Open for discussion: What does this symbol mean to you?

Symbology and symbolism has always played a great role in the esoteric's sphere of life. Discuss everything about symbols here.

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Post by FireRose » Fri May 23, 2008 3:11 pm

I love snakes! to me they are healing, re-birth, seduction, power and grace. All good things in balance. :)

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Post by Doe » Fri May 23, 2008 3:50 pm

I guess I'll share the couple of times that I've encountered snakes and gave them much thought over the past year (although I've always found them fascinating and beautiful, and have never been terribly afraid of them).  "D./David" is the spirit to whom I loosely refer as my "guide".  I think I may have posted this stuff here before, so, if you've seen it, please forgive me--I just wanted to be part of the conversation!

(All of this is taken from my journal; both entries are from summer and fall of last year).

This, at first, was a scary one.  I was in the dark, just kind of hanging out with D. (and maybe a few others—it’s hard to tell sometimes).  When I turned around to leave, I saw an enormous, undulating, thick red “line” all across the room behind me.  In a few seconds I realized that it was a snake, and that I was pretty much surrounded by it, and that its face was approaching me, its little tongue flicking in and out of its mouth.  “Um, David?…” I said.  “This is a little scary.”

OK, I’m well aware of the symbolism in what happened next.  D. took hold of the snake, and kissed its head, and just let me look at it (I know, I know…What’s in YOUR psyche?).  Eventually I realized that it wouldn’t hurt me, or that D. wouldn’t let it hurt me, and I reached out and touched it.  I don’t remember if it was that time, or another shortly after, that D. put the snake around my neck for a few moments.  I’ve seen it since then, and petted it, but never quite as, um, intensely.  Again, I felt that it was a kind of protective gift of some sort, but I could be wrong.

(I also saw several “real” snakes around the house.  That’s certainly not unusual in Florida; it’s just that, in all the years my mother has lived in that house, I’ve never seen one.  Once, as Sandro and I were in the car coming up my mother’s street toward the house, I had to brake very suddenly to avoid running over a huge black snake that was just coiled up in the middle of the road.  We just sat in the car for a few minutes, because I was afraid to open the door to see if it was still there, and afraid to start driving again because I didn’t want to run him over.  After a few minutes I started to drive very slowly, checking in the rear-view mirrors for him.  When I was able to turn around and look behind us, I saw that he was gone.)

(a few weeks later...)

My dream this morning was apparently purely symbolic; I’m just not sure yet what it was symbolic of.  I was in a grocery store of some sort, and a young woman behind one of the counters starting making small talk to me in a rather urgent way.  I wasn’t particularly interested in what she was saying, until she said, “Have you seen the owl we have out back?  We built it a shelter out there.”  Of course, I became VERY interested, and we went out to see it.  (There was some reference to Florida in the dream—either that I was there, or no longer there, but now I can’t remember.  Note to self:  write yer frickin’ dreams out when you wake up, OK?)  He was beautiful; he had the same spooky, intense yellow eyes as the one I saw in Florida.  He was sitting in a tree, while at the same time some other animals (I can’t remember what kind) were below him, eating, ahem…

Death, sex, anyone?  Actually there are so many ways to interpret that that I wouldn’t even know where to begin (after the death/sex thing, of course).  (Actually, the snake/phallic idea is probably about the laziest and least imaginative of all the possible interpretations.)

D. later told me that it wasn't actually him "presenting" the snake to me in the dark, and as I was writing this I just got, "You petted the snake for our protection."

Go figure!


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Post by Doe » Fri May 23, 2008 4:05 pm

WOW!  I think I just had an insight!  (There ya go, Tourbi!  :smt002 )

In Florida last summer I also encountered an owl who had completely inexplicably gotten into the screen surrounding my mother's pool, and I helped him get out.  I looked into the symbolism of the owl; I liked the one about "seeing what others don't see" better than the one about death!  (One of my favorite belongings now is a little Zuni owl fetish that I got on the pueblo last fall.)  And I've been told, "Doe is your name, but owl is your totem."

So anyway, I think of the owl as representing my newfound ability to see the things that I'm privileged enough to see now.

I wrote the entries about the owl, the snake, and the dream just before a very scary period last fall that seemed to be a test of some sort--very frightening, upsetting encounters with what seemed to be very malevolent, angry spirits.  It was a learning experience, but I'm glad it's over!

Anyway, if the owl is "vision", and the snake is "protection", then maybe seeing the other animals eating the snake just below the owl signified something about attempts at taking my protection away (which is what seemed to be happening in the fall).

Ouch...all this thinking hurts my head!  :smt017

Thanks, Tourbi!


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Post by looking_glass » Fri May 23, 2008 4:41 pm

When it starts to hurt your head, it means you need to quiet your mind. You're letting it get the best of you.

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Post by Doe » Fri May 23, 2008 4:47 pm

Just kidding on that one, LG!  Although I do have a notoriously lazy mind...  :smt015


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Post by looking_glass » Fri May 23, 2008 4:49 pm

I still stand by my last post.

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Post by tourbi » Fri May 23, 2008 4:56 pm

The snake gave you it's protective power and was no longer needed.  It was eaten.
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Post by Doe » Fri May 23, 2008 5:05 pm

Hm, Tourbi, I don't know on that one.  If I'd had that dream more recently I'd probably agree, but at that point I was about to enter into a period during which I needed all the protection I could get (a couple of Rottweillers, a flak jacket, a PopeMobile, and an entire spirit SWAT team--although D. did a damn good job, under the circumstances)!  :smt027


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Post by tourbi » Fri May 23, 2008 5:15 pm

Yea, and it was transferred to you when you would need it.  You know what happened, you don't know what might have happened.
Who knows.
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Post by Doe » Fri May 23, 2008 5:20 pm

Oh, yeah...good point!  I know damn well what would have happened to me, and I've thought about it a lot, and I know that other people aren't so lucky sometimes.  I often say to D. that if he hadn't been around from the beginning I'd be in the Emergency Psych ward at Bellevue right now in a straight jacket, with drool dribbling down my chin, muttering something about how I was Mary Magdalene!  It's very scary to think what it would be like to "open up" like that with no point of reference or guidance or protection.  I thank the Creator for it every day.


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Post by Smiling From Within » Tue May 27, 2008 9:13 pm

For me I've dreamt about SNAKE/s before but the first time I had a very vivid dream about walking through a massive pile of snakes all different colours, I wasn't afraid but still not completely confident about walking threw so many.  

I was working in Germany at the time and when I telephone a friend I asked her to look up its meaning and she came out with:  'Someone being deceptive behind your back'  kind of answer.

I know all books have different meanings but that really made sense and was definitely a warning to watch my back and ever since if I dream of a SNAKE  i know it means exactly that, for me anyway.

Smiling From Within x x

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Post by KroovyChai » Tue May 27, 2008 10:09 pm

I just had a weird dream about a snake, it's how I came upon this site.  It's my belief that snake means change though, regrowth!
I carry him with me and question him often.

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Post by squeaky » Wed May 28, 2008 12:59 am

the snake swallowing it's own tail represents wholeness the neverending cycle.

in the adam and eve tale the role of the snake was to bring knowldege, to some religions this is evil, knowledge that is. if you are aware of truth do you require dogma?

we love snakes, the kundalini coiled snake preprared when you are ready to uncoil and lead your to enlightenment. enlightenment is awareness

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Post by Phoenixbinder » Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:41 am

I know this thread is old but it's interesting and fun.  Too bad it stopped.

Snakes for me mean danger and enemies.

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Post by suzisco » Thu Nov 13, 2008 6:21 pm

Yeah i think lots of people think snakes mean danger, perhaps because of the old legends, harry potter and the bible?
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