Excape From Reality ;)

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Excape From Reality ;)

Post by Crow » Mon Sep 29, 2008 7:53 am

Again, not sure if this is the right place for it. If this is the wrong forum for it, please feel free to move it to the right place. Just felt since we Pisces were known to want to excape reality, that it was fitting.

Okay earlier I was thinking again...oh no, not I!!! lol ;)

Why do we feel the need to excape reality?  
Why do we feel it stronger certain times in our lives than others?  

This past year I have struggled with this myself.  Happy with my home life, my family, and friends...but still in my heart I wished to excape!  Anywhere but here, but where?  I tried new things, met new people, visited other places close to home. But I was still feeling the need to excape my reality.  Depressed, disheartened. Why?  Torn since inside I felt happy, I had what I wished for...or did I?  Not too long ago I seen my spirit's desire.  Although I had all that I wished, I still longed to do something just for me.  The more that I sacrificed for my family the more I became the one wishing to excape.  Tormented since this is not how mommies feel.  I loved my babies!!!  They were my life, so much I forgot mine. Ahhh, yes I forgot long before my partner, long before my children...I existed. Seperate from this unit.

I may get alot of heat for sharing this. Since society shuns us for mentioning these unthinkable truths.  This did not make me  a bad person for feeling what I felt.  For years I did without thought without questioning. All for them, placing them above my own needs and desires.  But deep inside I was crying out.  Something didn't feel right.  The balance was off.  There was a reason I felt the need to excape reality.  And this is what I found.

I needed to re-examine my life.  Simple as that.  A friend shared something with me that finally put words to what I had figured out.  By that point I had already re-examined and started to do the changing, but I wasn't aware of the connection of the two.  

Do others feel the connection between the two?

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Re: Excape From Reality ;)

Post by Youdah » Mon Sep 29, 2008 8:27 pm

Crow wrote: (snip)...Why do we feel the need to excape reality?  
Why do we feel it stronger certain times in our lives than others?  
The more that I sacrificed for my family the more I became the one wishing to excape.  Tormented since this is not how mommies feel.  I loved my babies!!!  They were my life, so much I forgot mine. Ahhh, yes I forgot long before my partner, long before my children...I existed. Seperate from this unit.
I think you answered your own question.  Too often and erroneously, we think that self-sacrifice is noble.  It is not, except in certain extreme situations.  Mostly this kind of behavior is just martyrdom.  As a daily practice it is soul deadening.  All this does is teach others that we can be used and abused, and teaches our families that they don't have to think about others' needs, so some become martyrs also and others become those who only take and take and take.  Even Christ, or any other religious figure, took care of themselves first!  They ate, they prayed, they took care of their own needs, FIRST.  Christ said, "love others are you love YOURSELF."  In other words, take care of your own needs FIRST, so you have the strength and wisdom to help others.  

Then maybe there isn't the desire to escape, because your immediate life is more pleasurable and fulfilling.

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Post by Crow » Tue Sep 30, 2008 2:42 pm

Dear Youdah,

In this I agree.  Something too often forgotten...well I do anyways!  :smt005 It wasn't so much of being unhappy as it was feeling unfilled, incomplete, longing, etc.  Spirit was a bit wrestless.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts reguarding this matter.

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Post by Emelita » Fri Nov 07, 2008 11:22 pm

I'm doing the same - escaping the reality. That's why i'm happy. For exaple i won't see horror films, i wont watch the part of knews about murders and similar things. Thats why i still feel like little girl not like a woman. But I'm happy that my world is  "blind". The fishes are too sensitive tod deal with the real world :)

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Post by Crow » Sat Nov 08, 2008 12:57 pm


I'm glad you are happy.  :smt003  So many are depressed little fishes.  Finding this more common in the male Pisces. Have you noticed that too?  Wonder if it is because since they are really emotional, but since the male is not suppose to show emotion, there is that internal conflict.  Men don't cry sort of thing happening.   Dunno.  I find this all fasinating.  

However I do enjoy psychological horror although I am a sensitive person.  Mainly because I wish to understand the complex mind and why certain humans will harm eachother.  Although many fish are sensitive, there are those who do deal with the real world.  This doesn't mean that I do not feel out of place or out of time. I am a little girl in many ways but then there is that tigress in me that wishes to prowl and pounce on things.  So I feel like a woman in many ways. Although I detest those flowery girly stuff like dresses.  YUCK! I hate dresses.  :smt005

Sorry about the long rant.  I do love to hear how other Pisces women feel.  Thank you so much for your replie it really made my day.  Knowing that there are others out there like me.   May you forever remain a child at heart.

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Post by Emelita » Sat Nov 08, 2008 10:13 pm


At first it's nice to know that I'm not the only one which looks to others through pink glasses. You said you hate dresses:) I'like all clothes, for example one day I like oficial clothes, and another sport style, and at summer I enjoy dreeses :D i like this romantic stuff expecialy iwhen the colors of the clothes is bright. Maybe you have ever heard about TV series "Floricienta", my attitude to the World is very similar to hers :D.
And you asked about pisces man. I have for about six or more male friends pisces, but i didn't noticed that they would be extremely sensitive. But there is one thing - there are more chances to be addicted to alcohol to them, because I know such cases...  But one thing is great about them - they all are really similar and understands woman pisces wery well ;)

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Post by Youdah » Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:15 pm

Pisces do not "escape from reality" in a negative sense.  Pisces need time away from the harshness of life to "recharge" their batteries.  They can be so empathetic to suffering that it takes an emotional and psychic toll that requires time away from it to heal their own energies.  This hardly means that a Pisces is incapable of dealing with the world or the most horrible conditions and situations!  You can find some fine and very accomplished healers, nurses, and doctors that deal with the brutal results of violence and victim-hood.  Yet, these people, of all signs of the Zodiac, can bring calm and healing just by their mere presence to those who are suffering.  If you find yourself incapable of dealing with life, and want to blame it on some Pisces influence in your chart, then you are doing yourself a disservice.  A Pisces can be the best and strongest swimmer of the Zodiac, and can be a goldfish or a shark.  We aren't the delicate little creatures that some would like to make us!  So, don't use "Pisces" as an excuse to avoid facing reality!  No, we are just as capable of dealing with reality as anyone else, and can often do it better because we have the intuition to heal ourselves as well as others.  :)

The sign of the fishes is a fish swimming in both directions.  This is a very adaptable person!  This is also the sign of "balance."  The double fish is quite similar to the sign of Yin/Yang.  That is what a Pisces is capable of being!  If you're stuck to one extreme or the other, avoiding too much life, then you aren't learning the "balance" that you are in this lifetime to learn from being a Pisces.

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Post by Youdah » Sun Nov 09, 2008 3:06 pm

Emelita wrote: but i didn't noticed that they would be extremely sensitive. But there is one thing - there are more chances to be addicted to alcohol to them, because I know such cases...

A pisces is overly sensitive from other placement in the chart, not simply by being a pisces.  

As far as prone to addictions, I have talked about this here:

http://mysticboard.org/vi ... 19&start=5

So, I won't repeat myself too much.  But, this idea that a Pisces is prone to addictions is some misinformation and misunderstanding of the Sun sign.  I can show you just as many Aries who are alchoholics as Pisces, or anyone else.  To be truly accurate in astrology is important to avoid downgrading and demeaning attitudes toward any particular Sign.  

A very good astrologer by the name of Mitchell Gibson M.D. did some detailed study and research of these kinds of addictions (and other disorders) in the natal chart.  (And reliable research is needed before anyone say that this Sign is "addicted" or any other trait.)  Anyway, Dr. Gibson has reliably shown that addictions come from certain aspects and placements in the natal chart that have nothing at all to do with the Sun Sign.

So, please don't continue this misinformation.

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Post by Emelita » Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:33 pm


yes, you are right that people doesn't need to trust the properties of some sun sign, we all are different and of course our destiny belongs only for us and our strength.  The sun sign is more about how we feel, not how others see us, so that's why i don't like to talk about other fishes, I just know what My abilities is, and this is influenced not only by horoscopes :)

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Post by Youdah » Sun Nov 09, 2008 8:38 pm

Emelita, you are very wise...just like a Pisces!  :)

I don't like people to put that kind of label on Pisces, because it is not constructive, and often destructive.  It gives someone excuses for behavior, at times, when the choice is the individual's, not caused by when they were born.  Another reason, as I said, is just because it's not accurate.  If there was any relationship to addictions to year of birth, then places like the Betty Ford Clinic (or other rehabs) would be filled with Pisces, not a variety of Sun Signs!  LOL!

And you are right, knowing your own abilities is all that matters...and most of us are far more "able" than we think!  Thanks for your post.

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Post by ktserious » Thu Feb 12, 2009 6:38 am

I have always heard that since we are a water based sign, then we feel the need to escape at times. Me, I find that I often escape from unpleasant things or situations a lot. I do not particularly like horror films, but I do watch the news a lot. I also watch a lot of shows that deal with forensics. I empathize with people and I find that a lot of people tell me things that they will not tell others. I find it easier to solve other people's problems than my own.

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