For those of you who haven't yet decided that I'm a whackjob...

Symbology and symbolism has always played a great role in the esoteric's sphere of life. Discuss everything about symbols here.

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For those of you who haven't yet decided that I'm a whackjob...

Post by Doe » Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:19 pm

I wasn't sure where to post this; this section seems to be the most appropriate, I guess.

I think I've probably mentioned here that I spend a lot of time in the dark, especially in front of mirrors (no, I'm not admiring myself!).  It's how and where I really started to "see" things at the beginning of all of this last year, and these days I do it sometimes because it just makes it easier to see things, and what's being said to me, etc. (I often do it when I'm just too tired to sort out what I see in the light--it's kind of a shortcut--some might call it "being lazy"!).

There's always a LOT going on in there--symbols, words, images, figures, physical sensations, colors--and it's beautiful.  One thing that really amazed me from the beginning, though, is that, in the mirror, my image seems to either disappear or go transparent (I swear that at times I've put my hand behind my head or body or other hand, and I can see my fingers wiggling behind me).

Sometimes (more at the beginning) I've also seen figures apparently putting some kind of "necklace" (made of the previously mentioned triangle symbols) around my neck, and lifting it up over my head and then putting it back.

Just the tip of the iceberg  :smt003  I'm just wondering if anyone has any thoughts, yet again...

(Are you convinced yet?!!!!  :smt101 )



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Post by tourbi » Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:36 pm

People have used the mirror to see more clearly for a very very very long time.  It's a great tool.  People have used water to gaze upon for the same results.  There is nothing wrong with it, it is a viable tool.  
As you see symbols, as you see words, try to keep your head out of it, that part of you that tries to figure it out and let yourself be open to understanding and knowing. Don't let your excitement and need to know cut off all the information you are picking up.
One of the things I learned a long time ago is........I don't have all the answers.  I am connected to the Universe, to that great Knowing, the All that is, thru that connection, when I stay open, I can KNOW what I don't know.  
I hope that makes sense.  
So, when you see something like the necklace and you say to yourself, I don't know what that means, don't cut yourself off and then say and I am connected, (it's ovvious you're connected, you have this opening right in front of you) I know that I am connected to that which does know.  Then ask for the information from the Great Knowingness, the I AM that is the All and then stay open for the answer.
For me, as long as I don't cut it off, it comes to me.  
What a wonderful gift you have.  I would imagine you will soon be able to close your eyes and see the mirror in front of you and have the same connection.  

I hope that helps.

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Post by Doe » Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:49 pm

Hi, Tourbi,

I always get happy when I see that I've gotten a response from you--you just seem to have such a calm, clear way of seeing things, and I feel that I can learn a lot from you.

What you've said here sounds right.  I do feel that if I'm just patient, and open, the answers will come to me when I need them to--when the time is right (I ask David, of course, and he basically tells me the same thing).  In the beginning, I used to make the mistake of jumping to conclusions about things, and then finding that I was completely wrong (and I think it probably caused David all kinds of trouble as he tried to smooth things over and protect me).  "Lots of time," he often tells me.  (And, on the transparency thing, I do get the impression that it's not one of the most important things for me to figure out--just kind of a side-effect, or something.)  It was a good lesson.

By the way, I am able to see pretty much the exact same things as I see in the dark by closing my eyes.  It's hard to explain (maybe you'll recognize it), but I seem to somehow "switch" between ways of seeing--"regular" and "third eye-view", or something.  That's what it feels like, anyway.  In any case, when I close my eyes I can almost always see eyes staring back at me, among other things...beautiful.

Thank you, Tourbi!


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Post by tourbi » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:05 pm

When you see the eyes staring back, have you asked who it is, what it is?
My suggestion is to bless them and let them know how very beautiful they are.
Then love them and appreciate them.  If that feels appropriate for you.

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Post by Doe » Fri Mar 21, 2008 4:21 pm


Sometimes the eyes are Davids' (he had beautiful, very distinctive eyes that are unmistakable--I think maybe he "draws" them for me or something just to let me know he's there, but I'm not sure).  Other times, I think, I've seen mine.  Still others aren't recognizable, and they come in all shapes and sizes, and sparkle.  Often I just see a very large iris; at those times I'm often seeing a lot of other things at the same time.  Some of the eyes open and close, and others are static.

Yes, I do tell them that they're beautiful.  Probably almost once a day, at least, I'll be looking at something either in the dark or in daylight and just be completely awed and reduced to saying, "My God, it's (or sometimes 'you're') SO beautiful!"  I never get bored of it, even if I don't know yet why I see these things!


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Post by FireRose » Sat Mar 22, 2008 2:30 am

LOL DOE YOU'RE INSANE!!! :smt119 HAH!!! .... JUST KIDDING!!! You're so funny, always.

I have never really done anything extensive with mirrors. I actually have a real issue looking myself in the eye ... I don't know it's like I see everything in my own soul or subconscious and I'm just not meant to. So I keep mirrors out of my meditations.

But that's AWESOME that it does you some good!  (and I always love hearing you talk about D ... so sweet!  :smt007 )

But I'm keeping it short tonight ... I'm in severe wisdom-tooth-related pain.
GOODNIGHT!  :smt015

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Yep your wacked

Post by Psychic Chef » Sat Mar 22, 2008 3:43 am

Hi Doe
Welcome to the Wack job club.
I use any reflective surface i can find including a black onux ring that belonged to my dad.
My favourite is the crystal ball i got from Franklin mint and strangely enough the dark screen from the tv is another one for me.
Some times when i really on fire i can use the reflections from a persons right eye. Now thats wierd hey.
Tourbi is right on the nail as always.
Keep going you are doing great.
Cheers Pete

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Post by Doe » Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:58 pm

Hi, FireRose and Pete,

Yup--crazy as a hoot-owl,  but happy as a clam (maybe the latter should be another totem for me!).

So wisdom hurts, huh, FireRose?  I try to keep away from that stuff...Feel better!

Pete, I'll have to try other reflective surfaces, just to see what happens.  Sometimes it seems as if EVERYTHING is a "reflective surface"--the walls, the sky, the just-plain-darkness (actually, there's no such thing as just-plain-darkness, or a just-plain-sky, for me anymore--I have trouble remembering what they used to look like...I just know that they weren't nearly as interesting before!   :smt003 ).

Thanks guys,


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Post by Racheous » Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:02 pm


Just new to the forum here. Have you thought about drawing the eyes that you see or expressing them in some other in order to gain insight? I have found on the rare occassions that I see different symbols it is best for me to express them through painting but it's just an idea. It helps me focus on why rather than who/what/etc.

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Post by Doe » Thu Apr 10, 2008 12:41 pm

Hi, Racheous,

Welcome! And thanks for responding.

Well, I have just about zero artistic talent (FireRose is the artist around here!  :) ), unfortunately.  But, using "Paint" on my computer, I have drawn/"painted" some of the things I've seen, including my image (or lack thereof, at times!) in the mirror as it looks in the dark, with the necklace, etc.  I was able to post two of the pictures somewhere around here on the "Symbols" forum some time ago.

But you're right--I had an impulse almost immediately to try to draw them so that I could look at them and try to understand.  I think I had the feeling that, with time, they might make more sense, so that I should just "capture" them for when that time came (I guess I also wasn't so sure at first if it would all last, and actually some of the symbols have either changed somewhat).  I'm wondering if attempting to draw or paint them freehand, rather than on the computer, might somehow make it more clear by slowing me down to really look at them as I draw.

Hey--I'm on vacation now!  Lots of time to try to do just that...maybe I will.  :)

Thanks again.  I'm looking forward to seeing more of your posts!


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Post by Racheous » Thu Apr 10, 2008 1:00 pm

Thank you. No worries. I'm by no means an artist... nor am I overly in touch with my intuition and the feelings/visions that I have but this forum is certainly a great way for me to process my thoughts on the matter and experience different viewpoints. I love painting and find that when I paint certain forms that I can reveal different attitudes or beliefs that I have about whatever it was/is that I have experienced. Don't worry to much about artistic ability as opposed to shapes, colours or even expressions of the feelings you have when you see/feel it.

It is fairly instinctive. I like to paint things that I fear and how these fears manifest. But I'm an odd one :P I hope I can get to know more of the people on this forum :D

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Post by karlenespellman » Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:34 am

Hi Doe,
Can I join the whackjob club?????????
Thanks Tourbi for explaining, thanks Doe for asking.
This helps me some, my impaitience not your helping.
Doe, how did you learn to be patient??????
I think your like me and meditating is very hard to do( sorry Spiritalk, still working on it).
I did figure out from Tourbi that I do actually meditate gardening, but once I figured that out, I statred overthinking.
A little harder to do now. So please help teach me paitience.

Lots of love to you.

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Post by tourbi » Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:16 am

Patience is starting to be in the moment more and more.  Being with what is in the moment. Work that and you will find yourself to be more patient. Image

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun May 04, 2008 1:25 am

[quote="tourbi"]Patience is starting to be in the moment more and more.  Being with what is in the moment. Work that and you will find yourself to be more patient. [img] ... Smiley.gif[/img][/quote]

I found your posting irresistible, dear Tourbi :-)
Hence I stick my neck out even if I close my eyes for the cleaver or is it the clover (that will thin the blood and perhaps prevent a stroke at my ripe age! B-)

For me, Patience has always meant completely dismissing all rigid concepts and illusions about this so called "moment"! There is no such thing in the MAYA of TIME!

The way I look at it is this:

We do not prepare for the moment!
The moment is just the memory of when we felt fully prepared!

Makes sense?

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Post by StarDragon » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:45 am

I still find mirrors to be slightly creepy. I know that as a child, I was convinced that there was a mirror world, and I was fascinated, obsessed at times, and intimidated all at the same time. I wonder if that is still affecting the way I interact with mirrors. Perhaps I am merely feeling the power of my own reflection? Idk. Just a thought, I guess. ^-^

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