working with your spirit guides

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Post by coloratura » Mon Nov 03, 2008 5:35 pm

Boogers? Hmmmm....

Yeah, my spirit guides chatters to me constantly and seems to carry on a running commentary of stuff that happens to me. :)

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Post by Crow » Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:45 pm


Kinda sorta like that.  To hear it put as a running commentary is a first for me.  But I suppose so.  

Do yours chatter all the time?  Mine do not.  But will add when they see something, even if I didn't ask for their advice.  That is why I say they are boogers.  They have a will of their own.

And the information isn't limited to my life only. Sometimes certain ones will go a long time without a visit.  While others remain close.  Some will come only when I need certain advice that I may or may not know at the time.  While there are times when I wish for their advice on a certain matter, they can fall silent.  At first I thought I was a loon, to hear such things. What crazy notion that I would hear them.  Some I hear others I do not, another story.  Well after years of testing them, they never brought me harm.  The things I was told later to find in books or the news...well, these things I shouldn't know.  This bothered me so much.  May not completely understand it.  They come and go as they wish.  Like your friends cheering you on at an event.  Or those other times, when your friends are bruetly honest with you.  Things that you know are wrong, or when you feel a little lost, and they tell you ding dong, open your eyes!  They do not tell me what I need to do or which path to take.  This is hard to explain.  :smt005 Have you ever had those kind of experiences too?

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Post by coloratura » Mon Nov 03, 2008 7:52 pm

Well, it's not quite a running commentary, but he/she does talk to me an awful lot. Then again, I chatter to him/her ocnstantly too.

Yeah, I know what you're talking about. Sometimes, I'll jsut randomly wonder something about someone like whether or not they like to play chess or something like that, and I'll get a little nudge yes or no.

Other times, my guide's practically pushing me, erm, strongly encouraging me, to do things. However, I'm quite the stubborn one so don't always listen. It's quite an interesting relationship! He/she even teases me! Oy! But, gotta love 'em. Dont' know where I'd b without mine! :d

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Post by Crow » Mon Nov 03, 2008 8:05 pm

J:  The whole exercise of contacting our guide with a symbol and seat is a welcoming ritual.  How each person does it in their thoughts is up to them and as individual as their meditation experience.  I find consistencies are very important - same time, same place, same symbols, etc. for meditation works best in my experience.

Crow:  Oh, this I didn't know about. I really do not know much about the formality of greeting my sprits. I just go, where the heck have you been?  It's wonderful to see you again friend!!!!  And it truely is.  Well for the most part, there are those other times when I just don't wish to hear it.  Do they have symbols? How do you find this out?  Is this they way they tell you to summon them?  I didn't know that part.  I just say in my mind where are you my friend?  When you get the chance to pop over here please come for a visit.  Then there are times when they are summoned due to a really difficult time in my life.  Like they know to call me up and offer support.  Ever have that link in real life with someone close, be it a relative, or friend?  Sorta like that.  Certain times I know to call on someone I care about, and they do the same for me.  My spirits are kinda like that.  Perhaps it is different for others.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:05 pm

While it is wonderful to have this friendship going on there comes a time when you are learning, growing and living your own life.  There are limits to what a spirit guide is intended to do.  They can not tell you what decisions to make, merely stand by as you make them - good or bad - and help with the consequences of your own personal actions.  Just be sure to have personal responsibility for your own life and then your guides can kick in with support.

I am not sure here - but I would never want to call them up to each and every experience of my life.  But once learned, I am more than willing to share my new experiences with the higher sources - spirit guides.  

As meditation is the tool to reach spirit sources, there comes a time when you sit quiet and 'know' they are there.  The voices you hear in your head can and usually is your own higher thoughts.  When you reach out to them with a symbol they can respond as the source you seek and have a way of attuning to you alone.

Just a careful what you welcome in, you just may get more than you expect.

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Post by cedars » Sun Nov 16, 2008 9:34 am

A psychic artist painted the picture of a spirit guide of mine, after I provided her with my handwriting, and also gave me a reading from my guide which was quite poignant and to the point.
I believe that he is one of my guides and I have his picture framed and is hanging in my bedroom...... Now.....I cant say I am in communication with him as some of you have described it in here...... chit-chatting, talking, conversing and so on......

How come a psychic artist would 'see' my spirit guide (or one of them) and not me.?

What do you think of such artists presenting you with a picture of your spirit guide?

There is, however, one really spookey thing about this particular guide's painting: he looks like my auntie (on my father's side) and a bit like my father. I should say a lot like my auntie and father. So much so that when I showed the painting to my brother, he immediately said; Wow, that's auntie so and so...

What do you make of this? Anyone with similar experience?


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:17 pm

Your loved ones and relatives will NEVER be your spirit guides.  Perhaps the artists did not identify the difference carefully.

I have had my spirit guide done in charcoal.  Later the energy of attunement felt right and I got some confirmation for myself.  I work on energy rather than identity as such.

Not everyone is actually doing the chat thing with a spirit guide.  They have work to do and take their role seriously and some of the explanations of chit chat sound a bit frivilous to me.  But we do design our own mediumship based on this partnership with spirit and how it will work between us for comfort and trust.

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Post by cedars » Sun Nov 16, 2008 2:34 pm

Thank you Spirittalk..... this artist does not know me..... has not seen me....... and does not know my relatives... but I thought the resembalance of the painting to my family member(s) was uncanny...

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 17, 2008 1:46 pm

The psychic artist that did the work for me does not guarantee who will come through - a loved one, a guide, etc.  The first one she did for me was my sister - absolutely no doubt in my mind.  Unfortunately in a move I have lost it.  The next one she did was at my request for my spirit guide to hang in a new church endeavour.  And while at a meeting there, she drew another guide that oversees the church activities - he has been seen in the circles that we have as well as being channelled by a couple of us.

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Post by NAAANEE » Tue Feb 24, 2009 9:23 am

that is amazing to know about cat's eye,eucalyptus oil,pictures of spirit guides by some artists etc.
In India people believe in God's photos.Where there is God photo,there the protection is there.In some places they worship their Guru's(Master's) photos who guide them towards God.In some places it is seen that vibhoothi(ash made from cowdung),honey coming from their Guru's photo.Some people has experiences of aquaintances with their Guru even after the Guru has left His physical body!They tell that Guru is always guiding them in their works.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:14 pm

The people we know as human beings in this life do not return as our guides.  Family members are NOT our guides.

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Post by NAAANEE » Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:32 pm

but in Hindu system the GURU tells that he will be guiding those people who practices his teachings & who calls him with devotion.and some people are also confirming this.Some people who play spirit games are telling that their deceased relatives are helping them in their which name should we have to call those helping deceased relatives?

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:45 pm

Different strokes for different folks.  Would you please read up on the material provided.  All this is covered.  The reasons are valid for spirit entities to have their place in spirit realms.

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Post by NAAANEE » Thu Feb 26, 2009 11:27 pm

please tell me where  the material location is exactly.I am unable to find it.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Feb 27, 2009 2:45 pm

You are on the Mediumship - Questions and Answers.  There is another board called Mediumship Development.  It contains all the lesson notes.

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