When did you know you could be a medium?

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When did you know you could be a medium?

Post by doogatyee » Thu May 08, 2008 5:55 pm

Maybe it's been asked before, but hasn't so much been answered clearly for me.   When you hear of famous mediums they seem to have been aware of their gift from a very young age.   Most if not all seem to be clairovoiant & clairoaudioant - which they were aware of since they were young.

If you weren't aware of being a medium as a child, is it possible that you could still be one?   Could your gifts suddenely appear or sharpen when you are older like in your 30's or 40's?

I believe that I have some mediumship qualities as I hear voices, songs, radio's when I am in a deep deep relaxation.   Sometimes I can see colors when I read people's lighting or if they are working on my body.
When I was sevenish I had a ring I played with and would chant "spirit spirit come to me" as I rocked the ring back and forth.  Everytime i did that i would get a ringing in my one ear that would get louder but never understood it.  I still get that ringing. (not a medical condition) and belive it to be a spirit trying to get my attention.  I always pay attention to signs and symbols and most times understand them in context to my life.

But lately when I close my eyes in meditation I can see eyes (They appear like an animals eye's do when you catch them in that angle that makes them glow.)  I can sense someone around me at that time but I don't hear them  or see them when my physical eyes are open.

So I wonder if it is possible that my medium skills are developing over time and that one day i may actually be able to see spirits or hear them in the day hours with my physical eyes wide open.  Or if one is meant to be a medium would the skills only present themselves when you are young?

When did you know you had medium qualities??

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Post by spiritalk » Fri May 09, 2008 1:44 pm

While sometimes our abilities open and expand through experiences of life when we are older (40s or 50s) the fact is we have been sensitive to 'more' in our universe since childhood.  Those that are sensitive to spirit will open to it at some time in their lifetime.  Those that are materialist will not acknowledge there is 'more' to our world than we can understand on our 5 senses.

It would appear that spirit has been working on your abilities since early in your life.  Perhaps you did not take the time or energy to understand them until you were ready?  We each approach these things when we know we are ready to learn and grow.

For some, as with myself, I just had a lot of sensitivity to places and things which eventually opened and expanded into mediumship in my 40s.  I was ready to accept the knowledge presented at that time, while I was rather busy with family and work life up to that point and could not take the time and energy to learn more.

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Post by NAAANEE » Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:38 pm

almost all the people will be having psychic energy till they are 12yrs age.In India for some divination systems they use a 12yr boy as a medium to predict events on behalf of the questioner who wants to know about his future.Generally people up to this age are innocent of their acts results.later on they do mistakes intentionally thereby loosing their purity & so loosing their psychic ability.some will be having this energy till they turn 20.after that it depends on how they live.some are born with psychic talents but will not be having time to harness its skills because of responsibilities.so naturally they exhibit their talents when they have settled fully as the stress on the mind decreases at that time.so as you have said the age of 30 or 40 where one's maturity is highly developed & balanced.whatever may be the thing the psychic energy is always verses the calmness of the mind.it gets exhibited when your breathe stops a while.so most of them will be exhibiting the hunks of intuition and only few heed to its advice!

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Feb 27, 2009 3:00 pm

Life has a way of getting in the way of psychic/spiritual development.  We get caught up in our material pursuits - work, family, etc. - and lose sight of the 'more' in the universe that opens on the psychic sensitivities.  They don't go away, they are just buried in our material outlook.

When we are ready to open the door, the key will be provided.  It is sometimes amazing how things and people come into our lives just at the right time for things to unfold!  I know my story is like that and when I was ready, the door was provided.

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Post by NAAANEE » Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:24 pm

I think time also is important in unfolding the lost treasure of our wisdom.One should be ready for the door to open to enjoy its wisdom.

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Post by landofshadows » Fri Feb 27, 2009 4:50 pm


I wouldn't say I am a medium in the sense I can channel spirits, yet I do have a connection with an energy based creature that passes me images and through that I find information.

I was a very normal child and young adult, it wasn't until I drowned, then I started having some very odd dreams, more so than prior... I started seeing shadowy figures and creatures, and after sometime I met my guide/angel (Anan-Ael)...

I would say we are all capable of reaching out to a guide/higher energy for guidence if we wish it, or care to try... I feel we all have a Guardian Angel, some of us, more than one... Some can use their Angels for a form of Mediumship, yet mine gives information that is hidden/locked within me or around me.

Being I am not a Medium I can't really answer your question as fully as I would like... But I think should you come into contact with any external astral/energy being you will know it isn't your own mind... I mean I have seen things that I had no idea about, I hate dates and history, I care not for past events yet it seems since I have had this union (If I can call it that) I have been researching heavily into the past and I am enjoying it massively.

I am Dyslexsic also, and in the last two years while in contact with this energy based creature I have the confidence to write freely... Upon here there is no spell checker, and I still type... Should this have been 4 years ago, I wouldn't have come aboard.  I have even started writing my own books.

I think you will notice some changes in your own self, changes that are out of the normal remit for yourself.

A close friend of mine is a Medium, they feel their ancient relitive is their guide, they often have dreams based on events of their guides time on the Earth... Two years ago my friend, she was visiting a place she had never been, up north near Buxton in England, and she had an instant connection and knew the village she was in like the back of her hand, like she had been their before, she feels her guide came from there.

There are many tale tail signs if you have a link...
There are too many stories that match up across the mediums world over...
So I would say, you will know, perhaps not at first...


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:37 pm

The variables of mediums the world over are more to do with their belief systems.  Some believe in reincarnation, some do not.  And in this variable are many factors that affect and/or design the mediumship of the individual.  

The subjects covered here on Mediumship Development are the tried and tested methods and truths of Spiritualism as practiced in the current age.  Spiritualism uses mediums in all their services (speakers, healers, demonstrators) so they are vested in good advice and direction for mediumship.  They have an ear to the ground for any and all information that makes sense and has been tested.

Commonly, there is one guardian for each of us.  Some call them an angel because they cross the veil like angelic work when we need to be 'rescued' from our own stupidity in growth and practice.  As material beings we get ourselves in all kinds of things then realize 'how do I get out of this' and that is where our guardian is available.  Listen within to your instincts and your guardian talks to you.

Spirit guides is another controversial topic.  I see them as available and partnering to anyone willing and able to do service for others.  Some do this through an organized group (such as Spiritualism) and others are free to do it where their life leads.  As long as spirituality is involved that is what you will gain through your spirit guides.  There is a law - attraction - that works to bring to you those who are of like mind, body, soul.  

Angels are NOT our guides.  If you consider that our spirituality rises to the 3rd sphere of spirit realms (there are 7 realms) and angels have purity of soul beyond that realm, how could they know and be of service in our human life - after all, they are not supposed to have even had one.

Sometimes those in mediumship without any development consider themselves through their ego to be 'special'.  In this they create designs on themselves as well as their guides.  I recently had someone who claimed to go to the angelic realms to bring messages for all from such an elevated source.  Consider the previous paragraph carefully - how is this possible?

Consider carefully the information given to you from unseen realms.  If it makes sense, accept it.  If not, reject it.  There are many pretenders in spirit realms.  These are the uneducated who have not gone into the light and pretend to be the elevated who have gone into the light.  Gaining messages from the light is so much richer than buying into the other source.

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Post by landofshadows » Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:21 pm

Hi Spiritalk,
Angels are NOT our guides.  If you consider that our spirituality rises to the 3rd sphere of spirit realms (there are 7 realms) and angels have purity of soul beyond that realm, how could they know and be of service in our human life - after all, they are not supposed to have even had one.
There are 7 heavens each with thier own individual vibrations, each matches those of our Chakra points and the Astral bodies.  Each Heaven has a certain Angel energy that resides over it.  Angels aren't one beings they are many, for Anan-Ael comes from pool of others the same in cast.  It's like I am English, there are many English men...  When Adam and Eve became, they were not singular either, the race of Adam's and race of Eve's (Or at least this is what I have been shown). I could be in union with Anan-Ael and so could you, and both our message interpritations may differ from how we understand what is passed to us.

They are only Angels as Man has named them as such... They are are only holy as they are in scriptures deemed as such... They didn't create or cast this label upon them selves, its a notion that has stuck.  Angels, Demons and other Astral energies I feel are one and the same thing, and one day, our energy will be part of theirs (On a basic and simple attempt of explanation).

You may and others may be aware of the vibrations of a few of the realms and maybe getting messages of sorts, very much like myself, yet I see this as being from a source I label differently to you.

I would label your skill of medium-ship as being in contact with one of two fairly simple energy forms, that I see as common with most who are extra sensertive, that I name:-


Rem-Ael appears to those who summon him only if they have been reborn, the resurrected.  Those that have been recast, from the devine energy, this day an age most have been here at least once prior.  Rem-Ael will help you recall through dreams, art and lucid states previous incarnates.  When he shows himself he will look like a previous birth parent of yours, either a farther or mother, in rare cases a sibling of a previous incarnate.  Rem-Ael rarely shows his Angelic form unless requested, his true form is fairly strange, an Angel but with an eye for a head, with what appears to be storm clouds and lightning within his pupil, in this form his words are heard in a thunderous echo.



A Daemon who will answer any of your questions, a messenger of the energy flow.  Should he show you his true form his main set of wings will look like those of a bat or dragon, with fine scales... his second set will be of feathers and be much smaller, sometimes placed upon his head, above or inplace of his ears. He will appear nude, to show purity and inosence.  He also answers to the Astral name of Ophiuchus, he will appear in a form very much like our own, appearing as someone your mind will construct to help your ears and mind to be open to his words.  In his hand he may hold a staff with a serpent around it, or even grasping a serpent in his hand.  This is to show the control of the construct of Man, the understanding of our own structure and energy flow.  The intwind serpents are a symbol that stem back through out time and are still used today on the cadesus, being the symbol has scales an feathers upon it also gives a link to Astaroth-Dea's appearence.  As this Daemon has a link to the energy flow, you can use the abilities he offers to channel to passed energies of Man, or be drawn to or see area's and events around the point of the energy transit of Man to the infinity flow.  His zodiac sign removed to seperate Man from his wisdom and true visage hasn't stopped his urge to speak with us and shre his traits with Man and Woman alike.  Yet abuse his words and gift unto you and his words will burn you, he will make you look a fool if you treat him as such.

I don't feel you will understand much of this, and it is my interpritation, so it's open to your own, I can only pass the information as I see it.  I hope this explains my idea of Medium-ship and puts into place how alike my own ability is to yours.

That aside, back on topic...

I feel we all have different methods and understandings of the Astral guides and beings that surround us.  Whatever method works for you and what you gain from it or understand it is again a truth of mind (your idea no matter how alike it is to another will differ, your truth is yours alone).

I feel once you are given insight rather than drawing from others ideas of what the Astral realms/Alternate realms offer, don't try and bend your experience to match others around you.  Understanding yourself and your own mind and ideas of what is happening should be held in its highest form.

For me I don't think I can transend like Spiritalk can to other dimensions above that of the Astral Realm, yet I don't feel the need, I am getting answers from many Astral beings of the Seven heavens.  Throughout time people have been said to have done this, and I feel people still are, yet due to the media circus that revolves around this sort of thing (Charmmed, Ghost whisper, Medium and many others) has cast this art as being a mixed bag of things, that in part it is, yet its understanding is becoming lost, and the truths of the ancient art along with it.

Following the art to hermetics helped me understand the basic images passed by Anan-Ael... This to some may not been seen as Mediumship... I see it as one and the same.


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 04, 2009 3:18 pm

While my experiences will never be the same as anyone else and my truth is for me alone, I have to qualify that with....truth is truth.  The astral levels are not elevated enough to do anything for the human questing mind.  

Not all energy is the same.  That is where we may differ, but you have to consider how different we all are on earth.  Once in spirit realms we will draw by the natural law to be among those we understand and who understand us in much deeper manner.  In the meantime, we may want to protect ourselves from so much input that we lose sight of our own balance in body, mind, and spirit.

I understood your input perfectly, according to my own experience.  Just as you understand it according to your own experiences.  Our experiences often don't have the right language to describe the wonders we are witnessing.  But as it is an unseen world, to the material condition, it is important to use exercises to rise our levels of awareness so that what we receive is viable for not only ourselves, but to share with all confidence in its veracity.

Hence we have simple techniques for the mediumship seeker.  Keeping it simple is important.  The more complications comes from a mind wishing to confuse and confound the seeker.  Let's just all stick to the lessons here and not go off on personal journies of information.

BTW while I do not give my spirit guides names I know from whence it comes.  I have learned to work in the energies that tell me what needs to be taught, how and why.

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Post by DivaS » Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:14 am

hm...to get back to the original topic at hand...I really don't know what I would be categorized as because my gifts tend to be all over the place. However, as a child I recall speaking to my angel, seeing things that other people could not see, and hearing voices that no one else could hear. I thought it was all normal and never really thought anything of it until I was frightened by an experience as a teenager that caused me to block out that part of my life and continue on relatively oblivious to the spirit world until just this past year.

Now, I'm not in my 40s but I believe that it could be possible that someone could go their entire life simply not knowing of or being aware of their abilities, particularly if they have a tendency to attribute their other worldly experiences to worldly causes rather than accepting those experiences for what they really are. After all, I knew about my abilities and still managed to ignore them for about 10 years.

In response to what Spiritalk posted most recently in this topic, about human consciousness or spirituality only rising to the 3rd level of 7 makes me wonder about a dream that I vividly recall having when I was 12 years old in which I was very much aware of being on the 5th level of a total of 7 (at this time I knew nothing of there being 7 levels and actually did not know about this until this year) and after having passed through all of the previous 4 levels to reach my designated level (the 5th) was taken up to the 6th level by another being who was a bit overenthusiastic with my progression. This premature elevation caused me to become rather ill and I recall his being taken away from me due to his having caused me this harm. I also recall being returned to my level at which time the dream ended and I awoke feeling rather light headed. I have never forgotten that dream as it was the 1st in which I really felt that I had a concept of where I belonged in the grand scheme of things.

Any thoughts?

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A little problem!

Post by ParadiseLost » Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:36 am

I have a lil problem here!! as nights set in..it gives me an eerie feeling of insecurity and vulnerability. it might sound weird and funny to many but i cant close my eyes and fall asleep in complete darkness as i get a strong feeling that bodiless spirits are hovering around me or trying to touch me and say something!! and the feelings are disturbingly strong that i almost imagine them around.

Also this prevents me to sleep alone and i share the bed with my mom! but still i feel am always sensing them around, however nothing of such happens in broad daylight!

can someone help pls?

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Re: A little problem!

Post by Lady_Seeta » Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:07 pm

ParadiseLost wrote:I have a lil problem here!! as nights set in..it gives me an eerie feeling of insecurity and vulnerability. it might sound weird and funny to many but i cant close my eyes and fall asleep in complete darkness as i get a strong feeling that bodiless spirits are hovering around me or trying to touch me and say something!! and the feelings are disturbingly strong that i almost imagine them around.

Also this prevents me to sleep alone and i share the bed with my mom! but still i feel am always sensing them around, however nothing of such happens in broad daylight!

can someone help pls?
sleep with a bathroom light on. until you get use to them

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 13, 2010 1:20 pm

It would appear that you are more open and available as the day goes on.  Using a protection and grounding exercise can be used as well.

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