Daily horoscopes for 17th January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 17th January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:30 pm


There is nothing wrong with letting your hopes get a bit high right now, so go ahead and reach for the stars! Your positive thinking has made things happen in the past, so why would you doubt that they could ever work again? As long as you don't sign any legal documents, make any big commitments, or invest any money in something that isn't fully fleshed out yet, there is nothing wrong with keeping yourself in a hopeful state. At the very least, it will keep you in a good mood.


Immerse yourself in a different culture today, and you will give yourself a wonderful new learning experience. Getting in touch with foreign food, music, dance or art will all invigorate you -- and make you aware of other philosophies that you may or may not want to adopt to your own life. It's up to you to take every opportunity you can to grow as a person. You are always a work in progress, so don't ever think that you have finished your education.


There is a new romance coming your way, but it might not be love-related. You can find passion when you discover a new hobby, new kind of music, or even a new kind of food! The bottom line is that at some point today, you will come across something wonderful that you didn't even know you were waiting for. No matter what it is, is will bring a lot of fun into your life. Your task is to open up your mind and get ready to get into something new that will bring you a lot of joy.


When you need a break today, you're really going to need a break! Lately, you have a tendency to get so wrapped up in what you are doing that you forget you've been doing it so hard for so long -- and you could burn out if you don't slow down when you need to. Try to tune into your body and your subconscious a little bit more. Listen to your inner voice when it tells you it's getting tired. You can't overdo it right now, as fun as it might feel to just go along with the momentum.


Reminiscing about the past is a great way to determine where to go in your future. Get together with old friends or family members today and share your feelings about the past with them. Even if you just send an email off to an old friend with the subject line 'remember when', you'll unlock an important memory that will teach you about who you are now -- and who you want to evolve into. You are on a journey forward, but looking back is not a bad idea.


Today, you are going to make a very good impression on the people you're about to meet -- no matter what the situation, setting or occasion. You'll have the perfect balance of charm and relaxation. So now that your social life is about to take a major upswing, is your wardrobe prepared for it? A shopping trip might be warranted today if you can swing it -- and for once impulse buying is recommended! Follow your gut on what your new look should be.


It's a super day to get a little more creative with the things you do for fun! You don't need things to be first class, top shelf or super exclusive to be enjoyable, and you know that. So put your gray matter to work figuring out how to spend zero money and still have a good time! Go online to track down some free lectures, concerts and art shows. And if you need help coming up with inexpensive ideas, all you have to do is ask a friend for their advice. They have some great thoughts.


Whether you have an awareness of it or not, your career is going through a transformation now. Talk to one or two coworkers about where they think you could be headed and get some insight about what might be in store. You're in for a lot more than you thought -- and a lot more than you had hoped! Not all the gossip has been accurate, and you'll be relieved by what turns out to have been an exaggeration. Start doing some research on how to make the most of the connections you are building.


Just when you thought you'd missed the boat on a hot new trend, today you will get an exciting invitation from a new person who's on a mission to add more fun to your life! So get ready to go for an exciting ride for a while. There will be new people, new experiences and perhaps even some new romance coming your way. And be ready to move at a moment's notice -- you never know when you'll have to toss aside all your current projects to go off on a new adventure.


Your energy is strong right now -- which is good. However, when your power is so potent, it can be difficult to work with others, especially those who are at the opposite end of the energy spectrum. So try to avoid anyone who is weak, slow, or passive today. They'll provide no inspiration or match for you, and you will quickly become bored. Instead, seek out an equal who can push you as much as you push them. You'll find it invigorating and rewarding.


Someone whose eye you have been trying to catch is suddenly staring right at you! They are waking up to your charms, and they are interested in learning more about what you think of them. Take advantage of their interest today by extending them a casual invitation -- maybe ask them to lunch, coffee or just for a walk around the block. It's important to get a conversation going that is centered more around personal issues and philosophies if you want to find out what makes them tick!


The art of friendship is not easy for everyone to master, and one of your friends is having a very difficult time managing this partnership right now. If they have flaked out on you yet again, or put their needs ahead of yours, you should try to be cool about it. Let them know that you are none too pleased by their behavior, but don't get too emotional about it. It will only distract the two of you from having the conversation that you need to have.


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