anyone else talking to me. She chases other spirits away. We have asked her multiple times to please leave the board, but she refuses.

Does anyone have any advice to get rid of her? She isn't mean, but she does do things that are very annoying and we would LOVE for her to leave.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed May 13, 2009 1:19 pm

The ouija board practices are filled with just such stories.  Perhaps that is why people are cautioned not to play with it?  

The fact is you have invited her, now she wants ALL your attention and does not want to leave.  She is gaining her energy and power from your interests - so it is time to shut it down.  

The way to do this is to eliminate your current games with the board.  Your interests are still there and will continue to welcome her with your energies until you turn to better practices.  

Using protective exercises is also a good thing as this type of entity can get strong enough to be disruptive.

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Post by AshleyMoonlight » Wed May 13, 2009 2:41 pm

That makes a lot of sense.
I've been reading about how to make her leave, and all I've gotten is you thank the spirit for their time and politely ask them to leave. We have tried this many times. She still will not budge.
I would really like to continue to use my board, but I need to get rid of her.
I will continue to research and try other solutions.
Thank you so much for your advice!

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Post by spiritalk » Thu May 14, 2009 2:38 pm

Ouija Boards become portals for such entities.  They are 'stuck' spirit around the earth plane and when they get a willing ear they will not relinquish their position to anyone else.  You will have a lot of difficulty in getting her to go.  

Perhaps your interest in the ouija itself will keep her stuck as well.  Consider moving on with other practices.  Why is the board so important to you?  There are other ways to contact the spirit realms.  And certainly exercises for the higher realms that this level of disruption.

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Post by Mystic Cadet » Thu May 14, 2009 4:09 pm

The answer is simple

Open the board, speak to her....  claim you are taking charge, and  that you are closing the portal and you tell her to leave and be at piece.
Close the board, and get ride of it..

if you continue using the board, you will eventually draw a stronger being ..then you will regret it..  The board taps onto the lower realms.
It's best to leave the board alone.   get ride of it..

Take spiritalk's advise....

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Post by MyLife » Fri May 15, 2009 3:12 am

I've played with a home made board and I've had the same issue, I just had to take it down and throw it out.

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Post by amalimrock » Fri May 15, 2009 8:04 am

I personally think ouija boards are mediums for communication istead of portals. They just attract spirits into it due to the powerful energy it creates. I sugest opening the Light where spirits are able to cross over. If she refuses. I suggest making an energy vortex that forces and sucks her into it.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri May 15, 2009 1:11 pm

Yes they are a media for communication.  Sometimes we might want to consider - from where?  

There are many spheres in the afterlife.  And most uneducated and untrustworthy of these spheres is the one closest to the earth plane.  Any board will open the portal and attract such entities.  So what do you gain from this level of spirit communication?

There are many well tested, tried and true methods to reach to higher spheres of communication.  The higher our own intent (spirituality) the higher the entity willing and able to communicate.  But if you continue to fool around at this level of communication, the caring and loving will back off and allow you the experience.

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Post by amalimrock » Sat May 16, 2009 12:27 am

I find most ouija boards help you communicate with the dead, as in those spirits lingering in the etheric plane before crossing over. I think you'll attract negative spirits because the wavelength(?) of your thoughts correspond to the negative entities and therefore attract them

But I also heard some people are able to reach higher entities through the ouija board. Is it though positive thinking and intention alone or is there something else to it?

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Post by spiritalk » Sat May 16, 2009 1:29 pm

No one has ever reached the higher entities through the ouija board.  But many people are unwilling to realize this because of the law of attraction.  When they open and invite all and sundry that is the attitude and what they get.  

Unfortunately the loving, caring and trustworthy can not get through this kind of negativity.  When connecting with this energy there is a warm glow that accompanies any and all spirit communion.  They feel they are higher than they are in spirituality.  

And just like astral travel, it may sustain and even energize them for a period.  But watch out for when it wears off, they are so totally depleted because it is an exercise in using our own physical exercise that creates this glow.

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Post by AshleyMoonlight » Mon May 18, 2009 3:09 pm

Thank you so much to everyone for your advice.
I have invited the Shoppe owner to my home so she can experience this situation.
She has made these boards for many years and from what I can gather, she is very experienced in the area.

To answer some questions;

The board means so much to be because my boyfriend bought it for me last Christmas and I've always wanted one. I find their energy amazing.

I do not use the board alone. And when I use it with other people, we all keep the energy positive.

I do not gain anything from this level of communication but enjoyment. I  find the spiritual world to be fascinating.

I am going to be purchasing a Pendulum Board very soon in hopes that it will replace my Ouija Board.

Again, thank you so much to you all!

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Post by spiritalk » Mon May 18, 2009 5:45 pm

If you insist on travelling to spirit realms (mind, body, spirit) then you can be sure there are consequences from this level.

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