21 December 2012 - Not just the end of the world

Predict things you foresee here. It could be about anything and everything. It could be global importance like an earthquake or it could be something as mundane as... the weather - LOL - just kidding about the weather part.

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Post by indigomyst » Sat Jun 07, 2008 11:24 pm

2012 is gonna be a big year but most people wont even notice the difference. theres gonna be a big shift in spirituality and materialism will stop being as important.
its not going to be a big end of existing thing, but more the end of the selfish type of living that exists now. this big shift is why the indigos, crystals and rainbows have being coming in suge huge amounts beacuse they are preparing the world for this change, thats why they here.

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Post by prasanna » Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:16 am



with regards


L, K L.

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Post by whiteoracle » Thu Sep 11, 2008 8:26 pm

indigomyst wrote:2012 is gonna be a big year but most people wont even notice the difference. theres gonna be a big shift in spirituality and materialism will stop being as important.
its not going to be a big end of existing thing, but more the end of the selfish type of living that exists now. this big shift is why the indigos, crystals and rainbows have being coming in suge huge amounts beacuse they are preparing the world for this change, that's why they here.
i have read that our biosphere will change its structure and everywhere will be white and light. new dimension. maybe this dimension could affect human brain so much that it would remember only new dimension memories? i talking about releasing the state of subconscious mind as the new dimension always were here,.. not a change in time and something material but in a state..

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Post by prasanna » Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:43 pm

Dear  whiteoracle and all,

                                I wish  to tell U all , whoever participated in this thread to go through my post,  All about 2012,  in General forum, so that all can get some more informations regarding this date.  Thanks for  viewing my post .


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Post by govardhanvt » Sat Sep 13, 2008 12:53 pm

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Post by govardhanvt » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:04 pm

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Post by govardhanvt » Sat Sep 13, 2008 1:28 pm

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Post by roblee8 » Fri Sep 19, 2008 12:04 pm

Well I believe the 2012 will affect those who rely on material gains and technology will be bit hit the hardest, "living life as we see it will change". Those who keep busy by playing techno games, always have to have their mobile phone with them, mp3 going continuously will become frustrated as they will be searching for peace and will not understand that the peace is within them. All you have to do is STOP and LISTEN. Being by yourself and understanding yourself and others unconditionally will be the key. For those who already do this, the passing of 2012 will be a breeze, those who can't STOP will become frustrated and angry and may self distruct. Leaving us with inner peace feeling sad for them.

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Re: 2012

Post by Ellington » Tue Sep 23, 2008 11:35 am

roblee8 wrote:Well I believe the 2012 will affect those who rely on material gains and technology will be bit hit the hardest, "living life as we see it will change". Those who keep busy by playing techno games, always have to have their mobile phone with them, mp3 going continuously will become frustrated as they will be searching for peace and will not understand that the peace is within them. All you have to do is STOP and LISTEN. Being by yourself and understanding yourself and others unconditionally will be the key. For those who already do this, the passing of 2012 will be a breeze, those who can't STOP will become frustrated and angry and may self distruct. Leaving us with inner peace feeling sad for them.

I agree with you here, only time can really tell.I just hope that it really is a breeze.People will finally realize the true meaning of their life.

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Post by dessa » Thu Oct 02, 2008 10:40 pm

Its odd I do remember hearing about Nibiru but not much else other than the name, I look forward to looking up more on it.

As for the Mayan 2012 well its funny when I was a kid it seemed so long away even when we reached the year 2000 it seemed long away. I never felt the end of the world coming during the whole scare during 1999 and 2000, I know people debated that the years were wrong etc, Some even say that the calender we use was so miscalculated that 2012 is the real millinium. Again it seems to be a lot of speculation, with some data missing to be conclusive.

When it come to the Mayan calender however the calender cycle will end in 2012, this is just how it is, the math was done, but this didn't necessarily mean the end of the world as so many doomsdayers claim it to be, so much as it is the ending of one cycle and the  beginning of the next cycle.

Kind of brings to mind the Hopi prophecy of the worlds, they did not call it cycles they called it worlds, that each time frame they referred to was a cycle that was the 1st world, then the 2nd, 3rd, and that we are currently in what they refer to as the 5th world which is coming to an end and we then will be in the 6th world.

But again this is about one cycle ending so another can begin,

Which is what I think the 2012 is about. Some changes may be drastic, and even cataclysmic, others may be gradual, it is a lot of information and different views and each must find out what fits them.

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Post by googolplex » Fri Oct 03, 2008 4:28 am

From what I was reading they didn't start counting the years till 525, Think it was a Monks ideal, they didn't use A.D. for a time after that.
About 30 years ago, I was reading something that said the calander was off by about 13 years.
I know it's hard for me to remember, how old I am sometimes, most the time  I'm just off a year or two one way or the other.
Thirteen years would be just about right for 12/21/2012.
I'm not into the dooms day thing, just doing my time , till retirement, permanentt that is. Only joking .
Hope I can dissolve all my egos before then, and float up out of dis place.
Some of those buggers are hard to get rid of, the one of revenge is troublesome now, think can see past it then pops up again.
Being betrayed by a friend, is a bad one to over come, working on this one, it's not good to have that stuff stuck in the back of your mind. At least I'm past the point of physical violence.
The ego is very trickie, once you get rid of one another pops up.

Well God Bless All, and remember things are not as bad as they seem, there worse. Only joking again.

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end of world

Post by NeoGeo » Thu Oct 30, 2008 2:38 am

Interesting mix of ideas here.  If the poles are due for a magnetic reversal it will be because earth has been hit by another meteorite or asteroid.  This has cause great disasters in the past and almost every tribe and race have patchy memories of "the grea flood" or "Rain from the skies" etc.  The strike in an ocean of the planet causes great tidal waves which engulf much land.  Earthquakes erupt, much hot rocks and ask rain down much loss of life.  Worst of all, the upset to the earths molten core causes the swirling motion to be disturbed. This causes the collapse of our geo magnetic field and it is thius field which prevents all sorts of nasty radiation from the Sun from boiling our gonads with lethal radiation.  However after a few hundred years the earth/moon dynamo effect re-establishes the geomagnetic  bublewhich then protects as again. That being said, scientists studying this area now believe that it was the extreme bombardmant on an unprotected earth rom the last meteor crash into the Pacific ocean which actualy mutated cro magnon man into homo sapiens so "the end of the world" might not be such a bad thing after all.!!! Especially if there is a chance that a more ethical, moral, and geberaly better kind ofhumankind was the result.  After all this current version of mankind is totally insane.  Murderously so.  Has managed to murder 100 million of his own kind in just the last 100 years!  Would the "end" of this version be such a bad thing for the sentient beings occupying the rest of the universe?  I think they would all breathe a collective sigh of relief if the world ended in 2012.
Cheers anyway,

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Post by suzisco » Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:48 am

I like your take on the world NeoGeo.  


Jolyn Woods
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Post by Jolyn Woods » Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:17 pm

This is a little scary. I have heard some thing about this but not quiet understanding. If this is true, what will happen to the people who don't believe or just don't know about it?

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end of world

Post by NeoGeo » Thu Nov 06, 2008 11:32 pm

Jolyn this is not a scary thing really.  We are spirits, immortal spirits, a chip off the old block, spirit, (The Great Spirit) and we came into this world of our own choice simply to learn thinghs.  Immortal spirits can get a bit bored with knowing eveything, you know, so we decide th give ourselves amnesia about our real nature and out real home (The place of light) and we have a little adventure down here to learn stuff.  When you go to a scary movie you tend to forget about the world of daylight and traffic whizzing by outside the theatre.  For a short while you get caught up in the film and when the udead mummy leaps out of tghe screen ,wielding a bloody axe, we allscrfeam in fear.  But how real is that fear a few minutes later when we leave the theatre.  Life is pretty much the same.  We can not be destroyed we can nly EXPERIENCE stuff.
For those who dont "believe" a certain manmade set of beliefs, nothing different is going to "HAPPEN" TO THEM. Oneof the great teachers sent to us explained it this way. "LOVE God, with all your mind, heart and ability.  Secondly. LOVE your neighbour, as you love yourself."  END OF STORY.  All the tens of thousands of books written by men for the last two thousand years are simply surplus commentary on those two great teachings.  No rom for scary stuff in there, is there?  Love and Peace, NeoGeo

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