raising pagan children in a predomitly christian area

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raising pagan children in a predomitly christian area

Post by ravenspagan » Sun May 04, 2008 6:19 am

Speaking from experiance
I have raised 3 children in a predomitly christian area and have endured many trials due to their religion. two of my children have grown up and moved on to their own homes and started families while the third is still in high school. with the first 2 high school was a nightmare for them as well as me. they constantly endured taunts and threats. sometimes even moving on to physical violence. I have made many trips to the school due to this and found that a well placed mention of the aclu and attornies seemed to allay the problem for a short time. however with the youngest who now attends high school in paducah ky it has been somewhat easer it seems that the edacators here are more tolerent of her beliefs than they were in our previos state. my granddaughters are both being raised on the path and their mother and I have discussed home schooling them, but i feel that they will miss out on important socal interaction by following this path and they will not have the necessary keys for surviving life as pagans. much of how they preceve them selves is established early in their educational carrees. i feel the way to tolerance is education of the public.

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Post by ravenuriel » Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:06 pm

I understand what you are talking about..
I am pagan and live in the bible belt..
I was allowed to choose my path and I am allowing my child to choose theirs.
I do not attract alot of attention to myself being pagan.. I believe in the secrecy law.
when ppl ask me what I am I say that I am non denominational..
and leave it at that.

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