charging fees for reiki

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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:30 am

You must do Reiki for personal contentment rather than making a living out of it.
I presume you do not run a practice.
I think it all depends on peoples' circumstances. There is nothing wrong in getting financial remuneration for it - unless you are financially very secure, then it is up to you if you dont wish to charge.
By the same token, what is the criteria of you charging for attunements and not for healing...?

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Post by RoseRed » Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:14 pm

just a question: why Grand-Master?
Whats the difference, if there is one?

and I agree with you cedars, DEF about personal contentment, first and foremost and second depends on your financial situation.
If I had a great job with income flowing in then I would happily do free reiki.
But if giving reiki is my only trade, well then, I gotta eat! :)

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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:25 pm

.......and there is nothing wrong with that RoseRed... Too right, we've got to eat.
If a physiotherapist can charge a fortune for each visit, a life coach, a counsellor, why in the world Reiki practiotioners should not charge?

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:36 pm

No its not.

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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:38 pm

nitinsaxena77 wrote:No its not.
Can you clarify what you mean by that, please?

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Post by ravenuriel » Thu Jan 22, 2009 3:18 pm

I am a Reiki Master too
and it depends on every ones circumstances
I sometimes teach for free , and  heal for free.
back in the day it was set to where if you wanted to be a reiki master it would cost you thousands of dollars... yeah.
that is greed...
I take donations mostly but I do have a website where I have fees listed for sessions and classes.
but again it depends on the person and what they believe is  right..
but then I too like to eat.

but I see people with serious illness.


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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 22, 2009 4:06 pm

thanks Revenuriel
I like your inputs
I do have a price list and I am not a Master. I am a Level II practitioner.
My 'price list' is not carved in stone. I would do for free and I would also bring my price down depending on the person and their circumstances. Heaven forbid that we start acting like doctors and not take the patient in without getting paid first.

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Post by ravenuriel » Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:12 pm

I am studying to be a Homeopathic doctor..

I get so sick of main stream doctors greed greed greed.. or pushing the latest drug cause the drug reps bring lunch to the office.. please.
what about the oath they took when they became a Dr??
I have worked for Drs... on a base level they are good at what they do.. but they do not treat the whole being..
only the symptoms..
thats not enough for complete health.
I have my basics in Homeopathy now and I am going for the advanced classes that will make me a Homeopathic Dr. YAY
I believe if your going to do something .. do it forth right .. and all the way not skimp..
I want to be able to treat the whole person on all levels.
I am a minister, Reiki master, psychic medium, energy worker, I do reflexology, color therapy,Hypnosis, spiritual counseling,meditations, guided imagery, yoga and pilates.
so all I need now is the rest of my homeopathic classes and I will be able to fully help the client.
not to mention the esoteric studies but I do those for me..not for the profession.

wow that went way off topic.. lol

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Post by cedars » Thu Jan 22, 2009 6:47 pm

Well done to you Revenuriel,
Power to your elbows, as they say :)

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Post by ravenuriel » Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:28 pm

Thanks Cedar.

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Charging fees for reiki

Post by Shokurei koka » Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:04 am

reiki practitioners have a choice to charge a fee or not charge a fee, some do, some don't, some trade services with others.  It is an individual choice. I agree with alchemist.
Also....the Reiki practitioners shouoldn't be doing a session if the intent is focused on anything other than the client, and that the intent is in the use and transfer of positive energy for the clients highest possible good. The Intent of Reiki practitioners isn't one which is focused on money, it is of one which benefits his or her clients to the highest possible good. But if the client doesn't pay for the session then they disvalue the service because no monies were exchanged. it's human nature.

Reiki, I believe works at it best when the client and practitioners intent align with eachother ( the intent of the practioner by giving a treatment is one for the clients highest good. the clients intent should be one of a positive nature or atleast open minded to the belief that healing is taking place, whether it's emotional, mental, or physical.  

I am new to this forum and I don't know how many of you are Reiki practitioners. I am a Reiki II practitioner. I use reiki on my car, to ensure I make it to work and back ome safely. I use reiki on food before I eat it. I send reiki when friends and family are going through tough times. The uses for reiki are endless, but the use should be one of the highest possible good.

For example friend went to a bbq one weekend with some of his friends. On the way there they drove by a house they had no idea was inhabited by gang members, as they drove by a couple of gang members started shooting at them. My friend having a concealed weapons permit fired back out of self defense wounding one of the gang members. my friend was arrested for attempted murder. My wife and I were devestated, and began to call some of our friends who are also reiki practitioners. to send reiki to him and his situation. I told my accused friend not to let negative thoughts into his mind about the court hearing, and to remain positive. The court hearing came three days later and all charges were dropped.
If the intention is for a persons highest possible good then the reiki being sent to a client will go were it is needed to in the client or a situation etc.  The benefits of reiki are endless. If the intention is of the highest good for all envolved.

Shokurei Koka
Last edited by Shokurei koka on Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Charging fees for reiki

Post by Shokurei koka » Thu Sep 30, 2010 12:07 am

Reiki practitioners have a choice to charge a fee or not charge a fee, some do, some don't, some trade services with others.  It is an individual choice. I agree with alchemist.
Also....the Reiki practitioners shouoldn't be doing a session if the intent is focused on anything other than the client, and that the intent is in the use and transfer of positive energy for the clients highest possible good. The Intent of Reiki practitioners isn't one which is focused on money, it is of one which benefits his or her clients to the highest possible good. But if the client doesn't pay for the session then they disvalue the service because no monies were exchanged. it's human nature.

Reiki, I believe works at it best when the client and practitioners intent align with eachother ( the intent of the practioner by giving a treatment is one for the clients highest good. the clients intent should be one of a positive nature or atleast open minded to the belief that healing is taking place, whether it's emotional, mental, or physical.  

I am new to this forum and I don't know how many of you are Reiki practitioners. I am a Reiki II practitioner. I use reiki on my car, to ensure I make it to work and back ome safely. I use reiki on food before I eat it. I send reiki when friends and family are going through tough times. The uses for reiki are endless, but the use should be one of the highest possible good.

For example friend went to a bbq one weekend with some of his friends. On the way there they drove by a house they had no idea was inhabited by gang members, as they drove by a couple of gang members started shooting at them. My friend having a concealed weapons permit fired back out of self defense wounding one of the gang members. my friend was arrested for attempted murder. My wife and I were devestated, and began to call some of our friends who are also reiki practitioners. to send reiki to him and his situation. I told my accused friend not to let negative thoughts into his mind about the court hearing, and to remain positive. The court hearing came three days later and all charges were dropped.
If the intention is for a persons highest possible good then the reiki being sent to a client will go were it is needed to in the client or a situation etc.  The benefits of reiki are endless. If the intention is of the highest good for all envolved.

Shokurei Koka

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Jun 19, 2013 2:51 am

nitinsaxena77 wrote:i m a reiki grand-master n i have never taken fees for giving reiki for someone's help. but i charge when i give reiki attunement. it depends from master to master.
Dear Nitin (presuming that you are still on this forum! I'm responding to your Jan 22 2009 posting, after all!) and others,

It is not about who else charges whether attuned to Reiki or other healing modalities (including doctors and other therapists and what have you!). When I got attuned to reiki formally, back in mid-90s, my teacher emphasized on the equitable energy exchange principle and I read about it in many books etc on Reiki prior to and after attunement! I have also read the dissident viewpoints, some of which arose and appeared when Takata's descendant was trying to raise awareness through forming a solidarity amongst Usui-Reiki practitioners, at least in North America, back around Y2K!

I am a jyotishi (four decades and counting...!) and have had some experience with charging for my readings without experiencing all these guilt trips that receivers (and some givers!) try to lay upon individuals!

I used to be quite uncomfortable charging people for the readings etc but really they were not paying me for anything but my time! It was easier for me to accept that rationalization if that is what anyone thinks I am doing and ponders about and mulls over! ;-)

In saying that I am certianly not encouraging healers or divinators to lose their innate sensitivity and take some personal pledge to charge anyone and everyone, no matter what, but merely sharing that do what feels right to you, but do it Rightly and while being at complete PEACE with yourself :-)

Our worldly realm has inculcated in us, conditioned us into thinking that "you get what you pay for!" and that is where the general problem lies!

I see people, good people (!), falling head over heels in providing free readings and free healings; I gave those too for many years but then realized that while I was being altruistic and generous, some of the receivers were not getting benefitted!

Then, when I began charging for my time and pretty minimally, there was a mutual GAIN! Only serious and sincere seekers approached (reduced traffic!) and they began to report back good outcomes! Most of the 'free-loaders' never even responded back, earlier! Mind you, this is not to paint every one of those with the same BRUSH!

As long as the divinator or the healer retains his or her intrinsic sensitivity and responds to each seeker (healing or reading) as an individual, there will never arise any feelings of guilt! Due to charging for ones time and service! =

Our perceptions define our REALITY! I share with you mine and my personal point of view and what I experienced!

Love, Light, Reality (and Personal Clarity and Peace!),


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