moldavite questions

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moldavite questions

Post by aengela » Fri Oct 26, 2007 10:46 pm

I've been having visions that say I should be wearing a moldavite ring. Prior to this, I'd never heard of it. And so I looked it up online. I looked at the descriptions but, I wanted to know from firsthand experience what it's supposed to be good for and what the effects are. Thank you, your replies would be much appreciated!

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Post by Gem » Sat Oct 27, 2007 5:13 pm

Moldavite is said to be part of a meteorite that landed in the Moldau valley in the Czech Republic, many feel that it is not but is instead a form of glass ( obsidian) that was caused by the meteorites intense heat and the surrounding earth rocks.

There is a lot of fake Moldavite (melted green bottle glass) around so buy from a reputable source that you can check, rather than online.

Depending on the formation of the piece, you might find several effects, it has a very high and 'hot' vibration and can cause headaches and pain if the vibration is too much. It can be used for the higher chakras and for opening the third eye to new possibilities.

Why not see if you can hold a piece and feel what it does?

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moldavite questions

Post by starmaster » Fri Apr 25, 2008 2:38 am


Moldavite is said to be destined to reach Lightworkers and Guides who will be leading the human race into the New World. Moldavite allows the wearer to connect to Extraterrestrial and Higher Beings, acting as a walkie-talkie. Perception awakens, centering the user on their Mission. This stone develops the wear’s manifestation abilities.

Moldavite, a beautiful specimen in green, is the only gem-quality ore with extra-terrestrial connections. Over 15 million years old, this meteoric 'glass' was formed from an impact with the Earth in the Czechoslovakia area. It is recommended that it be mounted in its “raw” form. For better soul connection.

Moldavite in any form increases the depth and clarity of their inner journeys. Moldavite can be a very powerful aid for channeling, especially from innerdimensional and extraterrestrial sources.

Moldavite holds immense potential, permitting broader “vision” and understanding interconnecting with dimensions. It activates the Charka system; the wearer that uses this stones power in a evil way will find destruction.

To activate the Third Eye, meditate with the stone taped to the forehead. The Moldavite stone is recommend to be worn on the heart chakra which will connect to the soul and star clearing debris that may be holding back the spiritual evolution.

While the stone actives you may experience certain symptoms like fever, diarrhea, fast heart pulsations, headaches, dizziness and nauseas ect, these symptoms will last until the stone adjusts with you which will be about three months.


Chakra Association (s) heart or third eye

Enhances/strengthens: inner journeys, channeling, cosmic consciousness, crystal consciousness, expansion, contact with innerdimensional or extraterrestrial forces.

Sometimes, when the connection is very strong, holding the stone will bring on a flush to the face and neck, accompanied by activation of the heart chakra, and sometimes the higher chakras, especially the third eye.

Moldavite assists the expansion of the crystal and cosmic consciousness; it is the stepping stone to the outer forces of all infinite vibrations. It is not much what one terms the healing of atoms in the bodies of individuals, as it is the true pathway to illumination, which does not require books for learning.

Moldavite is to be made available to all those who would serve it in Truth, but only within the minutest form. For smaller the objective of it that is held within the confinement of a person’s environment, it becomes more potent and powerful than one that is the size and shape of a very large cylindrical object.

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Post by thewitchescoven » Sun Jun 15, 2008 10:12 am

it is not a cheap mineral quite expensive the more you pay for the piece th more likley its genuine

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Post by Gem » Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:36 pm

thewitchescoven wrote:it is not a cheap mineral quite expensive the more you pay for the piece th more likley its genuine
Moldavite isn't a mineral. And to be frank the more you pay doesn't guarantee authenticity, there are many unscrupulous dealers and shops out there that will sell you fake moldavite glass for an extreme price.

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Post by thewitchescoven » Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:08 am

Most Likley Not The Shop But The Supplier To Be Frank, I My Self Have Braught Genuine Moldivite And It Has Been Very Expensive From One Suppier And Another Supplier Has Tryed To Sell Me Something That They Have Claimed To Be Moldavite And it has Been Cheap As Chips!

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Post by SearchingForTruth » Fri Nov 22, 2013 3:03 pm

Ok, so my Moldavite arrived yesterday!  When I first took it out, I just held it for a few minutes and closed my eyes... my hands got hot, like sweaty...  I didn't exactly feel a rush of energy, but when my eyes were closed it seemed very bright!  (also had my black tourmaline in my pocket)

Anyway, so last night I put my black tourmaline on a little table by the foot of my bed, and had my Moldavite under my pillow...  lets just say it was an interesting night!  haha

My husband woke me up shortly after going to bed, asked me if I was ok because I was vibrating, A LOT!  He seriously thought I was having a seizure!  

We both fell back asleep, then again, he woke me up because I was vibrating so much, he actually had to go sleep on the couch!  It was pretty intense I guess... he said the whole bed was shaking like a washing machine on the spin cycle and the load unbalanced...

I don't remember any of it, no dreams, anything...  but he did say that he had a dream of a bright light behind a whole group of beings...  their faces were blurred, he couldn't make out details, but he definitely saw something...

Anyway, any thoughts!?!?

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