Children of Divorced Parents

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Post by dayanera » Thu Dec 20, 2007 2:38 pm

Thanks, But I guess I never really thought of it as being a success story before..Just my I have had a life most people would't want to have...So I guess having a success out of some of it isn't all bad...lololo... :)

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Post by soulsearch » Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:01 pm

But we don't usually... we know we will try to do the very best we can and hope for the best so we go on with it...that is the circus of life...
Like you said it we can do our best...the journey is always a struggle but in the end when you can think back and be satisfied ..its worth all the effort. You did the best, hope the best and you eventually DID the best.
Lots of hugs !

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Medical Astrology
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Post by Medical Astrology » Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:20 am

I have found children of divorced parents are more suspicious of the world, generally.
They do not trust most of the relatives and prefer, when they reach adolescence, to bond with only a few chosen relatives.

They often have trouble making and keeping friends, too.

As adults, they are too cautious about their own marriage partner, which often puts undue strain on a loving spouse!

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Post by dayanera » Fri Mar 27, 2009 2:43 am

If that were true ..over half the people of the world ..are the way you said ..I doubt very much if that is true... the way you are saying it..They may all suffer because of divorce..But I doubt they all suffer the way you are saying...with the way the world is today...they are taught not to trust anyone..parents and relatives are included in is a sad fact..Children love their parents no matter what they do to them..until they are old enough to figure out what to really for the loving spouse getting to suffer because of the parents getting divorce..If a couple gets marry ..they should know each  others hang -ups well before they marry...that would then be no surprise if they decide to marry.That he or she was what they are.the children of the world now.. pretty much aren't trusting of anyone ..It is a sign of the times..Divorced parents or life long loving parents...

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Post by soulsearch » Fri Mar 27, 2009 3:57 am

Each family situation is actually different. A couple can try their level best to make the marriage work for the sake of their children.However if the relationship between the couple still remains negative then the children do catch on that.

I agree with Dayanera, children love thier parents no matter what they do.Even if they dont realise it at that point of time. You can always be a friend to your child and understand their emotions and suprisingly enough the kids also understand and appreciate of you being honest.SOmetimes children behave more maturedly than adults.

However what filters in with the child when he/she grows up depends upon how lovingly the parents/relatives have handled the situation without pushing their viewpoints on to the child.

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