Lesson 9 - Drishti or Aspects

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Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:38 am

Hi Vivek ji and Swapnil ji,
Let me try to put something here.Which i felt could be related to this.
Since drishti is a desire we can understand that the extra drishtis are multiple
desire of a planet and they desire for a bhaava which they feel is closer to their properties or

Jupiter:- 5,9- This is one is quite obvious for jupiter i feel. 5,9 are the most pious houses in a chart.representing dharma,
purva punya karma, wisdom(mor than intelligence), sacred  knowledge, fortune, religion etc..and jupiter is representation of wisdom,knowledge, dharma, religion etc.....Thus Jupiter has to  have desire of these bhaavas...

Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:51 am

Saturn is what?It is suppose to be chief justice of court of god thus neutrilzes our karma debt by making us pay for our karma , good or bad. It tries to make us move little bit more closer to ZERO karma.Also it is  significator of karma thus is related to both 3rd(which is an upachaya sthan) and 10th drishti (which is a house of karma).

Also according to BPHS Saturn is considered to be servant and representation of grief and sorrow which being Trishadhaya  bhaava 3rd house also represent.Saturn makes you do your karma anyway easy or hard.
Also saturn is siginificator of discipline in doing your karma...

Here we again see relation between 3rd and 10th house signification and Saturn's 3rd and 10th aspect.


Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:24 am

Now comes Mars..
MArs has got drishti over 4th and 8th house.

4th and 8th house is representation of property, enemy, sudden opening,forts, battle, things related to health, health hazard.
Also if you see mars represents same significations.It is considered as General or commander of army thus represents battle and also represents real estate/properties.Mars and Rahu are considered to give sudden/fast result(thus related to 8th house).Strong mars give good physical health and it represents operation which is again shared property with 8th house.
8th is house of longevity thus factors which can increase longevity and 7th(which is 12th from 8th)shows harm to 8th house.Thus strong 8th house gives long life.Similarly strong mars give good physical strength and better immunity and strength to fight sickeness(thus add on to factors to strengthen longevity)4ht and 8th alongwith 7th house like mars are important for marriages.. how? i have explained in next para..

Also i find one more relation with drishti of mars.They are same as houses where mangalik dosha is caused i.e 4,7 and 9th house(i will not consider 12th house  amngalik dosha coz it is bit controversial bcoz many takes it to give very mild mangalik dosha or does not give at all)and i asume we all know how mangalik dosha effects marriage from these different houses and mars represents marriage life (bcoz it represtns blood which is required for formation of semen or eggs)thus very imnportant part of marriage or masculinity thus its repation to 4th and 8th house further gets strengthen coz these houses are also related to marriage....

I hope i was clear


Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:56 pm

Hi Swapnil ji,
This concept of aspect must have created one more query in your mind(coz it did in my mind :-D)
that why not other planets also have desire of other houses. Why just these 3 planets got desires.

This is replied in BPHS by saying that every planets has aspect other than 7th aspect BUT the desire or effect of
aspect is not very strong thus they are divided in aspect with 1 foot ,2 feet or 3 feet...Thus every planets have desire
for other houses than the one they r placed in BUT ony thing is their desire is not as strong as what is desired by jupiter, saturn and mars.

Analogically(and generally too)we can say that the native with very severe problem in life has got more desire to goto pilgrimage than the person who is not in problem.It is not that later ones dont want to go it is just that previous ones got more stronger desire.

I hope it got bit more clear.


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Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:53 pm

Namaskaar Raman ji,
We would have been lost without you! Great posts and great share.
We will add to it soon.
As regards the special aspects, if you read the lesson correctly you will find the reason mentioned.
The reason is that these are the superior Grahas. Which means their orbit is after Prithvi. So they have a vantage point ands can see more and hence desire more.
RishiRahul and vivek.
Raman Deep Singh wrote:Hi Swapnil ji,
This concept of aspect must have created one more query in your mind(coz it did in my mind :-D)
that why not other planets also have desire of other houses. Why just these 3 planets got desires.

This is replied in BPHS by saying that every planets has aspect other than 7th aspect BUT the desire or effect of
aspect is not very strong thus they are divided in aspect with 1 foot ,2 feet or 3 feet...Thus every planets have desire
for other houses than the one they r placed in BUT ony thing is their desire is not as strong as what is desired by jupiter, saturn and mars.

Analogically(and generally too)we can say that the native with very severe problem in life has got more desire to goto pilgrimage than the person who is not in problem.It is not that later ones dont want to go it is just that previous ones got more stronger desire.

I hope it got bit more clear.


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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:47 pm

Dear Vivek ji and Raman ji,

As rahu is connected to past life and next life so if i am right it can also be said the reason rahu has 5th and 9th dristi as this houses also relates to previous and next birth but i cannot figure out why the 2nd and why the anti clock wise pattern  dristi as it moves clock wise

Can rahu too be included in superior grahas too as it too has special dristi



Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:13 am

Hi swapnil ji,
Will add to this in some time. Just wanna to put a point here.
Rahu moves retro thus its aspect is also counted  in that direction.
Thus the house which is generally 2nd for direct motion planets
is considered as 12th for rahu.
For example:-
Rahu placed in 12th house is suppose to aspect 4th house(9th aspect), 8th house(5th aspect) and lagna(12th aspect).
Generally only 5th and 9th aspect are considered  thus even if not cosider motion of planet it wont matter(coz reversing 5th and 9th aspect will just exchange the houses)
but while considering 12th aspect we have to consider motion of planet otherwise we will end up considering 2nd house fromi rahu rather than 12th house...


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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Wed Jan 21, 2009 2:00 pm

Dear Raman ji

I was about to write the fact that i managed to find the 2 5 9 dristi is actually 5 9 12 drsiti of rahu as it is always retro

Would like to confirm that the 5th 9th dristi reason i have given is right or wrong if no the reason and if yes why the 12th or 2nd



Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:57 am

Dear Vivek ji,
Thank you for your appreciation but i think u got too metaphorical in your praise :-D
We would have been lost without you! Great posts and great share.
I am sure you will/would be able to explain more explicitly :-)
I think rather i shud say that we would have been lost in intricacies and multiple logics of astrology without likes like you and rishirahul ji.


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Post by vivekvshetty » Mon Feb 02, 2009 3:57 pm

Namaskaar Raman ji,
It was from the heart and the heart can only speak in metaphors. We will surely add to the explanation but let all options be completed and all angles exhausted by the learners.
Thank you for your kind words for us, it makes our day.
RishiRahul and vivek.
Raman Deep Singh wrote:Dear Vivek ji,
Thank you for your appreciation but i think u got too metaphorical in your praise :-D
We would have been lost without you! Great posts and great share.
I am sure you will/would be able to explain more explicitly :-)
I think rather i shud say that we would have been lost in intricacies and multiple logics of astrology without likes like you and rishirahul ji.


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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:06 am

Dear Rishi ji

As you asked about Why gurus aspect on tula is bad? here is my way of thinking correct me if i am wrong

Guru and Venus are not friends as tula is lorded by venus so i thought he may not have good aspect on his enemy lorded sign (But also can have good aspect as he is natural benific planet), as far as my understanding from PVR jis MP3 lessons (Guru represents Devas and Venus represents Asuras in other way like guru for good desires and venus for materialistic desires)

Sorry i am out of topic but there is a another doubt why is then venus exalted in meen lorded by guru and also mars exalted in makar lorded by shani also guru gets exalted in moon (I heard puranic story that moon took gurus wife and mercury was born it was explained why mercury and guru are friends) But not other factors of exaltation

If there is any puranic story pls tell, it helps for better understanding



Raman Deep Singh
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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:13 am

Hi swapnil ji,
Something like this has already been discussed in the learning forum.
I remember that. Firendship among planets are not the only condition we have to consider for understanding
about Exhaltation and Deb..We have understand about the property of Raashis and relate them to planet to undestand about
Ex. and deb. of planets.

What do you think makar represents....
It represents south direction and cemetery...
And what does Mars represents..
It respresents....Commander, war , battle, bravery.

Now do you see any relation. :-)
See this in the right topic.I think u will find its reply there.


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Post by gaonkarswapnil » Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:27 am

Dear Raman ji

Thank you for the quick reply

Please do post links of the topics if you are knowing so that i can read

Even i agree what you explained abt makar rashi it does not have any relation but i think there must be some reason



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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:28 pm

Namaskaar Swapnil ji,
The following is an extract from the first post in this lesson. Did you miss it or overlook it?
The aspects of the Grahas are good or bad depending on their inherent nature. Drishti of natural benefics (Subha Grahas) are beneficial as they have good sight. Natural Malefics possess bad sight (We don’t want to use the word evil as it carries a very negative connotation and means different things to different people) and hence their drishti are not desirable.
In the same post we had asked two questions which the learners needed to answer. Try answering those first and thing will become much more clearer.
RishiRahul and vivek.
gaonkarswapnil wrote:Dear Rishi ji

As you asked about Why gurus aspect on tula is bad? here is my way of thinking correct me if i am wrong

Guru and Venus are not friends as tula is lorded by venus so i thought he may not have good aspect on his enemy lorded sign (But also can have good aspect as he is natural benific planet), as far as my understanding from PVR jis MP3 lessons (Guru represents Devas and Venus represents Asuras in other way like guru for good desires and venus for materialistic desires)

Sorry i am out of topic but there is a another doubt why is then venus exalted in meen lorded by guru and also mars exalted in makar lorded by shani also guru gets exalted in moon (I heard puranic story that moon took gurus wife and mercury was born it was explained why mercury and guru are friends) But not other factors of exaltation

If there is any puranic story pls tell, it helps for better understanding



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Post by mysbcrs » Wed Jun 10, 2009 3:50 pm

Namaskaar Vivekji,
The aspects of the Grahas are good or bad depending on their inherent nature. Drishti of natural benefics (Subha Grahas) are beneficial as they have good sight. Natural Malefics possess bad sight
Doe this mean Shani's drishti for Vrishabh/Tula and Ma drishti for Karka/Simha is malefic?

Also is the baava where they are placed has any effect on the nature of drsihti? E.g, is Shani's drishti from 6/8/12th house any different from its placement in 5/9th?

Do these apply to both Rasi and Graha Drishtis?


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