Daily horoscopes for 19th January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 19th January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Sat Jan 17, 2009 6:30 pm


You should feel comfortable trusting the people who are in power right now -- your life might feel like a roller coaster right now, but that doesn't mean you are being taken for a ride. And any turbulence you are experiencing is not their fault. Be a team player! Now is not the time to let your emotions tell you what to do. Hedge your bets and stay right where you are. Moving away from the known can feel exciting, but it's simply not the best move for you right now.


One of the insecure people in your daily life is feeling especially sensitive today, so be cautious about how you phrase things with them -- it might be easier to hurt their feelings than you think it should be. And while you don't exactly like the idea of having to jump through hoops just for the sake of protecting someone's ego, you'll be doing yourself a favor by playing nice and walking on eggshells. It's not the day to ruffle their feathers.


When you finally meet up with that person you are dying to get to know better today, don't waste too much time sharing your feelings with them! Communicating your real feelings right away might be a bit overwhelming for them at first, but in the end they will appreciate that fact that you're not into playing games. When you speak in honest terms, they know that it's okay for them to do the same. You can make a great deal of headway when everyone says what they mean.


If you feel like you're under the gun to make a big decision and are panicking because you don't know what to do, just step outside for a few minutes. Get some distance from the situation and try to see it from another perspective. Once you do, you will quickly see that there is no real rush to make a choice right now at all. You can stall this situation and buy yourself some time to really think things through. Your death-defying deadline may be self-imposed.


If an introspective mood strikes today, don't worry -- it's not necessarily a bad sign for your social life. You can still make connections, have fun and enjoy yourself without being as extroverted as you usually are. This quieter phase could be an excellent opportunity for you to take stock of where you are and where you want to be in a new relationship. Look deeper, beneath the surface of a recent emotional conversation with them. Their words will have new meaning.


No one will blame you for acting a little bit selfish today, especially if you have been feeling a little under-appreciated. Considering your own needs first is not always the same as considering everyone else's last. So if you aren't getting the attention you want from other people, you just have to start giving it to yourself! Splurge on a nice gift, take yourself out for a nice spa day, or just reserve some quiet time alone to delve deep into a novel you've been dying to crack open.


Living on a budget isn't as unbearable as you think it is! Besides helping you save money, it's a great way to organize your life and get focused on your priorities. Spend some time today sorting through how much you're spending and what you're spending it on -- you will immediately see a few areas that need to be changed. Getting a better picture of your financial situation today could save you a lot of time -- and money -- later on. So don't put things off any longer.


Don't get drawn into any dramas today. Sure, juicy gossip is magnetic, but it will only pull you away from important things. Besides, most of what everyone is talking about is not true -- so why waste time pursuing more information on things that are so trivial to your life? Get serious today, and leave all the cattiness to people who don't care about their reputation or growth. Learning about the lives of celebrities and who's dating whom is just not stimulating enough for you.


Your backbone is positively made of steel today, so it's the right time to try something that you'd normally be too shy or cautious to attempt. Be bold and brash today, because the word risk means nothing! Wake up your sense of adventure and let it guide you through the day, exposing you to new opportunities and thrills. If you do this, you are sure to meet interesting people with interesting ideas that turn you on to a whole new path in your life.


Keep a lid on your emotions today. If you have a strong emotional reaction at the wrong time or in front of the wrong people, you could create some drama and hurt your reputation. Today requires you to have a calm, objective demeanor -- free of drama and free of any strong emotion. No one should be able to figure out what is on your mind, because if they do they could use it against you. Despite the serious act, this day will still be full of fun times and laughter, though.


All of your forward momentum has been great for your progress, but you should be prepared for it to get slowed down a bit today. This will be a positive thing for you, though, so don't worry. Having a slower pace to your day will give you the chance to look around and enjoy where you are in life right now. You have been missing out on a few really neat people who would love to sit and talk to you for a while, instead of chasing after you to get a moment of your time.


There have been some power shifts going on, and you need to make sure that you aren't getting the short end of the stick. Do you have a voice in group activities, a vote in how things are done? If you are always deferring to what other people want, you might be a great collaborator -- but you could also be sending a message that you are a doormat to be walked all over. Don't give up so easily today. It's time to show everyone that you cannot be taken from granted.


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