
Discuss age old myths here. Are they facts or are they fiction?

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Post by Corvuequis » Sun Aug 24, 2008 10:58 pm

the real question is does it matter if Atlantis is real or fake? to me what matters is the moral. the moral is power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:36 am

Corvuequis wrote:the real question is does it matter if Atlantis is real or fake? to me what matters is the moral. the moral is power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
Do we really know that? That that was what happened/occured? If there were documented facts then we would not be debating or taking a poll whether Atlantis was truth or fiction!

We can only guess what went on, if anything ... etc, back then!

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Sep 02, 2008 1:40 am

drrnwynbchnbrgr wrote:i am o negative  people have always said i was different
not different, just rare!

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Post by forcemaster245 » Mon Dec 22, 2008 7:37 am

If Atlantis ever existed, and if it can be found, then we might probably find some cool stuff there. Maybe something about their technology (which is rumoured to be quite sophisticated), or their way of life, or some other stuff.

I've been thinking, maybe someone could trying to scry and search for that place using ESP, but I don't know if that would work.

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Post by Francois » Tue Feb 03, 2009 11:19 am

Atlatis is something most of us knows little about.  Even when Plato wrote about it, he wrote of something long before his own time, bassed completely on hearsay.  That doesn't mean that it isn't true, but that it might not be accurate in our current standards.  

Opinions that haven't been writen here are that of the Philistines were mighty people from the sea who found a new home in Palistine after their home were destroyed.  (Disregard this oppinion, because I can't remember where I read it.)

Go back a little further in history, and you'll find Babel.  (Gen 11)  That was a very advanced civilazation.  But Babel was deserted when the Lord confussed their languages.  A very advanced civilization that came to an end, but not due to the flooding of their island.  

Then there is the flood of Gen 6.  That was mentioned in previous posts.  The face of the earh looked different before the flood compared to what it looks like today.  There were civilasations all over the world before the flood, but all of them were wiped out.  Atlantis could just as well be any of those pre-flood civilazations.  The island would disapear under the sea and be destroyed

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