Constantly being touched by please

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Constantly being touched by please

Post by dangermama » Tue Feb 17, 2009 11:49 pm

While I never see spirits with my "eyes" I am constantly being touched, poked, prodded by spirits.  At night I often feel like someone is stroking my hair or patting my feet.  It's frustrating because i've never seen anything, so i'm not sure if these are people I know or spirits of random people i've never met.  I'm not afraid at all, I feel oddly at peace with it.  Are they trying to get my attention?

I am very psychic (clairsentient/clairaudient)and have been trained over the last year to give readings to others, it is within this last year that the poking has started.  So i'm really unsure if this is the beginning of mediumship abilities or just a heightened awareness on my part...

Any ideas?

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:13 am

Meditate, and visualize yourself inside of a tin can, sealed & secure.  Surround the can with a cocoon of angelic light, the color of your choosing.  Pink for self love, red for centered strength, eggplant purple for empowered...whatever comes to you.  Repeat to yourself a mantra, that you make or, or feel.."I am protected"  "I am safe, surrounded by love".    Let me know how it works. ~ P.

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:22 am

I am sorry, I should have been a little more specific.  The 'tin can" of course is reflective, bouncing back anything negative.  And the difference between a cage and cocoon, is the love that envelopes and fills it.  You are love.  Let it shine brightly, with a little help of reflective 'tin can'.  Also, call upon your guardian angels for a little extra support, and know you have nothing to fear.

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:16 am

Horus wrote:As far as I know, "guardian angels" are only "nice" to you until you try to overstep the so generously granted "borders of safety". They keep you safely imprisoned, in my experience.
jees Horus - I don't know what you were dealing with but certainly not guardian angels, with the different life forces that I have worked with the angels, archangels and guardian angels are one of the very few beings who really really come from Love and only love and any misinterp of that love is a mirror for yourself of something that one needs to look at.

And you talk about 'costs' - where energy is unlimited and unboundless with no end how on earth can their be a scarcity of a 'cost' involved.
It does not exist. And that is just a choice you need to make.

And kgirlsmomma, I also use the term cocoon.
I also have this thought that goes along with it, thats its like a womb.
Its a safe place. Just a place where you can take a little breather, or to go to when feeling uncomfortable in any way. Can be anything to anyone, some imagine sacred gardens...etc whatever floats your boat.

I also agree with how you described the difference between cages and cocoons.
Thats it - there is NOTHING other than Perfect Love aka Truth, its our OWN issues and illusions that makes in seem its any other way than that.
If you use the concept of space (which we know does not exist) - using it to help illustrate. At the very source energy is clear and true (Right at the very top of all tops)- then as you go 'down' a little bit then differences start to occur, for example: male and female, light and dark etc etc
Each little bit you go 'down' more and more illusions and untruths start to creep in.
Your choice on where you want to place yourself - on what 'level' you want to place yourself in.

About the sleeping - I get it all the time, I'm a super sensitive psychic and empath and some nights I just can't sleep.
I usually either just say a few words like "You are disturbing me, hence making me feel uncomfortable, please get out."
Or i do a quick viz, like we mentioned earlier.
Or drink some water asking the water to help me sleep peacefully (water is a great force and our bodies are mostly made up with water)
I do many different things, kinda just depends on the feeling i'm getting.

It could also be Feng Sui elves  :smt002 .... LOL!!!!
Thats what I call them, most will know them by Dark Elves. They are the protectors of your home, you know that creepy feeling you get when you dangle your legs off the edge of the bed, or open a cupboard door, or while walking through a dark room?
They are very powerful and thats why we feel that adrenaline rush - they are our own personal Feng Sui Elves and help to protect all the members of the household and the actual house itself.

And the fact that you don't feel uncomfortable... good sign. The min you start getting negative thoughts, like completely random or you just feel edgy etc. Then you Demand that they leave.
ANYTHING that makes you feel uncomfortable in ANY way is not of the highest of all light and must go. End of story.

And also, Just cause you're not feeling uncomfortable, doesn't mean they should be there either...its your sleep time, you need to rest, they need to not disturb you.
I'm not sure what path you are taking with this whole thing (mediumship), Spiritalk is the person to talk to, I hope he pops his head in here.
But what I was going to suggest/mention/as a thought is that rather make a time and place to be able to talk to them. You create that space to be utterly protected etc

I personally would never do that! As you might be inviting some nasties in there aswell. So I wouldn't even go there.
I feel things that disturb me - they leave.

But each to their own.  :smt004
Will be interesting if we can get some others opinions in here.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:01 pm

kgirlsmomma:  It would appear you are opening to spirit - any and all.  Mediumship's first lesson TAKE CHARGE!  The importance of this step can not be overlooked.  

When you take charge of all that is happening you will welcome only those who are for your own benefit and dismiss and send away any that do not belong in your mediumship or abilities - even your life.  

When we open to spirit realms we shine a light.  Those closest to the earth (the uneducated souls) will be the first to interfere as they can see it like a light in a fog.  This fog is their own lack of knowledge.  These are not the spirit entities you wish to work with or welcome into your life.  As a matter of fact they are uneducated in the ways of spirit life (they have not gone into the light - you have more light than they do) and can bring no good to you or your life.

That is why there are many lessons in mediumship about spirit, spirit guides, guardian angels, etc. etc. learning to trust only those who come in love and light.  NEVER welcome any spirit you are not sure about.  You can send it away - you are in charge.  Then, if they are for your best interests and have love and light they will return to aid your journey.  Be discriminating in your own spirit guidance.

Just as life contains the good, the bad, the ugly, so spirit input can have its ups and downs.  Be discriminating and you will be rewarded with a wonderful tool (mediumship) to gain so much from your experiences in life.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Feb 18, 2009 3:06 pm

RR:  Only those in need of help need apply.

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Post by dangermama » Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:08 pm

Ok, i'll re-ask the question since we seem to be a little off topic.  Is it possible that my mediumship abilities are opening up and that I should try to be more aware of spirit?  Again, any touching that happens is not scary for me, I never feel afraid. Quite the opposite actually.  Also, there have been 2 occasions during readings that I have performed for strangers where a dead relative has come through with accurate info.  I just want to know if it is possible that the touching and poking is just a first step in this direction for me or if i'm just sensitive to spirit energy?

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Post by RoseRed » Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:12 pm

Soz for the off topic,

quote="dangermama"]Ok, i'll re-ask the question since we seem to be a little off topic.  Is it possible that my mediumship abilities are opening up and that I should try to be more aware of spirit?  Again, any touching that happens is not scary for me, I never feel afraid. Quite the opposite actually.  Also, there have been 2 occasions during readings that I have performed for strangers where a dead relative has come through with accurate info.  I just want to know if it is possible that the touching and poking is just a first step in this direction for me or if i'm just sensitive to spirit energy?[/quote]

I would def say yip! Your mediumship abilities are opening up.
I guess I would just say, rather say that you are opening up full stop. And that where you decide to take it is all up to ya.
(If its with readings, diff parts of mediumship, healing etc etc.)

Ummm your question of "just a first step in this direction for me or if i'm just sensitive to spirit energy?"
I would say its both. By being sensitive to spirit energy goes kinda hand in hand with mediumship and all other things.
heehee clear as mud huh? lol kinda like it seems to be on occasions :)

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Post by kgirlsmomma » Thu Feb 19, 2009 2:40 am

Wow, talk about getting WAY off base...........

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Post by dangermama » Thu Feb 19, 2009 3:22 am

Thank you both, ladies!

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Post by firetopaz » Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:14 am

Hon, if you want to send them foot rubbing sspirits on over to my house I would be most thankful....waitressing for years.....

Sorry, I don't mean to minimize your problem.  It does sound like you are opening up.   the higher you go...vibration wise....the more you will experience.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:54 pm

dangermama wrote:Ok, i'll re-ask the question since we seem to be a little off topic.  Is it possible that my mediumship abilities are opening up and that I should try to be more aware of spirit?  Again, any touching that happens is not scary for me, I never feel afraid. Quite the opposite actually.  Also, there have been 2 occasions during readings that I have performed for strangers where a dead relative has come through with accurate info.  I just want to know if it is possible that the touching and poking is just a first step in this direction for me or if i'm just sensitive to spirit energy?
Like any talent or skill that we possess, we start with what we know and practice to learn and grow in the ability.  Spirit has to start where you will acknowledge their presence and then proceed from there to open your mediumship abilities.

Everything in life is energy.  It is also about the energy of learning and growing.

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Post by lovewizard » Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:48 pm

:smt006  Hi my name is Paul

I just wanna share my experiences and i know there are some people more enlightened than others who can maybe give me wise advice.

I am 47yrs and i am being touched by unseen hands in my home, I am NOT scared and my senses tell me it is not a negative force but i don't know if i know the spirit, or being, touching me or not?

I am a big fan of the paranormal and regulary watch paranormal shows like, most haunted, ghost hunters, ghost labs, ghost adventures, paranormal state,

I have various ghost hunting equipment like E.M.F Meters, voice recorders etc and love going on ghost hunts and one of the most active places i have ever been is to Berry Pomeroy Castle in Totnes Devon.

I am not Psychic but i feel because of certain activities throughout my life i am alittle sensitive, I don't wanna bore people but for those interested i will share with you my experiences.

As a child i remember feeling a presence in my parents house, the feelings of being watched and usually the feelings i had made me feel uncomfortable and as if i wanted to avoid it,

One night i was laid in bed, half in sleep state when i seen an old lady go into a cuboard built into our bedroom wall and place an urn of somebody's ashes into the cuboard, we use to call the cuboard a toy cuboard, Anyway this old lady suddenly became angry telling me the ashes had been disturbed and that there was gonna be trouble, Suddenly i seen a spirit flying through the air of my bedroom and i remember saying telepathically to the spirit "I am strong and of strong mind, you cannot harm me" but the spirit laughed as if to mock me and the spirit divided into 2 spirits and i repeated again i am strong etc but the spirit just kept on dividing and dividing until there were more spirits than i count ever count and i felt as if i was losing the battle and  the spirits was gaining control of my mind so i sat up and screamed out loud and my parents who were in bed ran into my room and asked what was going on so i told them.

Me and my 2 brothers use to share a bedroom and we use to see what we use to call small round torch lights going around the walls of our bedroom but looking back now they were no torch lights as we had horizontal blinds that were closed at night and no light could or use to enter through the window, not even moonlight could break through the blinds and if any light could it would be broken up, Now i am older and wiser i realise they were orbs not torch lights but we were young and did'nt understand or even know about orbs then.

Me and my two brothers were in bed one night all in the same room and my dad was decorating our bedroom and left the door handle off the door so there was only a hole where the door handle should of been and the door was too big for the frame so the door needed to be planed so the door fitted the frame but as a result the door took some force to close it.

One night me and my brothers were all in bed quiet when the door flew open smoothly despite it sometimes took someone on the outside to shoulder it open and there was a completely white figure standing there glowing, no detail could be seen only a human shape outline and without the glowing figure reaching out to close the door, the door just closed on its own smoothly and with no force when usually it needed alot of force to close it.

Years later i grew up and left home and i remember living in a shared house and when i was in bed and again half in sleep state i use to feel as if someone was tugging at the quilt from the bottom of my bed and i felt this most nights on a regular basis.

On another location i was with 6 males and i never knew the history of the place where i was and we were told to go into this room to collect some items so i went to walk into this room and upon entering i froze wrapped my hands around my body as if i was chilled to the bone and an older gentleman who worked at the location laughed and asked me what was wrong, so i told him i don't exactly know i just had a violent reaction upon entering the room and i came over all cold.

The older man laughed and said i am not surprised as this place use to be an old american army base camp during the war and if you look over there, he pointed and said, that's where they use to lay the body's on the slabs, this use to be the morge.

But i was only 17 yrs old and i did'nt really put all my experiences together as they were only just beginning.

On another occassion i was baby sitting with my lover for her auntie, we did that weekly for months and i was use to walking home late on my own as my lover slept at her aunt's, On my way home which was only about 10minute walk i use to cut through a park and i was street wise never scared but one night as i approached the enterance of the park i heard a voice in my head say "Paul if you value your life, run" I laughed wondered where this voice came from and tried to dismiss and ignore it but the voice kept telling me and determined i listen.

I paused and wondered why after all the times i had taken that same jouney, why now? and still i was being told if you value your life, run. I grew increasingly uncomfortable and decided to run the short distance through the park and to the street where i lived which was well lit with street lamps.

I am soo glad i listened as to my horror there was a man all dressed in black who had hid in the bushes and jumped out and began chasing me and when he realised i was in the safety of the light where he could be seen he stopped running after me and turned and went in the opposite direction, at that point i was alittle shaken and angry shouting swear words at the man in black.

I went home and went to bed as it was 3.30am and i was tired and only the next morning did i realise the seriousness of my experience and what may of happened if i did'nt listen to the voice that warned me of pending danger, after all it was 3.30am and what was a man doing all dressed in black hidden in these little bushes just on the edge of the path i had to walk past?

Many years after i lived in another property that was haunted and there was always a negative feeling, a feeling of dread about the place and no matter how you decorated the place you could'nt take away that horrid atmosphere.

I now live in a 2 bedroom apartment and i am touched on almost a daily basis, not only am i touched but my partner Nicola has been touched too, so has one of my son's Ryan who does not live with me and ryan is only 10yrs old and i never told him of my experiences as i did'nt want to scare him, I knew ryan was telling the truth because how he explained and where he was touched matched my own and others experiences.

I don't feel any negativeness at all and i live alone and sleep alone most nights without any fear, even my friend barry his mr's was touched near her right ear and she's a big woman and i never seen her move so fast lol

Most people fear what they don't understand, I don't! i think death is just as natural as birth and that death is not the end but just the beginning of the next level of our existence.

I had 2 more experiences one time i was at my partners house and i had an unusual nightmare, I dream't i was in bed at my partner's house and i awoken choking and gasping for air and i pulled up a massive tumor from my throat that was huge and put it on the bed and remember thinking nicola my partner gonna go mental when she see's that on her bed full of spit and mucus.

A few days later i was sleeping at home alone when i was again half in sleep state when this young woman came to me and she told me she was a miss, early 20's and she showed me a cancer tumor that was growing in her throat-neck and that's how she died.

Because of activity at my home i decided to do a recording while i was asleep and i said on recorder if there is anyone in spirit here with me please leave me a message.

I picked up a class "A" E.V.P, e.v.p = Electronic Voice Phenomena
For those that want to hear it just clink on the link below.

I get crazy levels of E.M.F at my home
E.M.F = Electronic Magnetic Fields
Even with all power off in my home i get crazy E.M.F levels and i live on the top 4th floor with 18inch concrete floors

Link below shows my E.M.F levels.

I emailed the e.v.p to a man called Denis who run's his own ghost hunting team in america and asked for his opinion.

It clearly sounds like a young woman saying the words "Get Up" and at the time of the recording it was early hours of the morning but i caught it on my voice recorder.

I guess the spirit voice telling me to get up and not get out is alot friendlier lol. but when you put my nightmare where i was choking on a tumor and while in half sleep state a young woman came to me and the fact i picked up what sounds like a young woman's voice it all adds up.

I use to be sat on the fence so to speak when it came to the paranormal, I did'nt disbelieve but i was'nt a firm believer either but after my experiences i am now a firm believer!

I have made an agreement with the spirit here in my home, and that is we co-exist and respect eachothers space and it works and i honestly don't feel scared or threatened in any way and my home feels calm.

The way i see it is spirits were people just like you and i and if you treat them with respect generally they will do the same with you.

I hope people enjoyed reading about my experiences.

Best Wishes  

Paul.  (Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens)   :smt003

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Mar 31, 2012 2:29 pm

Yes, you certainly have had some interesting and enlightening experiences.  But my suggestions you may not like - Cease and Desist!  The reason is that we are not intended to keep 'House Pets' of spirit entities.  And this has been your life long practice.  

Any spirit that can manifest in the earth energies is 'stuck'.  They have not and are not progressing and progressive.  They have nothing to enlighten you as they are not further along in spirit energies than you may be yourself.  

Your interests in all things paranormal is probably what keeps the window open and will continue to do so.  But in all fairness to spirit energies it is wisest to close that window of opportunity for measurement and poking - you are doing more harm than good to the soul that is stuck.

Yes, you are psychic - we all are - but to what degree can not be measured in this particular activity.  When you learn to discern and leave spirit alone that is stuck, then you will be using the sensitivities to their fullest.

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Post by lovewizard » Sat Mar 31, 2012 5:03 pm

spiritalk wrote:Yes, you certainly have had some interesting and enlightening experiences.  But my suggestions you may not like - Cease and Desist!  The reason is that we are not intended to keep 'House Pets' of spirit entities.  And this has been your life long practice.  

Any spirit that can manifest in the earth energies is 'stuck'.  They have not and are not progressing and progressive.  They have nothing to enlighten you as they are not further along in spirit energies than you may be yourself.  

Your interests in all things paranormal is probably what keeps the window open and will continue to do so.  But in all fairness to spirit energies it is wisest to close that window of opportunity for measurement and poking - you are doing more harm than good to the soul that is stuck.

Yes, you are psychic - we all are - but to what degree can not be measured in this particular activity.  When you learn to discern and leave spirit alone that is stuck, then you will be using the sensitivities to their fullest.

Your reply is interesting but your accusations are confusing and i wonder how you can judge my character or intentions when you do not really know me,

For example i am not keeping spirits as house pets and i never play with Ouija boards but after having paranormal activity at my home i think it normal and fair i investigate.

I sometimes wonder if the spirits are attracted to me for reasons unknown to me but nothing negative has ever happened so it cannot be a bad thing.

I never open any windows with the spirits so i cannot see how i am responsible for them not moving on because the spirits make themselves known to me.

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