2012 . . . Fact or Fiction?

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2012 . . . Fact or Fiction?

Post by vjm530 » Fri Apr 25, 2008 8:35 pm

Here's an interesting video to view and draw your own conclusion about this impending theory.

http://video.google.com/googleplayer.sw ... 0352901009

What do you think? :smt017

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Post by void » Sat Apr 26, 2008 4:32 am

very interesting

the message I get is love & feel good

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Post by Ladywiz00 » Fri Sep 05, 2008 6:53 am

I haven't watched the video yet, however, I thought I'd like to post a comment about 2012 first and hopefully get this subject on a roll if anyone else is interested.
I have been researching this for a few months now. I find it interesting because something about it draws me to finding all I can on the subject; 2012.  I can't say if i believe it's fact or fiction because I'd have to wait to see what happens first. There have been so many 'predictions' in the past about the future of our world and life as we know it. It's the not knowing that bugs us. The wanting to know what will happen to each of us, the constant need to know the future. I have read many views on what might or might not happen. I have to say, yes, I hope that it will be a good thing. I have some faith in it by reading so much on it. I have found some bad views on it but they do not make sense to me after reading about the Mayans. I would like to hear what others think of what might happen in 2012 and if they feel its a good or bad thing. I've read the Mayans have been pretty acurate in what they've predicted and then they mysteriously disappeared. This is not true as there are still to this day some Mayans living in the Yucatan.  So if I haven't seen it already, I'm gonna go watch that video now lol.
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Post by dessa » Tue Sep 30, 2008 8:40 am

I guess the video doesn't work anymore, darn, though in general 2012 is fact and fiction. That time happens yes, that the mayan calender cycle will end an old one and begin a new yes.   the world coming to an end? suposition, and likely blended in with other myth, and that to many who are "experts" on the subject in fact don't know enough due to the burning of the writings of the mayans in name of christianity.

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Post by Son of Rah » Wed Oct 08, 2008 11:36 am

From what I have read about this so called planet X, I am pretty much convinced that it will pass through our solar system during 2012, but the insuing chaos is something we cannot be sure of it could just be a plot by the state to gain control and establish they're NWO which is what I think it has to do with, thats not to say that the passing of Nibiru, planet X, Sedna which ever one you use to label it, won't have an effect on the planet as all the planets have an effect on our earth but the scale can't be known until it happens and therefore why worry about something we have no control over, I think we should prepare ourselves physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually and through this developement of our selves we will be fine
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My two cents

Post by Omnicron Solaris » Sat Oct 18, 2008 5:34 am

Have you ever noticed, that there is always something in our future that is negative? Something that needs to be feared?

A few years ago it was the Y2K bug, before that it was the menace of the Russians, and before that it was the threat of nuclear war (duck and cover, do you remember that?)
Why is it that the 5th  estate [the media] always seems to have something in front of us that is fear oriented.
This idea of the 2012 is in fact a some kind of consciousness expanding experience is something new.  Before these ideas were simply bad and fear-based. This seems to be a divergence from normal human reaction of "fight versus flight".  So I'm encouraged by this..

What do I think is going to happen at 2012:
Absolutely nothing.  And then there will be a short intermission as the media dreams of something else that we need to be afraid of.

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Post by indian_343 » Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:12 am

I think its some what true. :)

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Post by amalimrock » Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:37 pm

I think the end of the world is not going to be in 2012. There was once being predicted in 2000, and then 2006/6/6 and then 2008/8/8, and now 12/21/2012. What I think would be happening tho is that our human consciousness would shift to a higher level of spirituality, and some people who practice psychic arts would also advance in 2012.

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