Nun sees Reiki as extension of faith

Know more about this Japanese form of energy healing.

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Nun sees Reiki as extension of faith

Post by swetha » Tue Mar 14, 2006 6:49 am

By Kathleen Ganster

An American Catholic nun performing a Japanese healing art may seem unusual to some, but Sister Mary Jo Mattes believes it's a natural combination.

"God is the one in charge. God is the one who is directing the healing," she said.

Sister Mary Jo is a member of the Sisters of St. Francis of Millvale and the Reiki master and teacher in charge of the new Tabor Reiki Center in Millvale.

Reiki is a spiritual healing art in which hands are placed on or near a person and moved in specific positions. Reiki is noninvasive, and clients remain fully clothed.

A Reiki practitioner "transfers universal life force to the recipient," Sister Mary Jo said. The treatment starts with both the client and practitioner asking God for healing, she said.

"I ask the client what their desire is then and ask them to be open to God's graces. We then pray and ask for God's direction," she said.

"The Reiki practitioner directs the healing energy to various parts of the body, not necessarily where the person may have pain."

Sister Mary Jo, 46, was introduced to Reiki nearly 20 years ago when she was on a retreat.

"I had hurt my back and had Reiki done, but my back actually hurt more. It turned me off to Reiki, although I later learned I really should have stayed with it," she said. "Then a few years later, I decided to try it again and went every day for treatment. After only a couple of treatments, I felt better."

About that same time she saw a brochure advertising Reiki training at the Sophia Center in Cleveland. The center will send a trainer to teach a group of 12 or more, so Sister Mary Jo got a group together for training two times in Millvale. She enjoyed it so much she went to the Sophia Center for more training and had the opportunity to practice Reiki on clients and train others.

Although her education and training is in business administration, Sister Mary Jo worked for years at St. Francis Hospital with young people who were dependent on drugs and others in need. Since the hospital closed, she has stepped up her Reiki practice.

Sister Mary Jo had been practicing at the Tabor House of Prayer on Hawthorne Avenue in Millvale, where she lives, but she didn't have enough space there. "I had to put things up and take them down, so I found the [new] location late last year," she said of the center's new site at 715 North Ave., which will hold an open house Sunday.

Dorothy Pfund, of Millvale, is one of Sister Mary Jo's clients and a practitioner of Reiki. "I first went when I fell and hit my head. Of course, I went and had X-rays, but they didn't show anything and I still had pain. I went and they worked on my head and it helped," she said.

During a recent treatment, Mrs. Pfund said, "I felt a lot of heat on my head. Sister said it was because I had a head cold. The energy goes where you need it. It is really hard to describe."

Mrs. Pfund is trained as a practitioner but she performs Reiki only on friends.

Some of the practitioners do volunteer work in the community, Sister Mary Jo said. "Glenshaw Presbyterian Church will use Reiki masters in their healing services," she said.

She hopes the center will introduce more people to Reiki and that other practitioners will work from there as well.

"We want to expand our services," she said.

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Post by nitinsaxena77 » Tue Jan 27, 2009 11:10 am

nice story
Thanks & Regards

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Post by dblmagus » Thu Apr 09, 2009 7:12 pm

Its always nice to see members of the christian faith willing to extend their minds to different techniques.

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Post by CityHunter » Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:20 am

Correct.  Some of the Roman Catholic nuns here who do energy healing - which is quite like Reiki - taps on one's faith in God.  Both healer and receiver need to have faith in Him for it to work effectively.  I also do this when I assist people especially those with really serious problems.

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Post by Ahti.Mohan » Sun Oct 25, 2009 2:31 am

never knew that... why do nuns have such faith...?

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Post by CityHunter » Sat Oct 31, 2009 12:19 am

The faith that the nun have in my shared example is that they are used as a channel or medium to course that healing energy to the subject.  That faith is like having a signal on our cellular phone.  Without that signal your cellular phone is useless.  Same thing applies to them.  Without faith within themselves and of the subject then that energy to heal them won't get through.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Sun Nov 01, 2009 6:24 pm

When I first started learning about Reiki and energy healing I also tried to find a rational explanation for why it works. For one, our whole body is made from atoms which consist of electrons, protons and neutrons - electromagnetic energy. Just like you can use a magnet to magnetize a plain piece of iron which is in fact the alignment of iron atoms in one direction so that the piece of iron becomes polarized and receives magnetic properties. The body works similarly - Reiki realigns the flow of energy within your body and even enhances your ability to channel it to others.

Thought creates matter and changes energy levels and flow within us and around us. That's why faith in one's ability, spiritual guidance and healing is a prerequisite for being successful.

When I think of laying on of hands I think of Jesus Christ and His disciples first; also the fact that He passed on the ability to heal to his disciples who retained it even after He ascended into heaven. There were also long distance healings and He told people he healed on different occasions that their faith had healed them. Check the New Testament for applicable passages... Who would have more energy than God father, Son and Holy Spirit?! Of course He'd retain that ability on earth and would be able to heal in an instant all subjects that were open to it and pass on the knowledge.

Some people would scream blasphemy here, but I am positive that energy healing is a gift bestowed on us by our creator!

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Post by Talia » Thu Jun 11, 2015 4:17 pm

PetraVanilla wrote:When I first started learning about Reiki and energy healing I also tried to find a rational explanation for why it works. For one, our whole body is made from atoms which consist of electrons, protons and neutrons - electromagnetic energy. Just like you can use a magnet to magnetize a plain piece of iron which is in fact the alignment of iron atoms in one direction so that the piece of iron becomes polarized and receives magnetic properties. The body works similarly - Reiki realigns the flow of energy within your body and even enhances your ability to channel it to others.

Thought creates matter and changes energy levels and flow within us and around us. That's why faith in one's ability, spiritual guidance and healing is a prerequisite for being successful.

When I think of laying on of hands I think of Jesus Christ and His disciples first; also the fact that He passed on the ability to heal to his disciples who retained it even after He ascended into heaven. There were also long distance healings and He told people he healed on different occasions that their faith had healed them. Check the New Testament for applicable passages... Who would have more energy than God father, Son and Holy Spirit?! Of course He'd retain that ability on earth and would be able to heal in an instant all subjects that were open to it and pass on the knowledge.

Some people would scream blasphemy here, but I am positive that energy healing is a gift bestowed on us by our creator!

What a lovely thread even if very old, sometimes the old are good.

This is the way I see reiki and the world, using the atoms the energy can be felt as heat. I have been told I have very hot hands when I am directing energy and it is a lovely feelings.

Why should healing be blasphemy, perhaps 6 years later we are more open I hope. It sure explains Jesus and some of the parables.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jun 13, 2015 4:07 pm

While warmth (physical) is often associated with Reiki-touch, it varies from subject to subject and also for the same reiki channel. Following the 'warmth' lead I had been studying it from an astrological angle and my comparative study was released for publication earlier on boloji. While, the hint (assumption?) was useful and fruitful for my exploration, the heat cannot be taken as a sine qua non or only sensation.

Also, healing energies, as these are generally and loosely dubbed, should probably not be pigeon-holed into physical phenomena etc. I would not be surprised if *dimensions* other than physical are involved. Humans (and other living-nonliving beings) coexist simultaneously in multiple dimensions. For instance, we have strong associations with physical dimensions and identify with our physical bodies. Each of us also exists in the 'mental' dimension (thoughts and ideas). We also exist in emotional dimension and also spiritual dimension (many meditators and psychics dip into that from time to time as do others). Metaphysical literature tries to capture that using 'physical' terminology such as sheaths, bodies, koshas, etc. My sense is that these are all 'verbal approximations' and that is not a criticism really. Most of these concepts tend to be experiential and hence quite personal and subjective. The problem arises when we convince ourselves that these approximations are concrete and absolute (& necessarily physical?).

For instance the sensation of warmth and bringing physical atoms into explaining reiki for instance might sound attractive but does not explain similar feelings experienced by someone thousands of mile away (distance healing) or even more so when distance involves physical distance and temporal distance (sending reiki into the past or future).

So, Hark! Caveat Healer...!! ;-)

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Post by Talia » Sat Jun 13, 2015 6:08 pm

Mind boggling, I have problems with electrical physiology and chemistry. Should we experiment I wonder?

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Jun 13, 2015 7:08 pm

Talia wrote:Mind boggling, I have problems with electrical physiology and chemistry. Should we experiment I wonder?
Perhaps we can try our hand (pardon the pun!) and see if a featherweight compass needle can respond to the flow of neutrinos (the particle that defies gravity, distances and time) emanating from the healing touch.

I realize that there are available frightfully expensive e-machines from a certain newage site that used to sell pyramids and light machines etc. Might be cheaper if one does a biological experiment? Like subjecting one pea pod to positive energies while depriving another the benefit of the same? And seeing if something comes out of that?

I hope that is not being too cold-hearted and cruel to the pea plant?   :smt010  :smt017

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