Part One - The Major Arcana - 3 & 4

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Post by FragelsGal » Tue Jul 15, 2008 8:06 am

The empress looks like a young healthy woman to me.  The 'woman' sign that sits beside her signifies fertility and femenimity (sp!) in her.  Maybe pregnancy and birth in her or around her.

The emperor looks like a staunch dude, tough and made of steel.  He holds a ball in one hand, so they ball is in his court maybe?!

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empress & emperor

Post by Clare » Fri Aug 15, 2008 8:09 am

Both cards seem very defiant, they have fought for their position and they are not going to give it up

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3 & 4 Empress, Emperor

Post by deelitefullyme » Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:51 pm

Empress - nurishes the earth, lets life cycles set the pace, mother
Emperor - father, sits on a sturdy foundation (earth)

Together they symbolize all that a child needs.  A strong father and nurturing mother to guide us when we are young and teach us the tools we need for later life

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Post by Mandimedea » Sat Feb 21, 2009 5:07 pm

The empress is a mother sign and shows creativity, birth and protection.  Sign of develpment
The emperor is a father sign and shows discipline, control and leadership.  Sign of management

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Post by hummingbirds » Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:37 am

Since the Empress is wearing a flowery robe, I think of her as Persephone. If the Empress is Persephone, then the Emperor is Hades. They both are holding mace-like things, a symbol of power perhaps.

Persephone has more life around her, so I'm thinking this is the time of the year when Hades releases her to the Earth, and Demeter lets spring come again. She is sitting on a soft chair in a relaxed position. She is the mother, the nurse, the teacher -- she nurtures. The stars on her head -- I'm sure they mean something but I'm not sure what.

Hades has such a morose background; the barren rocks are in contrast to Persephone. Maybe the river behind him is Styx. He holds a sceptre and a ball. He wears a crown, has a beard, clothed in steel armour. He is the ruler, the head of the house, the Father. He is old, not so old that he can't sit straight; he is wise. He is the hard one, the one that disciplines his children. Look at that stone throne which he sits upon -- he might even make his children sit on it for hours at a time for punishment. His throne is decorated with animal (sheep?) skulls. Reminds me of death and the desert. Sounds like Hades alright.

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The Empress

Post by lilmogirl » Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:51 pm

I am using the Univeral Waite deck.

My interpretation of the Empress:

The Empress is sitting on her throne, propped by pillows, surrounded by nature. The Throne represents power, while the pillows symbolize comfort, relaxation, ease, and/or luxury; the pillows can even indicate laziness or that one needs to take it easy on themselves.

The Empress’ diadem or crown is a representation of the bestowing of honor and also symbolizes success and prominence; and that she’s wearing the crown suggests that she is in a position of power and may be basking in her own achievements.

The stars on her diadem represent illumination, direction and guidance and deals with shedding light on our lives, showing us the way when we need it. It also provides consistency when our lives seem a bit topsy-turvy and signifies that we need to look to a higher source for direction.

The shield beside the Empress indicates defense, protection and cover up. It tells us that even in the midst of our most happy and abundant times that we need to protect ourselves, possibly from over indulgence and is a signal for us to protect the things that we value most (friends, family, the future…). The symbol of Venus on the shield symbolizes love, desire, fertility, beauty and femininity. That the Venus symbol is on the shield indicates that all that Venus symbolizes may need to be protected.

Water symbolizes the unconscious and emotional state of mind and is the living essence of the psyche and living energy; it also signifies spirituality, knowledge, healing and refreshment. The waterfall is symbolic of letting go to release all those emotions and negative feelings that’s been building up. The waterfall also represents goals and desires, particularly revitalization, regeneration and renewal.

The evergreen trees in the background signify wealth, happiness, immortality, high aspirations and knowledge. They represent the cycle of life and offers hope in the midst of despair. The trees also indicate environmental consciousness.

The pomegranates on her gown represent abundance, fertility, lusciousness, generosity and union, possibly indicates marriage. The scepter in her hand represents individual power and that one person can make a difference.


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The Emperor

Post by lilmogirl » Tue Apr 20, 2010 4:40 pm

I am using the Universal Waite deck

My interpretation:
When I think of a king, I think of great power and wealth. His nobility is full of confidence and his authority is final. He is a symbol for stability in all matters including family. He is a good father and husband and treats his family with respect. His spirit is indomitable, in other words, he can not be overcome, subdued or vanquished; he is unconquerable and because of this he has tendencies to make war. His domination is of intelligence and reason and over emotion and passion.

The rams on his throne symbolize determination, action, initiative and leadership and is a sign to take responsibility for our actions and to get motivated to accomplishing our goals.


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