Daily horoscopes for 24th January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 24th January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:01 am


You are forming a new philosophy about your day to day life right now. It's no longer about reaching ambitious goals or having the most toys -- it's about being more grounded and making the right, practical decisions in terms of your future. What are some likely pitfalls coming down the road? You have the clarity right now to enable you to identify problems and then avoid them. Putting a little energy into a backup plan wouldn't be a bad idea, just in case.


You've been anxious about an upcoming interview, date or audition -- but today, you need to relax about it! Whatever you're about to do will go very well for you, there is no question about it. You've got the skills and the personality that everyone is looking for. You're the right fit for that job, for that single cutie, or that role. There is something attractive about you and it's going to open a lot of doors. Be confident and know that there is no one on earth who is quite like you!


A group effort can be an extremely productive thing, but right now the group you are in is becoming a quagmire of conflicting egos and hidden agendas. Be on the lookout for members of your group who are out for themselves. Don't get overly paranoid, just be sensitive to people who are too adamant about certain things. If someone isn't willing to compromise, then that someone is hiding something. Call them out before they steer things too far off the track.


Someone close has been feeling left out of your life for a while now, and today they might just let you have it. Before you get defensive, get proactive. Ask them what they need from you. Finding balance in your personal life is never easy, but the only way you can achieve it is by understanding the expectations of others. If this person is asking for too much from you, tell them that. You cannot afford to make empty promises to see them more if you simply can't.


Thanks to a huge surge in your levels of self-respect, no one is going to be able to intimidate you today -- not even the people who usually cause you to shake in your boots when you have to talk to them! You have real facts to stand upon, and real conviction behind what you will be saying -- so there is no need to be meek or hesitant. This rise in your intellectualism will help increase and hone your mental energy -- and earn you more respect from everyone. You'll wow some powerful people.


The less you spend today, the better. It's not that you necessarily need to save any money, it's just that your emotions are uncertain, and you could be associating buying something with solving something. Paying a problem to go away isn't going to work, it will only help you waste money. The challenges you have require your attention, and they require hard work -- but hard work is the only way to solve problems once and for all. You can do it, so take this opportunity to impress yourself.


The activities of all your friends or coworkers will be extremely distracting for you today -- you've got some work you want to take care of, but everyone else just wants to goof off and have a good time! Watch out for these people to start begging you to join in. It will be difficult to resist them, but resist them you must! Tell them you will more than happy to kick back with them in a little while, but today you have to put things in the right order, priority-wise. Be stern, and they will back off.


Have you been spending too much time exploring new things and not spending enough time with the tried and true? There is nothing wrong with where you are now, who you are with now, and what you are doing now -- so enjoy the moment. Sometimes, focusing too much on your next steps in life only keeps you from appreciating where you are right now. Being content is not a sign of having no ambitions in life -- it just a sign that you are wise and happy.


Right now you could be struggling between your penny-pinching urges and your desire to shower the people you love with gifts. Try to listen to your more practical side and keep your wallet shut tight. You need to realize that your friends would rather have you paying off your debts and feeling stress-free than worried about how you're going to pay for gifts they don't need. Be generous with your time instead -- reschedule something so that you can just sit and hang out with them.


Your recent push toward getting to know someone has created good results, but it's wise to quit while you're ahead. Pull back and let them start pursuing you. Pushing even harder to spend more time with them is not going to create better results -- it's only going to freak them out! Giving them a bit more space will show them that you respect them. Suffocating them and demanding their free time only shows them that you are selfish -- which you are not! Stop chasing and let yourself be chased.


Today, your deep yearning for something more challenging is coming up to the surface, and it is refusing to be ignored. You want to push yourself, and you want to push yourself hard. Do yourself a favor by checking out a few employment websites and see where you can take your career. Just start exploring what's out there, and what you may want to try next. Remind yourself that change is possible if you want it. And keep in mind that education may be the key to getting what you want.


Your intense emotions are starting to mellow out quite a bit today, which should make your day a very easy one compared to recent weeks. Instead of getting worried that things aren't going to go the way you want them to go, you will be able to relax and accept things as they are. Clarity is now controlling your thought processes, not confusion. This means that you will be able to see every challenge as an opportunity, instead of a test you have to pass. Happiness is much easier to achieve.


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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:08 pm

daily outlook

Post by dayfive » Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:11 pm

creating my day / making myself aware of horoscope

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