Being a Medium, I think this is right!

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Being a Medium, I think this is right!

Post by sandmanfvr » Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:37 pm

Little background on me.  I am a computer scientist, work with pc's and such all the time.  Grew up a great family, my grandmother talked about experiences with ghosts etc.  I fell in love with the idea of ghosts/spirits.  I had experiences in my parents house as a kid and Great Grandparents house (on my grandmothers land) where I saw a child, always felt somebody was there with me, looking at the house and seeing drapes moved, then a minute later they were moved back.  Other things like this over time, made me more into ghosts/spirits.  

Fast forward to about 6 years ago, I finally took the step and start paranormal investigating, ghost hunting.  I did this for knowledge, understanding and to help people that needed it.  Been in a few groups, and finally in the group I am in now.  Love to do it, love to help others etc.  I met one of my newer/closest friends through this group, about 2 years ago.  He is local psychic/medium, author, etc.  We became GREAT friends, even started our on independent film company, but that isn't on the subject and I won't plug our stuff.  I started, with his help, meditation to open/activate my psychic abilities.  He had his abilities "turned on" after a near death experience.  It has been over a year, I am done many types of meditation, and I think I am either hitting a wall, or I just don't know what I am doing!   :smt005   I do understand chakras, psychis, mediums, etc. and listened to my friend and he educates me on things, but I wonder this:  Am I meditating on something that I don't need to?  Otherwords, am I going about this the correct way?  I want to connect with the spirit world.  I want to understand, more than my equipment can show me.  I want to help others with my abilities.  I think I am ready to not "lay my equipment down" but to go in a new direction, to be able to understand, or at least try to understand, what I am looking for.  I have tried for the longest to "open my third eye".  I have recently taken test online and from the software from this site, my third eye is open!  But it is not open much.  So maybe I need to start doing something else?  :smt017

I want this not to make money, not to be famous, but to understand and help others.  I guess I keep saying "help others".  It does give me satisfaction when I can, even as a normal ghost hunter, investigate a place and help people understand what they have or make them see they are not crazy.  I am just that way.

So to those on this forum where should I go now?  Am I am going down the wrong path or just confused?   :smt003   Thanks.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:10 pm

Peaceful greetings to you sandmanfvr...I believe that if your desires include helping others than indeed you are on the correct path...have patience with yourself and be open to have the ability within you and you have a very large support group willing to help and guide you to the right people places and situations...have no doubts about your capabilities and you will see things with great clarity.....

I came across this quote..these are not my words but I felt that you could benefit from them...

More and more people will be opening to channel. This is a time in which people who put their energies into growing spiritually will be abundantly rewarded. They will be able to evolve rapidly because the earth is energized right now. They can acquire the ability to reach new levels of awareness and bring through information and data from the higher realms consciously and controllably. The ability to explore the self as it exists in other dimensions and mediums is more possible than ever before.

Love and blessings to you!

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Post by sandmanfvr » Wed Oct 01, 2008 5:20 pm

Thanks!  :)  My friend keeps telling me patience, and I have become a lot more patient.  I just feel/know that I am doing something wrong or not doing something I NEED to do.  Does that make sense?  I know my abilities are growing.  My wife and I vacationed in Savannah, God I love that city, and we went to the Bonaventure Cemetery.  Well I was looking for the grave of Gracie Watson, link: ... ture_2.htm

and I was looking for her, my third eye pulsed and I knew she was near, went up one row, turned left and BAM, there she was!  Last investigation the group I am in went on, was an old funeral home.  Well I was getting ringing in my ears and saw some figures, slightly.  My psychic friend said I was getting more in tune with things.

I am kind of "rushy" and want it faster, but I want to know if I am doing it right.  If I need to quit trying to "open my third" eye and just now focus on more things to really open my abilities.  OH!  My wife's grandparents, are still in our house.  It was their house and we got it.  They are cool, nothing scary, but still my house is haunted!  At least by good spirits.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:00 pm

" I just feel/know that I am doing something wrong or not doing something I NEED to do. "   You are saying these words...perhaps you are creating a blockage by simply stating about changing your words to I am a clear channel...information flows with ease...i am protected and guided at all times....

My moms house was built in 1769...many many spirits of the past reside there....

...isn`t it interesting what happens when we allow ourselves to be guided ...we find what we are looking for  :)

Love light and happy channeling!

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Post by sandmanfvr » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:15 pm

Hmm, well that is a good point.  Ok, I am now saying this to myself.  I am going to stop trying to block myself.  Is there anything, techniques I can try or maybe this was the whole issue?

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Post by TheAlchemist » Wed Oct 01, 2008 6:35 pm

sandmanfvr.....tell your self that you are a clear open channel protected by love and light.....try not to use an affirmation that includes the word block as you will continue to put up blocks.... simply keep yourself open to receive the messages you seek....the universe is ready and willing to help, guide, and bestow many blessings upon you...accept this help with love and is there for you to take hold of...

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Post by sandmanfvr » Wed Oct 01, 2008 7:45 pm

Thanks.  I have affirmed it.  I am an open channel and ready to receive all the universe has to offer.

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Post by sandmanfvr » Wed Oct 01, 2008 8:15 pm

Forgot to ask, now that I have affirmed this, I should go back to my meditation and development or start a new route?

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Post by TheAlchemist » Thu Oct 02, 2008 4:44 pm

Hi there sandmanfvr I am so happy that you have affirmed that you are open to receive all the blessings the universe has for you!....Good for you! are on your path.. right where you need to be....all your talents are within you and are ready to help you evolve spiritually and help others do the same....continue to meditate and listen carefully to your divine guidance....If a new route is shown to you..know that it is part of your sure to follow it with love faith and deserve the best life has to offer .... and I am so happy for you...peace and many blessings be yours today and everyday...

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 02, 2008 5:27 pm

When we sit in meditation we are lighting the candle of interest and energy awareness that will shine into the spirit realms.  The one nearest the earth plane does not have very elevated souls and can be like a candle in the fog to which all and sundry will draw.  This could be distracting from what you truly want to reach.

There is an heirarchy of spirituality in the unseen world.  You wish to reach higher.  This is not an exercise in opening and welcoming all and sundry.  But it can be an exercise to reach through the unwanted to the souls of love and care for you in your struggles and journey.  Believe me, it is worth the time and effort to reach higher in the light.

Check out some of the lessons on Mediumship Development and don't be in too big a rush to open without some form of focus and protection.

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Post by Doe » Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:25 pm

Hi, Sandmansvr,

Because my "opening up" to being able to see and speak to spirits came suddenly and with no effort on my part (I never believed it possible, so I never tried!) two years ago, I can't be of much use in giving advice on how to bring that about (or increase it).

But my first impulse on reading your posts here was that (and please don't be offended, as that's not my intent) you're trying too hard.  My ability to "see" comes and goes in waves--never completely gone, but sometimes much stronger than other times.  I don't get too concerned (as I used to do) when it wanes, because I have learned that it has a cyclical nature.

But I have tried on occasion to "figure out" what makes it stronger or weaker at times, and I've come to the conclusion that it's not up to me, because it's really not coming from me or from anything or anyone in what I suppose you could call this "realm".  It doesn't belong to me, and I do find that if I try too hard to control it, make sense of it, try to influence it, that's when things tend to fade a bit.  It's as if I'm being told that it's out of my hands--and by that I mean something's in the hands of a power much greater than anyone among us, and that's where the good will come from, if we don't get distracted, and just let it happen (as I'm constantly told by the spirits who guide and teach me--they've had to tell me so many times that they're probably sick of saying it by now!).

I agree with the Alchemist that your desire to help others is a good one, and will no doubt help you on your path if you remain sincere.  My only advice on that is that you don't try to be the one to decide HOW you go about doing that--don't try to force anything.  If it's meant to happen, it will be decided for you (as I mentioned in another recent thread, I'm starting to see that the ways in which I'm being guided to help seem to have been chosen specifically for me--as if someone read my resume and decided what job to give me based on that, with no real input from me!).


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Post by Doe » Thu Oct 02, 2008 9:19 pm

P.S.  I just came back from a walk, during which I remembered something else that I wanted to mention to you.  You mention having joined a "ghost-hunter" group, and being involved with those types of activities (which, as I understand it, involve trying to detect the presence of spirits in a "scientific" way).

Clearly your intentions are good; I can tell from what you've said in your posts here.  Nevertheless, please consider this:  if you were a spirit (which, of course, we all will be one day), would you be likely to show yourself to/guide/reach out in any way except perhaps in annoyance or hurt to people who were treating you as a being to be chased, studied like some kind of alien life form or insect, and "banished" at the whim of the living?  They are the very cognizant (in most cases--unless they're lost or confused for some reason) spirits/souls of human beings who once lived as any of us did, and are deserving of the same respect and compassion.  The mere term "ghost-hunter" is indicative of what it must seem like to them--hurtful, frightening, and/or insulting.

Again, I am not saying in the least that your intentions are to cause harm or hurt feelings.  It simply sounds as if you have an inquisitive and perhaps scientifically-oriented mind.  But if you're looking to move toward a greater ability to sense, see, and/or communicate with the spirit world, I have a strong belief that those kinds of activities will not help you attain that goal, and may very well hinder it.

In my experience, empathy is as priceless in dealing with spirits as it is in dealing with the living.  It's what the lost ones, especially, need.


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 06, 2008 2:42 pm

There is a healing affirmation in my following and one part of it says:  And I will do my part!  What is that part?  IME the part that a medium plays in their own spiritualizing of the soul and educating the mind.  We can not sit back and expect others (spirit or otherwise) to do the work of our own education and learning.

How this is done is as individual as each person.  Some believe they can just ask the universe, God, spirit, whoever they are in touch with to enlighten them.  The mind can only accept the education it has fitted itself to open up to by its striving and learning.  To expect a high philosopher to talk to someone not in the least interested in the subject seems a bit unfocused.

The more you understand and know spirit (which, is within each of us even in our material bodies) the more it can be enlightened with lessons.  To just ask with no understanding to be enlightened will not get the job done.  

One of the principles of my following:  Personal Responsibility.  This includes all aspects of our own individual growth which gives us free will choices and the focus to learn and grow in our own way, in our own time, in our own direction.

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Post by sandmanfvr » Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:38 am

Haven't checked this in a while.  I understand what you are saying Doe, but out group (close friends) is just 3 or 4 people.  One of which is the my psychic/medium friend.  We now always open investigations with him inviting the spirits to talk to us, respectfully and to talk to them and communicate.  He can see them and tell us what is happening and we record with our equipment.  We have always been respectful to the spirits we go and see, bu now with him we know he is communicating to them our respect.  So that is no a problem.

I do think you are right, in that I try to hard.  I think I am "straining" to hard.  I bought "Psychic Development for Beginners" by William W. Hewitt.  Great book, the intro stuff my psychic friend had told me to do!  Plus there is more in there.  The spirit section is easy and simple, there are exercises and I think the intro stuff is great and really easy.  I need to do more basic things, visualization and such.  Maybe I need to go back to the basics and do more.

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Post by Doe » Sun Oct 12, 2008 1:11 am

That's good to hear.  I wasn't trying to assume anything about your approach; as I said, it sounds as if you're thoughtful and caring about it.  I guess I've just watched some of those "ghost-hunter" shows and thought that it was terrible how "ghosts" were chased around as if they were wild animals with no feelings or free will--as if the living felt that they have some kind of understanding about it beyond God's (however you define God), and that it was their right to tell spirits what to do (even if they have the ability, and I don't know that they do).  My belief is that spirits are in God's hands.  If they ask, we can be kind and perhaps comforting to the ones who are lost or frightened, and perhaps pray for them, but the rest is not up to us.

It's good that you and your friends respectfully offer to communicate.  Just know that not all spirits will understand your intentions.  But perhaps if you continue to simply be open and show your compassion, the ones who do understand will make themselves known to you more.

Good luck, and take care,


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