What the Tarot cards mean? One card Readings cups

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card Readings cups

Post by david1 » Thu Sep 18, 2008 7:12 pm

Thu 18 Sep 08
Saturday 27 September 2008

Ace of cups
On the Ace of cups we can see some flowers on top of water and a blue sky. There is one hand holding a cup and a bird holding it in its month. There is water coming out of this cup and its going towards the water on the ground area.

The water in the picture is showing me feelings within a man or woman like the love we show for other people. If we are not in love it can show us something is about to start up in the love area. You may find you are now getting to know someone more and you start to love them. But it may be that you try something new and find a new friend come into your life. You may need to let go of some deep feeling for someone or to let the old things about someone go as you are able to start again. It may be that you are becoming negativity and need to get rid of this negativity in your life. But if you are trying to find love and you do have someone then you can open yourself to love or to others to make things better

for Sunday 28 September 2008
King of cups
This could be telling us that someone is going to help us out with something and we must of course be happy to allow that to happen. So if a teacher helps you then say thank you and you will learn. But if its advice from someone else then sometimes take it from the police or someone that needs to help you..

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card reading cups

Post by david1 » Tue Sep 30, 2008 4:02 pm

Monday 29 Sep 08
Nine of cups

Well this cards is saying you have done well and should be happy with yourself. You have got to the goal and you can now go on and do something new in life. So go out with friends or make some new ones or take a holiday somewhere. But it may be showing you are now happy that you have a new car, home or job.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

Well this is saying that you should allow your emotionals show and to move on. But it could be that you will be moved or touched by something that someone else has done for you. Let you heart lead the way and see what you make of it as your dreams may come alive. Let new or old friends come close and anyone that loves you come close as well. But don't let others hurt you.

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card reading cups

Post by david1 » Wed Oct 01, 2008 4:58 pm

Two of cups
Well you may find some new friend or maybe someone that would love you for what you are.  There may be a joining of two businesses or you may just help someone that needs your help.  But it could be that you need to forgive and to forgot something that has happen.  This card is telling us to make friends, help people in need or to love someone for what they are.  We all need to learn to share things with anyone new in our life.

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What the Tarot cards mean? Two card Readings

Post by david1 » Thu Oct 02, 2008 1:43 pm

The Queen of cups is a caring person that enjoys helping others with telling people information or teaching.  This person will not show there anger or hurt people as there may be a nurse or a doctor.  But they will not turn people away so could ever be a nice boss in work.

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card reading cups

Post by david1 » Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:03 pm

Fri 3 Oct 08

Four of Cups
We are being offer something we don’t want or we are not aware that someone is offering us something we need.  Sometimes we only think of ourself’s and we don’t think of other people or he has lost interest in his life.  He may not have a job and he does not want one so will not be as happy as he could be.  Sometimes we are in a job we don’t like and when we get an offer then we don’t see it as what we need.  But are you listening to someone making you an offer to work or do something else.  Then it may be a friend is trying to tell you something and you are just not listening.  We don’t always like what we hear but if we do listen then we can learn and if we learn we can get a better life.  So start to try to understand people and allow them to help you though what you are doing wrong.  But also try to think of others for a change.

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card reading cups

Post by david1 » Sat Oct 04, 2008 6:52 pm

Sat 4 Oct 08

Eight of cups
You may seek a deeper meaning in a personal thing or may need to leave the rat run to move forward.  We may be looking for answers or just seeing what is important for us and not thinking of others.  We must start a journey to discovery new things and new facts in our life.  Maybe you can forget a hopeless situation or not start a trip to the unknown.  We must think of just letting go, finishing it and walking away.  Sometimes we get drained by too much work and so you should take on less.  If you feel tired at work then find another job or do a little less overtime.

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card reading cups

Post by david1 » Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:35 pm

Sun 5 Oct 08

Five of cups
We have had some type of setback in life and we don’t want to let go of it.  We may of lost a job or it do not work for us or someone has taken something from him.  He may of had a break up with his girlfriend or wife or he may be needing someone in his life.  This man is not thinking right as he can get another job if he looks for one.  If he wants to have love in his life then he has to go out and find it.  Things will become better for him if he looks at the things he has and build new things within his life.

Mon 6 Oct 08

The Seven of cups
We need to do something in our life’s as if you are making fantasies in your world then can’t make us happy in life.  So do some thinking and try to get some things in life you like to do.  But don’t go building things in your head.  Do think of things to do you’re your business, your life or want job you like to do.  You may need to look at other things to do like returning to college to learn more or learn something new.  But also if you are not eating the right food or over doing it then this card is warning you to look at it before it’s too late.  Also if you are drinking too much then you may like to look at your drinking and maybe cut back on it. If you like going to lots of party’s then it may be saying to cut back a bit.  But take a good look at what it is that is in your life that is wrong and make that the thing to put right.

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What the Tarot cards mean? One card reading cups

Post by david1 » Fri Oct 10, 2008 4:34 pm

Wed 8 Oct 08

Ten of Cups
Well the Ten of cups there are going to be some happy times to come to you.  There may be partys or someones wedding to go out to.  It could be that two people are going to get married or there could be a baby on the way to make your happy.  You may also find that if you have children that they may have some good news for you, like they pass a small exam or they have made something for you to keep or to eat.  So happy times are here or coming.  

Thu 9 Oct 08

Three of cups
There is some type of celebration for you to enjoy and to be happy about.  You may of done something for others and they are now celebrating this with you.  Sometime you are at a party or wedding to celebration the joining of two people or for a birthday party.  Maybe you have a new job and would like to celebration it with drinks.  It could be that you are getting together with some new or old people you know or are going to get to know.  What ever the celebration make sure you enjoy yourself and don’t do anything to break the law.

Fri 10 Oct 08
Knight of cups
The knight of cups is not a good knight or a bad knight as he does not like to work or share work.  But he will blow up as his affections are not very good at times and will forget things.  He can look into the unconscious or he may daydream and if he his big ideas they don’t come to anything.  He does have feelings but he may have mood swings as well.  He loves helping others open up and he does have deep understand of life.  He will understand why people are hurt but will leave the dirty work to others as he does not like doing house work.  He loves a nice house but does not care for his health and gets a lot of pressure from others.  He try’s to understand why something is right or wrong and still can’t do it right.  But he does see things below the surface but he can’t relax around others.

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