Help for back pain

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Help for back pain

Post by Deucalion » Mon Jul 23, 2007 11:36 am

Hi, just before last Christmas I fell over and landed on the base of my spine.  I was in agony so went to the doctors.  She examined me and said that i hadn't broken anything, but there was a lot of tissue swelling and because i had damaged this area before (fell off a chair onto a concrete floor several years ago) it would probably take a while to heal.  She told me to use a Ibuprofen based cream and to take painkillers.  This i have been doing every day since.  The pain is a lot better, but is still there and walking long distances or sitting for long periods is painful.  I don't want to continue taking these drugs as i am concerned about the long term effects.  Any suggestions on a Herbal cream that i could use instead?  Thanks :)

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Post by goodbot » Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:36 pm

Hi Deucalion:

My reply is "off topic" for this "Homeopathy" section of the BBS, but it matches your original query.

I'd like to bring to your attention an "alternative" medical methodology referred to a "profusion therapy" (there may be more appropriate or recognized names for this than this original moniker used 20+ years ago).  This methodology is mostly practiced by Doctors of Osteopathy ("DO's")...

Simply, they use targeted injections (of a simple saline solution) into your physically affected areas... your body responds to this "invasion" by heralding a big defense/counter offensive... you get (temporarily) a painful natural response (inflammation, bruising, etc)... but after this naturally passes, your previously affected area is naturally re-built to a stronger disposition to what you naturally had before the injury.

This is apparently used by sports professionals, etc.  The original book on this topic (my source of info) is named "Pain, Pain Go Away", and the author is Dr. William Farber.  If you're interested in this... you should inquire about it to these DO's in your area... I think it's still an "alternative" approach within that field, so most DOs may not be familiar with it, or offer it.

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Back Problems

Post by kramont » Thu Sep 20, 2007 1:18 pm

You asked about  herbal cream for your back.  In 40 years I have not found one for the back, that worked.

BTW - I have had back problems for 42 years.  From my experience, if you have severe pain after 7 months you might have more than a brused whatever.  Or a doctor who feels a pill heals all.

I found oral aspirin to be the most effective thing for inflamation of my back.  Ibuprofen was a second but not as effictive with inflamation.

If the doctor did not miss a broken vertebra then it is up to you to change what is keeping the area irritated.   Change your posture, exercises, repetative movements.....keep out of recliners!  Is your bed too soft, the water bed might have to go.

What cured me was a change in exercises at the gym, straight backed chairs, a lot of watching TV laying on the floor.....and my biomagnets.  Woops, the most important....find a good chiropractor!  There are a lot of bad back crackers out there.  With your lingering problem and pain, like mine for 42 years, I found I had to go to chiropractors who are expert in the "activator", and keep away from anyone who wants to twist your spine.  

Good luck

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Homeopathic medicine for High BP

Post by chandrika s » Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:05 pm


What would be the medicine for high BP in homeopathy. Allopaths and others say that once you are on tablets for BP, it has to be taken for life without a break. I have an aversion to allopathic drugs because of their side effects. The work pressures have brought on a new bout of BP. Is there a cure in Homeopathy? What is it. can the resident doctor help please


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May want to check

Post by stressed61614 » Mon Mar 17, 2008 4:30 am

Back Pain

May want to check out some other things. Make sure U have an MRI and maybe even a bone scan. Some other things you might check if you haven't yet is Web MD '', rsds '' just a couple of places I have gone. Then convince your doctor to look into it. :smt012  Some Dr. think they are gods U know :smt002 . Hope this helps.

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Post by Astroameya » Tue Mar 18, 2008 10:25 am

I had similar situation 6 years ago, I fell from 2nd floor in US. (age 60 years that time). I was unconscious for 2 days. 3rd day I gained consciouness. My lumber region (lower portion of vertebrae) was badly hit and legs (swollend like elephant legs and bottoms affected - pain from lumber region to toes) Normally at that age, people get paralysis.

I took following after my discharge from hospital (5th day

1) Arnica 200 dil (1 dram) (Internal)

3-4 drops in water (2 table spoon of water). Just shake. Taking sip by sip

(avoiding coffee and alcohol).

Repeated after 3 days.

Repeated after 3 days.

Therafter no need.

2) Ferrum phos 6 x tables (Tissue salt)

   10 tabs in glass. Pour boiling water - make glass full.

   Stir, taking sip by sip each time stirring.

   Repeated in the afternoon.

   Continued for 10 days.

Beside, I started Ice therapy. Within a month I started walking with difficulty.

Legs swelling reduced considerably.

I continued Ferrum Phos and Ice therapy for 6 month. 8th month onwards Swelling gone. I started driving car but difficulty in walking.

Then I continued Ferrum Phos, Mag Phos and Kali phos (all 6 x potency)
Continued Ice theraphy monring and evening for six month more.

I am today fit to climb hills, swimming, driving.

You may read about above tissue salts and Arnica on site.

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